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庆风小学四年级英语期中测试题(200805) Class_ Name _ Result _ 听力部分(30分) 一听一听,选一选。(5分)( )1.A. writing B. reading C. walking D. playing( )2.A. beautiful B. expensive C. powerful D. purple( )3.A. broke B. ate C. cut D. went( )4.A. proud B. happy C. sad D. piano( )5.A. paint B. write C. make D. play二.听一听,排一排。(6分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三.听一听,排一排。(6分)( ) Lets go. ( ) Lets play basketball.( ) Lets have apicnic. ( ) Lets cut the paper.( ) Lets stick it together. ( ) Lets draw picture.四.听一听,填一填。(7分)1. Dont tell _ .2. This TV is _. Its small and cheap.3. I love _ music.4. Lily will write the _. Shes good at English.5. Dont run. Its _6Whats _ now?7. Its difficult to _ !五.听一听,选一选。(6分)( )1. When will Sam, Amy, Lingling and Daming have a class party? A. This Sunday. B. This Saturday. C. This weekend.( )2. Whats there next to their school? A. A zoo. B. A park. C. A lake.( )3. Who will play football? A. Daming. B. Lingling. C. Sam.( )4. Who will play basketball? A. Sam. B. Daming. C. Amy.( )5. What will Lingling and Amy do? A. Theyll swim. B. Theyll run. C. Theyll fly kites.( )6. What time will they be there? A. At ten ocock. B. At nine oclock. C. At eight oclock. 笔试部分(70分)一. 找出不同类的词。(5分)( )1 A. koala B. wolf C. pipa D. sheep( )2 A. anything B. singing C. playing D. running( )3 A. school B. drums C. erhu D. guitar( )4 A. was B. did C. got D. do( )5 A. cut B. stick C. draw D. newspaper二. 找出划线部分读音与众不同的一项。(5分)( )1 A. meat B. bread C. read D. eat( )2A. year B. near C. pear D. hear( )3A. thank B. this C.that D. there( )4A. quiet B. quick C. quarter D. project( )5 A. glad B. glue C.grass D. glass三. 按要求写单词。(10分)Lets( )完全形式 will not ( )缩略形式 it is( )缩略形式 play( )现在分词 write( )现在分词 clap( )现在分词 like( )过去式 run( )过去式 say( )过去式 buy( )过去式四. 读一读,选一选。(5分)1. Its cold outside. _ the window.( dont open / open )2. This pen _ five yuan. ( cost / costs )3. Yesterday I _ to school very early. ( came / come )4. The boy is _ a picture. ( painting / paints )5. Lets _ TV. ( watch / watches )五. 用所给词语的适当形式填空?(5分)1. We are _ ( swim )2. You _ ( go ) to the park yesterday.3. They _ ( be ) pigs.4. This pen _ ( cost ) nineteen yuan.5. What are you _ ( eat )?六. 用所给的疑问代词填空。(5分)Where When What Who Why1. _ is your birthday?2._ is my hat? I cant find it.3._ did you do yesterday?4._ are you? Are you Lily? 5._ dont we go to the park?七. 给句子找出相应的答语。(5分)( )1.What will you do? A. Wow! How beautiful they are!( )2. How much does it cost? B. I listened to the radio.( )3. Whats happening now? C. Little Tom is singing now.( )4. What did you do? D. It costs one hundred yuan.( )5. Look at these computer! E.Well fly kites.八. 单项选择。(10分)( )1. Dad played _ guitar yesterday. A. a B. the C. / D. an( )2._ I helped my father. A.Tomorrow B. Last Sunday C. Now D. Today( )3. I can _ volleyball. A. playing B. play C. played D. playes( )4. Its too _ . Do you have a cheap one? A. expensive B. perfect C. powerful D. cheap( )5. Dont write _ the book! A. in B. on C. at D. under( )6. Dont touch _ ! A. anything B. something C. everything D. thing( )7. What_ the twins ( 双胞胎)doing? A. are B. am C. is D. be( )8. I can play _ basketball. A. a B. the C. / D. an( )9. What _ you do tomorrow? A. do B. are C. will D. is( )10. Yesterday _ Friday. A. were B. is C. was D. are九. 连词成句。(5分)1. a surprise / Its / party / my mum / fo
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