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普通高校招生英语统一口试评分标准及题目普通高校招生英语统一口试成绩分为优,良,合格,不合格四个评判等级,供相关院校录取时参考。优语音,语调准确,吐音清晰,朗读流利,对句子重读,意群和停顿,连读,节奏等方面把握较好,能回答主考所提出的问题。良语音,语调准确,吐音清晰,朗读流利,对句子重读,意群和停顿,连读,节奏等方面把握较好,基本上能回答主考所提出的问题。合格语音,语调基本准确,虽有某些错音,但朗读较为流利,能回答主考所提出的部分问题。不合格1, read a book,watch a film and sometimes play volleyball.2 class adviser;because he is nice and he has a warm heart.3Its colorful and unforgetable.口吃或其他先天性发音障碍(即可评定为不合格)语音,语调差且朗读文段不流利,几乎回答不了主考所提出的问题。注意:1.考生口试时间一般不超过5分钟2.考生进场后,主考一般以下面两句开始:1. Show me your admission card, please.2. Sit down, please.高考口语考试题目第一套(第一份)1. TomCruise,In my eyes,he is handsome,he is very talented in film.2. Yes,I do .As a matter of fact ,I was a volunteer in my school, I helped sort books.(reminded students of doing better),as far as Im concerned,it makes sense,Im forward to helping others.3. yes,I do.it can help me improve my english. And I think practice makes perfect.1. What do you usually do at weekends?2. Which teacher do you like best in senior high school?Why?3. How do you feel about your middle school life?(第二份)1. Which film star do you like best?Why?2. Do you like to be a volunteer?Why / why not?3. Do you often help your parents with the housework?Why/ why not?(第三份)1.What would you like to be inthe future?2.Can you say something about Internet?3.Do you often practice your English Writing?Why/ why not?第二套(第一份)1.Do you like helping others?Why/ why not?2.Do you like watching movies in your spare time?Why/ why not?3.Would you please saysomethingabout a place you have visited?(第二份)1.Can you saysomethingabout your favorite teacher?2.What is the happiest thing in your life?Why?3.Would you please tell ussomethingabout your favorite singer(s)?(第三份)1.What animal do you like best?Why?2.How do youpracticeyour oral English?3.Which scientist do you like best?Why?第三套(第一份)1.How do you spend your Spring Festival?2.Can you saysomethingabout the people in your hometown?3.Do you like reading English novel?Why/ why not?(第二份)1.Whats your favourite TV programme?2.Can you say something about your learning habits?3.Can you tell us something about one of members in your family?(第三份)1.Can you say something about one of your classmates?2.Which university do you prefer to study?Why?3.Do you like English?Why or why not?第五套(第一份)1.Whats the date today?2.Can you say something about your senior school?3.What birthday present will you prefer to have?Why?(第二份)1.What do you usually do in your spare time?2.Do you like reading novels?Why/why not?3.Who is yourfavoriteEnglish teacher?Why?(第三份)1.What kind of booksinterests you most?Why?2.Do you like your English class?Why/ why not?3.Do you like to study in a university in our province?Why/ why not?(一)1、Doyou like your monitor? Why? Why not?2、Isyour English teacher strict with you in your studies? How?3、Howare you getting along with your classmates?(二)1、Whatkind of music do you like best?2、Whatdo you think of your English teacher?3、Whois your best friend? Say something about himher.(三)1、Doyou often use dictionaries when you learn English?2、whatdate is your birthday?3、Howdo you like your mother?第二套(一)1、Doyou often play football/table tennis/volleyball/ Why? Why not?2、Whichdo you like better,watching TV or seeing movies?3、Pleasesay something about your family.(二)1、Doyou enjoy music? Why? Why not?2、Whatsyour favourite subject?3、Whatdo you often do on Sundays?(三)1、Doyou buy any presents for your parents on their birthdays?2、Whatsport do you like best?3、Whatare you going to do during summer holidays?福建省历年高考英语口语考试题(二)第一份1、Whatis your favorite subject? Why?2、Howdo you usually spend your weekends?3、Whatdo you think of your school? Please describe it.第二份1、Howdo you usually celebrate your birthday?2、Doyou want to take English as your major? Why? Why not?3、Canyou tell us something about your English teacher?第三份1、Doyou often ask your English teacher questions? Why/ Why not?2、Howcan you improve your spoken English?3、Wouldyou please give a brief introduction of your family?第六套第一份1、Howdo you find your English teacher?2、Doyou love music? Why/Why not?It can help me relax,relieve the pressure.3.Whichuniversity do you like best? Why?第二份1、Doyou often watch TV at home? Which channel?/Why not?2、Howdo you usually spend your weekends?3、Whatare you going to be in the future?第三份1、Doyou love your hometown?Why?/ Why not?2、Whatis your favorite sport?3、Whatdo you often do in your spare time
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