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(完整)新版译林英语四年级上期末试卷新版译林四年级(上)期末试卷姓名 _ 得分 _听力部分( 30 分)(10 分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。 (听两遍)() 1、A. anyB. manyC. twenty() 2、 A. dogsB. dollsC. balls() 3、 A. eyesB. earsC. nice() 4、 A. thirtyB. thirstyC. thirteen() 5、 A. in the kitchenB. in the bedroomC. in the living room() 6、 A. a cup of coffeeB. a glass of juiceC. a glass of milk() 7、 A. sevenB. elevenC. fifteen() 8、 A. big and redB. red and smallC. fat and short() 9、 A. What would you like?B. Would you like an orange?C. What do you have?() 10、A. 40 fat dogsB. 14 fat dogsC. 40 cats and dogs二、听录音,给下边的图片标序号。(听两遍) (8 分 )()()()()()()()()三、听录音,依据所听内容选择正确的应答。(听两遍) (5分 )()1.A. I have three bananas.B. I can see three.C.I like bananas .()2. A. Yes ,I can .B.I can see three.C.I can skate.()3.A. No, I can t.B. No,I don t.C. Yes , please.()4. A. They re nice.B. Yes,I do.C.It s very cute.()5.A.I like dogs .B. Some fruit salad.C.Yes,please.四、听录音 , 填入所缺的单词 .(7分 )Hello! My name is Tom.I can_, I cant _.This is Lucy, Shesmysister. She s nine. She can play _. She can t _. That s my brother,peter. He s four. He can t play football. He can and _.笔试部分( 70 分)一、补全单词并写出此中文意思。(10 分)1. pda2.aad3. ffeen4.oderf l5. tgr6.re7. thty8. fige9. gp10. kchen二、英汉互译。(10 分 )1. 这些玩具熊猫 _3. 多少钱 _5. 她的小鼻子_7、 喜爱大象 _9、 一杯茶2. a glass of juice_4. eat some cakes_6. love to skate_8.anything else _10.Don tbe sad.三、选择填空。(15 分 )()1.Can you?A. swimmingB. swim()2.-Whatyou like ?-_like a sandwich.A. do ,IB.would, I d()3. Do you like _?No, I don t.A.catB. monkey()4. Look at our fruit salad. _A. Yes, I do.B. How nice!()5. Can you play table tennis?No, I _.A. am notB. do not()6. How many _ do you have?C. swimsC. would , IC. itC. Thank you.C. can t _.A. mango; TwoB. mangoes; Two()7. Where _ my shoes? They re in the _, under the bed.A.are; bedroomB. is; bedroom()8.-Can you see the boythe tree?C. mangoes; TooC. are; living room-Yes ,I can.A.withB.inC.on()9.I don thave a doll,.A.tooB.eitherC.then()10.He can jump.A.wellB.goodC.nice()11. Do you like_?- Yes ,IA. apples, do.B. apples, likeC. an apple ,do()12.-Can you play _?-Yes,I can.A.basketballB.a footballC.the basketball()13.-you like some grapes?-No ,thank you .A.DoB. WouldC. Are()14.-toy cars do you have?-Ten.A.What aboutB. How manyC. How much()15.I have some pens.in the pencil box.A. It sB. They reC. I m四、连词成句。 ( 5 分)1. you ,like , What, would(?)2. at ,cakes , those, look.(.)3. jump, you, can(?)4. you, any, Do, have, pies(?)5. footballs, how ,have ,many ,do you.(?)五、在 II 栏中找出与I 栏中相应的答句。 ( 5 分)I()1. Look at this elephant. I like elephants()2. Would you like some fruit salad?()3. Do you like grapes?()4. Dad, wheres my cap?()5. Can you see the box?IIA. Yes, I can.B. It s cute.C. Yes, Id like these apples.D. No, I don t.E. Its in your bedroom.六、排序。( 4 分)1. Thanks, Dad. Now, I m hungry.2. No, they aren t.3.OK,it s in the fridge.4.What about an egg?5. Are they on the sofa?6. No, I d like a cake.7.Dad,where are my socks?8. Look ,they are in the box.七、阅读理解。(16 分每空一分 )( A )This is Mary s room. It s bigniceand.We can see some kites on the front wall ( 前墙 ).On the back wall( 后墙 ), there s a clock. ,Lookitis four fifty now!We can see a desk and bed in her room. The desk is near the window. Where are herbag and pencil-bo x? They re on the desk. What s onWethecanbed?see a pair of socks.Mary likes them, but t hey re too short.Mary and her friend Kate like this room very much! They like to play here!(一 ).判断对错 ,正确的用“ T 表示 ,不正确的用“F”表示 .1. () We can see a clock on the back wall.2. () Its five forty now.3. () We can see a desk and bed in her room.4. () The jeans are too short.(二 ).依据短文内容填空。
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