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国庆节旅游英语作文:我的国庆节9月30日,我们全家上了车,预备开头慈溪和杭州的旅程。In September 30th, our family on the car, ready to begin the Cixi and journey to Hangzhou.首先要去的是慈溪,一路上我们说说笑笑,像无话不谈的好朋友。突然,我们正在走的桥把我吸引住了。爸爸说:“这是杭州湾大桥,它全长36公里,是目前世界上最长的跨海大桥。”First to go is Cixi, along the way we have a pleasant talk together, like a good friend can talk about anything. Suddenly, we are walking bridge attracted me. Dad said: “this is the Hangzhou Bay Bridge, it is 36 kilometers in length, is the cross sea bridge is currently the longest in the world.“说着说着,我们就来到了慈溪的恒元大酒店。刚好,到了吃中饭的时间,于是,我们就在酒店里吃了饭。接着,我们又去了慈溪的鸣鹤古镇,我原以为古筝全是卖古玩的,可没想到,到了那里,才知道,鸣鹤古镇还没开发好,现在只有船可以坐。于是,我们只好去坐快艇了。当我们得知5个人只要80元时,全家都很快乐。玩着玩着,就到晚上了,于是,我们就回酒店了。She said, we came to the South Heng Yuan Cixi Le Grand Large Hotel. Just, to have lunch time, so, we eat dinner at the hotel. Then, we went to the town Cixi whooping crane, I thought the guzheng is selling antique, can not think of, go there, just know, whooping crane town has not developed good, now only a boat can sit. So, we had to sit speedboat. When we learned that 5 people as long as 80 yuan, the whole family are all very happy. Playing playing, to night, so, we went back to the hotel.其次天,我们动身去杭州,没想到,起来的晚,到了吃中饭的时间还没到杭州。于是,我们就到效劳区区尝一尝当地小吃。吃晚饭,我们又去杭州的西湖边上逛街,逛完街,我们就要去查找“舌尖上的美味”啦。非常钟后,我找到了鱿鱼串,姐姐找到了菠萝饭;爸爸妈妈找到了“叫化鸡”。The very next day, we went to Hangzhou, did not think of, rise to the night, to have lunch time has not arrived Hangzhou. So, we have to service a taste of local snacks. Dinner, we went to shopping in Hangzhou, West Lake on the edge, after shopping, we go in search of the “tip of the tongue on the delicious“. Ten minutes later, I found the squid series, sister find pineapple rice; mom and dad found “baked chicken“.第三天,我们就高快乐兴地回家了。The third day, we went home happily.
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