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(英语)高三英语阅读理解(人物故事)专项训练100(附答案)含解析一、高中英语阅读理解人物故事类1阅读理解 Many people criticize todays newspapers as sensationalist, satisfying the publics abnormal curiosity. But journalism a century ago was just as notorious (臭名昭著). Publishers at that time routinely competed with each other for wild stories that could draw in the most readers. Meanwhile, it was an ideal atmosphere for a courageous reporter like Nellie Bly to spring into fame. Bly, whose name was Elizabeth Corcoran, had to work to make her way in the world. Different from many women of the time, however, she refused to let the working world scare her away. Her first big opportunity as a reporter came in 1885 after she wrote an angry letter denouncing the Pittsburgh Dispatch for an article it had run criticizing women forced to work outside the home. The interested and excited editor hired Bly for her spirit, and soon she was investigating the situations of female factory workers. Bly cared less about their jobs than their lives after work - their amusements, their motivations, their fears and ambitions. She produced an article totally different from what other reporters of the time were writing: personal, thoughtful, meaningful. By 1887 Bly had a job with the New York World, one of the leader papers of the day. She quickly became famous for undercover stories about women in a mental hospital. Soon she had investigated life as a maid, a chorus girl, and even a street girl. In her best - known brave deeds, in 1890, Bly beat the famous around the world in 80 days trip Jules Verne had described in his novel. Traveling by steamship, train, even ricksha, Bly reported from each stop. A spellbound nation hung on every word. Only 25, Bly had become internationally famous.(1)Blys first newspaper job was . A.with the New York WorldB.with the Pittsburgh DispatchC.to interview mental patientsD.to experience life of chorus girls(2)What does the underlined word denouncing in Para. 2 probably mean? A.Praising.B.Questioning.C.Informing.D.Condemning.(3)How did Nellie Bly gain world - wide fame? A.By criticizing Jules Verne.B.By competing with other reporters.C.By writing stories through investigation.D.By caring about women from different classes.(4)Which of the following best describes Nellie Bly? A.Daring and practical.B.Acute and confident.C.Critical and dependent.D.Calm and enthusiastic.【答案】 (1)B(2)D(3)C(4)A 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,Bly是一名美国女记者,在那个记者都热衷于相互竞争而报道不实新闻特殊年代,她选择为女性说话。为了能调查清楚事实,她扮成乞丐,女仆,神经病患者。她不顾自己的工作甚至安危的态度,让她成了美国历史上著名的女记者。 (1)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的Her first big opportunity as a reporter came in 1885 after she wrote an angry letter denouncing the Pittsburgh Dispatch for an article it had run criticizing women forced to work outside the home. The interested and excited editor hired Bly for her spirit,可知,Bly写信谴责Pittsburgh dispatch的文章,却因为她的勇气被主编雇佣了。故选B。 (2)考查词义猜测。根据该句中的 angry letter 可知她信的内容是批评Pittsburgh dispatch的文章。A. Praising表扬;B. Questioning.质问;C. Informing.告知;D. Condemning.谴责选项中和批评相近的选项是condemn(谴责)。故选D。 (3)考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的She quickly became famous for undercover stories about women in a mental hospital.她很快因为揭露精神病院女性的故事而名声大振)可知,Bly是因为报道女性故事而出名的。故选C。 (4)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的a courageous reporter like Nellie Bly可知她是勇敢的,再通过下文讲述她卧底去调查女性事件,说明她是实事求是的人。故选A。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,词义猜测和推理判断三个题型的考查,是一篇故事类阅读,考生需要准确捕捉细节信息,同时根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,从而选出正确答案。2阅读理解 For most of her life, Suanne Laqueurs passion for storytelling was shown on the dance floor. Although Laqueur began writing at a young age, dancing always took center stage. She majored in dance and theater at Alfred University and taught at her mothers dance studio in Croton-on-Hudson, New York, for years. But when her mother was ready to retire and an opportunity opened for Laqueur to take over the studio, she realized she had no interest in taking on the business side of her art: Owning a studio is a lot of workfinancially, logistically. I love the teaching, the choreographing(编舞), the staging, but I didnt want to own it. Yet Laqueurs disinterest in running the studio changed when she became a self-published author. In the fall of 2013, she decided to pursue Self-publishing as a way of sharing her first completed novel with friends and family. During the process, she realized that following her true passiontelling stories through writingmade the business of the art worthwhile, and owning that business meant she could direct her writing career however she chose. Starting with her second self-published novel, she began investing more time in marketing and building her audience. Her investment paid off. Since 2014, Laqueur, now 49, has self-publ
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