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Teaching Plan备课人:XX备课日期: 授课班级:预热课授课日期:每周学生人数:12课时进度:阶段:Pre-k备课内容:笔筒教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:能输出its pencil, its pencil box2. 思维目标:初步英语思维;想象创新思维,自己设计笔筒的颜色,图案等。3. LTP培养目标:(1)项目管理:能够在老师的引导下,自己放水杯,自己选择座位。(2)团队合作:在老师的引导下,遵守我们的课堂规则,分享教具。4. 情感态度目标:课堂中情绪高,氛围好,提升英语的趣味性课堂管理目标:1. sit well,让小朋友明白sit well的意义,应该怎么做。2. English only,引导小朋友在课堂模仿老师去说英语,不能大声地说中文。Materials:授课:XXX彩纸包好的易拉罐:彩笔:铅笔实物;笔筒实物;火车头套; Sticker教学重点难点:预热课整堂课氛围活跃,做到每个环节及环节间过度都不冷场学生情况分析:预热课孩子大多刚接触英语,多鼓励引导;哭闹孩子,助教安抚课堂组织与活动设计流程及时长该环节目标组织形式(活动设计)教学步骤教师教学行为及教学用语学生学习行为及语言输出教学资源重点注意事项目标达成检测Warm up(10mins)暖场,中英过度,师生互相认识歌曲,游戏1. Greeting-Hello everyone, my name is XX, can you say hello XX, this is AA(co-t), can you say hello AA?-Show me your eyes? Small eyes? -Hello XX-Hello AA大多孩子的输出都需要助教引导一到新环节助教需做model,并且以较活跃的形式孩子在课堂的情绪,回答的积极性,各授课:XXX增加学生与老师的熟悉度2. Rewards3.Roll call-Its a pencil box-Come on.白板环节的参与度授课:XXX让孩子感知课堂规则4.Classroom rulesBig eyes? Eyes on the board. Look, do you know, whats this?-Yes, its a pencil box; today everyone has one pencil box. If you are good, you can get pencils inside the pencil box. -Today, who has many pencils who is no.1, you can get 3 stickers, others can only get 1 sticker .So everyone, come on.-Lets count how many pencil boxes are there, 1,2,3., there are 12 pencil boxes. Now I will call your name and you should answer me loudly -Ok.-I am here.-I am here-No-AA, sit well-I sit wellPPTRoll call可以多跟小朋友有身体接触,比如,give me five, give me your fist, give me high ten。授课:XXX活跃课堂气氛5.Song“I am here”. ok? ( co-t try)-Where is AA?-Wonderful,give me five.-Now, where is xx?-Super , come and give me a fist, xx can get one pencil.-Now look at AA(示误), dose she sit well?Lets ask AA sit well, “AA, sit well”-So this is our classroom rule No.1 Sit well, let me see who sit well? -xx sit well, xx can get one pencil.-No-I want to drink water.-Bye-bye rules.-One two-Ok.Video火车头套授课:XXX同学之间的互相介绍,打招呼6.Game-Lets see rule No.2 English only. If you want to “gluglu.” can you say 我要喝水?-We should say I want to drink water.-Super, lets say bye-bye rules.-Now everyone, when I say stand up, you say one two, “stand up”.-Lets sing a song together. If you sing the song loudly, you can get 2 pencils. Ok?-Everyone is good, everyone can get 2 pencils.-Now listen, whats that?(学火车声音)Yes, lets play the train game.-Its a train.-I am AA-Hi AA.-Let me try.授课:XXX-I am the train now, you need to answer my question to get on my train.( co-t try)-Hello, whats your name, give me ten. Everyone say hi AA, AA get on my train.-Now who can try?.-Now everyone is here, lets go slowly “chug.toot.”, lets go fast, Now everyone freeze!-I will count 5, everyone go back and sit down, because the monster is coming, 5,4,3,2,1.-xx sit well, xx can get one pencil.Pre-teaching(10mins)铺垫新知识Q&ATouching game-Look everyone, there is something in my hand, can you guess what it is?-Who can come here to have a look? Who can try?-(elephant 选人机制)-xx do you know what is this?-Super, now everyone show me your finger. “zzz.” Now use finger touch the pencil and say “its pencil, its pencil” 2 times.-( co-t try)( ss try )-Everyone is good, everyone can get 2 pencils.-Book? Apple?-Let me try.-Its a pencil-Its pencil, its pencil.铅笔,笔筒实物让孩子猜手里的东西,多让几个孩子去看,然后再请一个小朋友在助教引导下回答出来每个物品介绍完了之后都可以玩一个小游戏:passing game, touching game,hammer game.授课:XXX-Its time to take a break! XX will give you 10 minutes, you should gopp first then drink water, when timer dididi, you should quickly sit well, ok? -OkLearning houses(20mins)巩固所学知识养成第一个步骤就写上名字的好习惯手工-Everyone, its time to do our learning houses. Look, this is XXs pencil box. Is it beautiful?-Now you can make your pencil box. First you should write down your name, then you can use color pen to draw pictures.-XX will give you 15mins to do it, when time is up, you should stop and clean up, ok? -Now stand up and move your chair to the table. -Yes.-10 mins.彩笔老师要注意引导宝贝对所学知识进行输出。
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