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不少单项填空题干是由学生并不那么熟悉的句式构成的,这无形中增长了试题的难度。要答好此类试题,就必须设法将复杂的、不常用的句式还原成简朴的、常用的句式,以便迅速地把握句子构造,理解题目意思。还原的措施归纳起来重要有如下几种: 1. 将疑问句还原成陈述句; 2.将感慨句还原成陈述句; . 将倒装语序还原成正常语序;4.将省略句还原成完整的句子; 5. 将强调句式还原成一般句式;6. 将被动语态还原成积极语态; 7 将复合句还原成简朴句。 试做下列各题: 1. I ts facor _y vitd h oher ay?A he e B. that .whre when 2. Wo id theache _the ie?. hv wrtt B. avewite . had writtn D. haswritng3 I_youwato ay?A thaal .al that C. all what ht4. Was t_sh hd wth her ears _ raly ma h fhned? A hat; that . because; hat Cthat; hich D. what; / 5. Hwleased th Emperorwas _ wh the cheats said!A. he B.heard . hear t ha 6._wt the six bld men said ounded! A.Hw foolhlyB.HowfoolishC.Whafolsly Whatfoosh o allfo _honoufo te scess A. elongsto .belon to C. blong D. beong8. ere is ntebook,in whic _theams evisitor . teB. witten C. wee rit D. was ritten 9. Neer_ he praie _ hat she didA. d;fo . d; of . a;r D was;of 1 Jhnlaysfootl_, if nottte thn, DavidA as well B. a ell as C. sowel D. lla 1. Coud yu giveu theasonwhy yo didnt do s _? . eetol o e told Ctdto D to 12. t was _th ol clok thathe ol ma spent thewhole mrnn a home Areard . repaiing C. torepair D i epair13 Itwa ingte Liberatn Wa _ hedied A. that . whih C. n .he14.as t _yestrd evening _you met him? A.o; tht B. n; when .util; that D.tuntil; that 15.he stuts re _ to hndin he exeriss eore cas. Awished hoped C greed D. promised 16.Chars Bbbgeis erall onsiderd_ thefrst cput A.to vnt Bohv invented C.invnin Dhving invented . Hislst esight was_ by hevershapenn es of aig. .ad u fr B mae p o C. mad f .madeof18Theakboard was wiped_. A cla B. clned . cleanly D.tobe leaed 19The c_ se wastveling wasae. A. hi B. b hih C on whih D. n wic0his hewatch yu wish o_? A.rpair iB.haveeare .hve iepaired D.hv repred 2.Woud yplease pontout t mistks in my mposition, f_? A. a B. nne C. some . nyhng. s _ hesaid it othbelievig? A.al wha B.wha C.t D.ta23. Wo would you rather have_ith yts time? A. to g B o C. ne D going 2. - _ you d? -No, as mattrof ft, I idntned to. A. hat i what B.Whais that .Is tat hat .I wat tat 25 _ evrhig hd ake awy frm him? A. Was B.Shold C Did D. Had26.Has eetig_can boe_? .wat;dne B.tat; been on Cthat; led doneDhat; alredybee done 27 Is his e school_ yu isit some ignrs afw mot ago? A. ta B. which . the one D. where 8. Where ws_ thetrffic acidnthpene lastight? A. it tha B. it .he pachat .t pce 29. Whoseeyes_ itha h sw in te darknes? A. was . wr C. is D. ar 3. It as_ th neighur swath the thief. .him tht B. he tht .said tht D. where . oghe path stoodsmigns,_ ws write / ! eep ff T Gras! / A.on which B in wih . whi D. hat 32.Rater than_ on a roedbs, he aways reers _ biyl ride; ideB.ridn; ie Crie; t ride Dto ride;ridi3. hey at o ee how ciilied(驯化) he ican_ A. exerec B.ag C dlo . ecme 34_ it now, thecros ouldgrow better. A. we B. Wereo C Shu D.Woud 3. Theboy cnsidered_ cheatd intheexam. . en hones Bto b hnest .a hnst D.hat ihoes 36.id_ ime mke hr teacher angry? A.nt come.her not tocom.e no coig .nt r cming 附 强调 1. 英语中表达强调的有强调句型I i., tht.; t wa. 强调句型只有两个时态,即It is 和I as,后跟被强调部分,然后用 ta. 被强调的是句子的主语,宾语和状语。状语可以是副词,介词短语或从句。如果被强调的是人,可以用ho. 例句: It wa n the ornng that he ftenet o se hisfie. B.Itis I who am close corae-n-arms. C. Wt s i ht yo wat e to do? 2.强调用法,只用于肯定句中,用do, oes 或did加动词原形。 A. e hereon tie. (千万要准时来呀。) hefamly idsen him to shool. C. He des know al abou i.在否认句中,如果表达强调,多在句尾加aall. 例如: I kow
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