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-英语专业四级考试写作评分标准(便条)便条的评分标准 通过以上的标准列表,我们可以看出,便条的写作主要注重的是格式、容和语言。 考生需要做到格式正确、容完整、表达得体、字数符合标准。下面我们以2010年的考题为例,对便条的评分标准进展具体的说明: Directions: Your good friend, John, is thinking of organizing an end-of-the-term party. Write him a note tellinghim that you like his idea and offer to help him. You have to be specific about how you can help him. Marks will be awardedfor content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. 1格式:占2分 包括日期、称呼和结尾两局部,每局部完全正确得1分,出现任何错误都不得分。分数扣完为止,不倒扣。 1日期( Date):1分 正确:April 17th, 2010; April 17,2010; April l7 2010; 17 April 2010; 4/17/2010; 17/4/2010 (Apr也可以,任何一个日期都可以) 位置在右上角或左上角。 2、称呼( Heading): 正确:(Dear)John:(,)缺标点或标点位置错都扣一分。 位置在日期下面一行左侧。 3结尾( Ending): 正确:Yours sincerely,Yours,Sincerely yours,Sincerely,大小写和标点不计 Mary或其他人名 没有Yours sincerely,Yours,Sincerely yours,Sincerely也可以,不扣分;但是但凡上述词拼写错误,都扣一分; 人名和结尾语必须分成上下两行写,写在一行扣一分; 人名必须写,不能写成*,否则扣一分。 II容:占2分 本便条必须包括如下容: 1赞成想法 2具体的建议至少写出一点III. 语言:占6分 1慎重打5分和6分。 2如果格式容得总分值,但语言较差,语言分最多2分。 lv.评分总体要求: 1语言没有严重错误,格式正确,容完整,语言得体优美,字数符合要求(50),语言最多可给5分。 2。便条总字数包括两局部格式在要求在50-60字;不到50或超过80字9行或9行以上扣1分扣在语言里。 3便条总分为IO分,6分为及格线。 4阅卷教师需要输入三局部的小分。Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:One of your foreign friends Ann plans to go sightseeing in China. You have just e back from a place which you think she might enjoy. Write a note to advise her to go to this place.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.文April 09, 2010Dear Ann,I heard that you are planning to go sightseeing in China, and I want to remend you a good place. I just came back from Lijiang, which has beautiful landscape, kind people and interesting custom. Two ethnic minorities are living there, so you can buy many goods made by them and in the riverside bars you can watch shows given by them. You will have a lot of fun there.Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:You have heard that your friend, Jim, wishes to sell his bike. Write him a note e*pressing your interest in it, asking him about its condition and offering a price for it.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.文April 12, 2010Dear Jim,I have heard that you wish to sell your bike. At the moment I just need a bike by which I can go to do my part-time job on the weekend. Would you please tell me what color your bike is and how well it works? And is it possible that I buy it at the cost of 50 yuan?Yours,Mary Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:Your friend, Ann, just lost her grandmother, and is feeling very sad about it. Write a note to fort her.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. 文April12, 2010Dear Ann,I am really sore to hear that your grandmother has passed away. I know your feeling because 2 years ago I lost my grandfather, and I was very sad at that time. Please pull yourself together and try to be strong. Your grandmother knew you loved her very much and that will be enough. She will rest in peace.Yours, Joa Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:You have heard that there will be a fancy ball ne*t week on the campus, which you are very interested in. Write a note to ask your friend Mike, one of the organizers of the ball, for the details of the ball.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. 文April12, 2010Dear Mike,I have heard that there will be a fancy ball ne*t week on the campus, and that you are one of the organizers. I am really interested in the fancy ball and want to attend it very much. Would you please tell me the time and place of the ball? And do I need an invitation to attend the ball?Yours,Joan Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: Last Saturday you went to Mikes home as a house guest. He and his family gave you a warm wele and made delicious food for you. Write him a note to thank him and his family.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.文April 12, 2010Dear Mike,What a happy day I have had last Saturday in your home! You and your family were most kind to me and gave me such warm weles. The food made by your mother was so delicious that I can hardly forget it. Thank you so much for having invited me! And please remember me to your family! Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:You just heard that your friend Danny has gained admittance to Tsinghua University as a graduate student. Write a note to him, offering him your sincere congratula
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