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精品教育Module 5 My hometown and country学习目标词汇名词(n.)hometown, east, south, kilometer, metre, coast, hill, island, population, answer, question, north, west, river, church, capital, lake, mountain, village, region, fact动词(v.)answer, question形容词(adj.)east, south, high, busy, north, west, famous, low, wide连词(conj.)than量词(num.)million副词(adv.)about介词(prep.)about语法形容词的比较级功能用语表示方位,描述地理要素的表达法Beijing is in the east of China.Urumqi is in the west of China.Haikou is in the south of China.Harbin is in the north of China.The city Cambridge is on the river Cam.Washington D.C. and New York City are big cities on the east coast.The river is 336 kilometers long.文化背景了解美国、英国的主要城市、河流质量检测一、词汇A)根据句义及提示拼写单词。1Beijing is the c _ of China.2The Kings family are very religious (宗教的). They go to c_ every Sunday.3China is a country with a large p_.4My hometown is a small v_ near the Yellow River.5I would like Tom to a _ my question.6After the film, she becomes f_. There are always a lot of fans waiting outside her house.B)如图所示,写出小动物的方位。7The animal in the _ of the cat is the dog.8The animal in the _ of the cat is the monkey.9The animal in the _ of the cat is the pig.10The animal in the _ of the cat is the rabbit.二、选择填空1This new building is about_.A100 meters highB100-meters-highC100-meter highD100 meter high2Beijing has a population of thirteen _.AthousandBthousandsCmillionDmillions3_ is the population of China?AWhatBHow manyCHow muchDHow4Shanghai is a big city _ the east coast of China.AbyBonCinDat5In Kunming, its never very hot, _ very cold.AorBandCbutDso6The Changjiang River is _ than any other river in China.AshortBshorterClongDlonger7Cambridge is a small town that is famous _ Cambridge University. Bettys father works as _ university teacher there.Ato, aBin, anCfor, aDfor, an8 _? Its fine, but a little windy.AWhat is the weather likeBHow is the weather likeCWhat does the weather likeDHow does the weather like9London is the _ of the UK, _ seven million people.Aregion, withBcapital, haveCregion, haveDcapital, with10Our classroom is _ than_.Abrighter, them bright, theirsCbrighter, theirDbrighter, theirs11 Which is _, an elephant or a tiger? An elephant.AheavyBlightCheavierDlighter12 What time do you usually get up, Rick? I usually get up _ six oclock.AinBatCforDon13Be careful, _ you will fall off the tree.AsoBbutCorDand14Lingling comes _ than any other student in her class every day. She always helps other students clean the classroom.Avery earlierBmuch earlierCearlyDmore earlier15 What do you think of the new movie? Its good. But the one we saw last month is even _ than it.AgoodBbetterCbestDwell三、完成句子A)根据句意,变化括号中词的形式并完成句子。1My brother is 10He is _ than me, and I am _ than him. (young, old)2Harbin is _ than Wuhan, and Wuhan is _ than Harbin. (cold, warm )3An elephant is _ than a cow, and a cow is _ than an elephant. (big, small)4The airport in Hong Kong is _ than the airport in Urumqi sometimes. (busy)5I get 95, and he gets 85 in the English test. My mark is _ than his, and his mark is _ than mine. (high, low)B)根据中文提示,完成句子。1广州的人口有多少?_ Guangzhou?2英国是个岛国。Britain is _ country.3法国比英国大还是小?Is France _ than the UK?4他妈妈擅长体操和乒乓球。His mother _.5中国的东南沿海有许多大城市。There are many big cities _ of China.四、完形填空Most people do not like to stay at home on holidays. They want to 1 to see something different or do something exciting. 2 people 3 come to the city and those from the city go to the country 4 . 5 trains, buses and planes are all 6 . It is very hard to buy train or air tickets. Usually 7 people take cars or buses for traveling on holidays. In fact, it is 8 to take a bus than to 9 a plane. So I prefer to take 10 for traveling.1Aget upBgo outCtake a planeDgo with me2AButBFewCSoDAnd3Afrom the westBin the cityCin our schoolDfrom the country4Afor holidaysBfor the summerCfor a weekDfor a while5AOn SaturdayBDuring the holidaysCOn SundayDIn the morning6AearlyBcheapClateDbusy7Aonly a fewBfewCmanyDall8AcheaperBmore expensiveCfasterDfarther9ArideBtakeCmakeDhave10Aa walkBa trainCa busDa plane五、阅读理解APublic BeachesHong Kong has about 40 public
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