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宾川三中教案模板编号:1课题Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note年级高一年级科目英语课时1-2课时上课时间2015年7月5日8日主备人方艳三维教学目标Talk about short stories and dramas.Learn how to request and order food.Learn Noun clauses as the object and predicative. 教学重点Learn Noun clauses as the object and predicative.教学难点Noun clauses as the object (宾语从句)I cant say that I have any plans.and he does not know what he should do.I did not know whether I could survive until morning.Noun clauses as the predicative (表语从句)Thats why weve given you the letter.教学方法教学过程一、课堂导入: Warming up-IWhat do you know about Mark Twain? Do you know any of his works?Read the short passage quickly and fill in the chart.Real nameMeaning of his pen nameBirth dateBirthplacePlace where he grew upHis famous storiesThen give an introduction of Mark Twain(18351910): The greatest humorist of the 19th century American literature.Novels:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876)(汤姆索亚历险记)The Prince and the Pauper (1882)(皇子与贫儿) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1894)(哈克贝利费恩历险记)二、课程内容及步骤: 1. DiscussionSuppose a rich person gives you a million pound bank-note, what will you do with it ? Give the reasons.Pre-reading1. First, give students a brief introduction of the storyTwo rich gentlemen made a bet on what would happen to a person if he was given a million pound note.Henry, the hero of the story, an American young man, sailed too far, drifted out to the ocean. A British ship, for London, passing by, fortunately saved him. 2. Prediction :What would happen to Henry? ReadingScan the passage and find out :1.What happened to Henry?2.What does the brothers choose Henry for?3.What happened to Henry?(He was given a letter by the two brothers and was asked not to open it until two oclock.What does the brothers choose Henry for?They wanted to make a bet on Henry.)Skimming: answer the following questions:1. Where does Henry Adams come from? Does he know much about London?2. What did he do in America?3. Why did he land in Britain?Put the following events in correct order.(1) Henry wandered in London streets.(2) About a month ago Henry Adams was sailing out of the bay.(3) The next morning he was spotted by a ship.(4) Towards nightfall he found himself carried out to sea by a strong wind.(5) On the ship he earned his passage by working as an unpaid hand.Keys;(2) About a month ago Henry Adams was sailing out of the bay.(4) Towards nightfall he found himself carried out to sea by a strong wind.(3) The next morning he was spotted by a ship.(5) On the ship he earned his passage by working as an unpaid hand.(1)Henry wandered in London streets.After-readingWhat kind of persons you think the characters are? (Henry Adams, Oliver Roderick) 课堂小结学生对于戏剧本身很感兴趣。让学生可以体会到资本主义国家赤裸裸的金钱关系。可以让学生体会到戏剧的幽默感。作业布置记忆单词,并完成相关的名词性从句的练习三、教学反思:通过给学生观看该部戏剧,可以增强并加深他们的印象。
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