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The Million Pound Bank NoteUnit 3 The million pound bank noteListeningListen to Scene 5 and do the following exercises.1 Choose the right answers to the questions.(1). Whats Henrys feeling as he walked away from the restaurant? A. worried B. happy C. sad(2). What did he do then? A. He went to see a film. B. He went to the barbers. C. He went back to the brothers home.(3). Where were the two brothers? A. They were at home. B. They have gone travelling. C. They went to have dinner.2. listen and fill in the blanks.WritingRewrite the play into a story and write your own ending to the story. Use the following hints to help you prepare for writing. (请根据以下要点, 把课文中的剧本The million pound bank note改编为故事。)1. 美国人Henry Adams意外来到伦敦, 身无分文;2. 老富翁Roderick和Oliver兄弟打赌,看仅有一张百万英镑钞票的人能否在伦敦生活一个月,他们选中Henry作实验;3. Henry带着装有百万英镑钞票的信封走进一家餐馆, 店员、店主从不屑一顾到百般逢迎;4. 带着面值百万英镑的钞票,Henry会遇到哪些人?会发生什么样的经历?人们会如何对待他?一个月之后,Henry可以归还百万英镑吗?发挥想象力,尽情创作,给这个故事一个结局。Useful words & expressions: bring up, by accident, bay, fault, spot, earn ones passage by, acfor, be lost, wander, seek, permit, envelope, unbelievable, a large amount of, take a chance, in amanner, genuine, fake, as for, indeed, get into trouble. Begin the story with the following sentence: It was the summer of 1903._ 参考经历:1. He might use it to buy a house and have to leave the bank note with the house sellers so they will be sure he can pay them.2. He might take the bank note to the bank and put it into a bank account. Then he can use smaller amounts of money for his daily needs .3. He might use the note to buy a business so that he can earn enough money for his daily needs. If he works hard, by the time the brothers return he will be rich enough to pay his debts.4. He might use the bank-note to buy some new clothes and shoes and have a hair cut so that he can look for a job and be able to support himself in London. 3.PredictionWhere would Henry go then?二Talking and writing1. Look at the picture and make a dialogue between Henry and the clerk(店员).(1)Use the following information Henry tells the clerk that he wants a coat for a suit. The clerk shows him a cheap coat downstairs. Henry doubts if he should take it. The clerk persuades him to buy it. Henry agrees but explains that he cant pay him right now as he has no small change.(2)Try to use the expressions on shopping. (3) Write down the dialogue.HHenry Cclerk (4) Act the dialogue with your partner.(5) Prediction and discussionWhat do you think will happen in the tailors shop after Henry shows the clerk and the owner the banknote ?(enjoy the film and answer: why did the owner changed his attitude?) Can you guess the end of the story? (6)Have an interview with Henry.( group work)1. What did you do before you came to London?2. Did you find it hard to get a job there?3. How did you feel when you were asked to the rich brothers house?4. Did you believe that the letter will work?5. Did you feel angry when the clerk at the tailors shop treated you badly at first?. Money is not everything It can buy you a house but not a home, It can buy you a bed but not sleep, It can buy you a clock but not time, It can buy you books but not knowledge, It can buy you blood but not life, It can buy you sex but not love, It can buy you a position but not respect, It can buy you medicine but not health, Money may not be the root of all evil(罪恶), But it often bring us anguish (苦恼)and regret
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