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七年级下学期期中素质检测英语试卷时间:90分钟 总分:120分 班级: 姓名: 听力技能(计20分)第一节 听力选择(共15小题,计15分)根据你听到的对话,选择正确的答案回答问题。听下面5段对话,每听完一段对话后,做1个小题。( )1.What is Mary doing now?( )2.What club does Helen want to join?( )3.Where is Peter probably now? AIn the zoo. BIn the library. CIn the classroom( )4.What animals does Grace like? AKoalas. BPandas. CGiraffes.( )5.What time does Mark get up on Saturday? AAt 6:00 a.m. BAt 6:20 a.m. CAt 6:40 a.m.( )6.What does Emma want to buy? AA pair of socks. BA pair of shoes. CA pair of trousers.( )7.What color does Emma want? AGreen. BBlack. CWhite.听第七段对话,做第89小题。( )8.How does Lily go to school? ABy bus. BBy car. CBy bike.( )9.How long does it take Lily to go from her home to school? AAbout half an hour.BAbout forty-five minutes.CAbout an hour.听第八段对话,做第1012小题。( )10.When will they go to the zoo? AOn Saturday morning.BOn Sanday morning.COn Sunday afternoon.( )11.What animals does Tony like? ATigers. BPandas. CElephants.( )12.What does Lisa think of koalas? ALazy. BCute CBeautiful.听第九段对话,做第1315小题。( )13.Peter usually goes to school . Aon foot or by bikeBon foot or by busCby bus or by bike( )14.Who usually gets home after 6:00 p.m.? APeter. BPeters mother. CPeters father.( )15.Peters mother is a(n) teacher. Amath Bhistory CEnglish第二节 笔录要点(5小题,计5分)根据你所听到的内容,填写下面的表格,每空不超过3个单词。Ginas familyFamily membersActivitiesGinaTalking with her(16) Father and GrandfatherPlaying chessGrandmother(17) Brother(18) SisterPlaying with a(n) (19) Mother(20) 知识运用(计20分) 单项填空.(共10 小题,计10分)21.Lucy can sing, but she dance.Acan Bcant Cis22.The boy is at telling stories.Aold Bgood Cfree23.She early in the morning.Aget up Bgets up Cdont get up24.School starts 7:55 in the morning.Aat Bin Con25. is it from your home to the bus station?About 2 kilometers.AHow long BHow far CHow much26.Sally always gets to school subway.Atakes Brides Cby27.They wear uniforms after school.Adont have to Bdont haveChavent to 28. loudly in the library.ADont talk BNo talk CDoesnt talk29.That koala is interesting. I like it very much.Alittle Bkind of Ca kind of 30.Lets volleyball.Aplay Bto play Cplaying.完形填空(共10小题,计10分)Hello, Im Abel. We have some 31 in our schoolthe music club, the chess club, the sports club and so on. Many boys want to 32 the sports club 33 they like playing sports. Many of them 34 basketball best(最).They think its 35 and relaxing. We all 36 Jeremy Lin is a great basketball player(运动员).Boys 37 to play basketball like(像)him.Some girls 38 like playing basketball. Can you play basketball? If you cant, I can teach you 39 to play it. Its not 40 to be a good player. If you often play it, you will do well. ( )31. Aclasses Bclubs Csubjects ( )32. Asee Bhelp Cjoin ( )33. Abecause Bbut Cor ( )34. Athank Bsell Clove ( )35. Ainteresting Bboring Cbusy ( )36. Ahelp Bknow Cwatch ( )37. Aneed Bwant Cget ( )38. Aalso Bvery Ctoo ( )39. Awhere Bwhen Chow ( )40. Auseful Bsmall Ceasy 阅读技能(计40分) 阅读材料,选出最佳选项(共10小题,计20分)(A)Im Maliya. I study at Shanghai International (国际)School. I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning and then I take a shower. I go to school at 7:30. At 12:00I have lunch. Hamburgers are my favorite food. After school, I either go to the library or play tennis with my friends. I never watch TV on school days.Mike is my father. He gets up at about 5:30 a.m. every day. And then he runs for half an hour. After a quick breakfast, he starts(开始)to work. He works on the computer at home. After lunch, he continues(继续)to work until(直到)about 6:00 p.m. After dinner, he always takes a walk.( )41.Maliya usually at seven thirty. Agets up Btakes a shower Cgoes to school( )42. Maliya never on school days. Awatches TV Bplays tennis Cgoes to the library( )43.Mike finishes running at about
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