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Unitl Welcome back to school 第一课时一、情景选择。1、班里来了一名新同学,你应该说:A. Welcome. B. Thank you. C. Oh ,no.2、早上,你的同学对你说:“Good morning 你会说: A. Good evening. B. Good morning. C .Good afternoon.3你想介绍自己是从加拿大来的,你应该说:A. Im from Canada. B. Im China. C .My name is China.二、我是小小翻译家。()1.同学们!A. Boy and girl!B. Boys and girls!()2.今天我们班来了两位新朋友!A. I have a new friend ! B. we have two new friends today !()3.我是艾米,我来自英国。A. Tm Amy. Im from USA. B. Im Amy. Pm from UK.()4 .你呢?A. What about ?B. What about you? .三、Choose the right answer.(选择填空。)()(1) Hi! Tm.A. Zhang PengB. zhang peng()(2) Hell! Tm the UK.A. toB. from()(3) We have two new today.A. friendB. friends()(4) I have friend.A.aB. an四、活动运用,任务落实 Make a survey姓名年龄籍贯运用所学句型,如:Im Zhang Peng. Tm 7 years old. Tm from Shandong. What about you?询问同伴,完成表格。第三课时 一、我是辨音小能手,勾出划线局部读音相同的选项。A: six B: like C: gift D: pigE: milk F: six G: nice H: it二.趣味连线(随机连)。big small long short tall fat thinrabbit duck panda dog cat monkey三.读一读,写一写。big six pig milk四、Read and tick or cross.(读一读,判断每组单词中字母e发音是否相同,相同的打“”,不 同的打X。)Lbigpig()ninesix()2. milk gift ()4. six pig ()第四课时一.英语汉语手拉手。1.It has small eyes and big ears.A:到这来,孩子们!看那头大象。2. It has a short tail.B:它小眼睛大耳朵。C:它有一个短尾巴。3. Wow!It has a long nose.4. Come here,children!Look at the elephant. D:哇!它有一个长长的鼻子。二、选择正确的答案。1 .The elephant so big.A. is B. are2.It a long tail.A. haveB. has.You tall. Tm short.A. are B. is.Look at the giraffe!so tall.A.ItsB. Hes.The giraffe a long neck.A.haveB.has三、连一连giraffe鹿short矮的tall长颈鹿deer高的四、参观“动物园”把带来的动物玩具摆在桌子上,把教室布置成一个“动物园”,仿照例子,说一说Look at the giraffe .Its tallLook at the deer! Its short第五课时一. 我会选词填空.big small long short tall.Look at the monkey. It has a tail.1 .Look at the rabbit. It has a tail.2 .The elephant is .3 .The mouse is.4 .The giraffe is.5 .The deer is.二.找出不同类的单词。()1.A.four B. tallC. two()2.A.deer B. giraffeC. short(B. short C. boy三. Read and choose.()1. Look the deer.A. at B. in C. on()2. It short.A. am B. is C. are()3. You tall.A. am B. is C. are()4.1 short.A. am B. is C. are()5. It long ears.A. has B. have C. is第六课时一.选词填空。A: mouse B: panda . C: dogD: goldfish(金鱼)()l.It has a long body and sho.rt legs.()2.1ts small and thin.()3.1t has a long tail and big eyes.()4.1ts big and fat. Its black and white.Unit 4 Where is my car?第一课时一.我会选。1 .A:is. my pencil box? B: Its under the desk.A. What B. Where C. Who.A:Where is my ruler? B:.A.Here you are. B .Its on your desk. C. Thanks.二、我会做。(选择合适的方位词)on in under1.A: Where is my jeep?Bits the chair.2. A:Where is the bike?Bits the desk.3. A:Where is the bus?B:Ifs the box.第二课时一、火眼金睛(选出不同类的单词)。B. inB. deskB. manB. chairC. deskC. onC. underC. on第三课时 一.情景选择。()1.如果你找不到帽子了,你应该说:A. This is my cap. B. What is your cap?C. Where is my cap?()2.你想祝愿别人玩得开心,你会这样说:A.Have a good time! B. No, it isnt.二.我会选。()l.Mike: Where is my ball?Mom:A. Here you are. B. Its under the chair.()2. -Is it in your bag?-Yes,A. it is.A. it is.B. it isnt.第四课时一.英语汉语手拉手。ball小汽车cap帽子car地图boatmap小船二、我会选。)1 .Where is my boat?in your toy box.A.IfsB. It)2. Is it in your toy box?No,A. it is.B. it isnt.第五课时二.火眼金睛(选出不同类的单词)B. inC. chairB. ballC. underB. onC. underB. inC. on三.描述以下物品所在的位置,用上所学的方位词。on under in l.The pencil box is the desk.2 .The ruler is the book.3 .The bag is the desk.Unit 5 Do you like pears?第一课时一 .英语汉语手拉手。A.我不喜欢葡萄。B.你喜欢梨吗?C.我喜欢苹果。1.1 like apples.2.Do you like pears?3.1 dont like grapes.二、我会选。1 .Lucy : Do you like grapes,Mary?Mary:A.Thank you.B. NoJ don9t like grapes.2 .Wu Yifan: Lets have some grapes.John:A. OK. B Here you are.三、火眼金睛,找出不同类的单词。(B.ballC.apple()2.A.orange B.bananaC.long(B. orange C. pear第三课时一.情景交际。1 .如果你不喜欢葡萄,你可以说:A.I like grapes. B. I dont like grapes.2 .别人帮助了你,你应该说:A. Thanks. B. sorry.3 .你想要吃苹果,你应该和你的朋友说:A Have an apple,please.B.Can I have some apples?二.英语汉语手拉手。()1.Have some fruits.)2.Sorrydont like pears.)3.Here you are.)4.Can I have some orange ?A.对不起,我不喜欢梨。B.我能吃些橘子吗?C.给你。D.请吃一些水果吧。、火眼金睛(选出不同类的单词,把序号写在题前括号内)。)1. A. grape)2. A. apple)3. A. boyB. orangeB. rulerB. girlB. motherC. penC. bananaC. strawberryC. grapes)4. A. strawberry0第二课时一、我知道(写出几位同学所属的国家)。A. Zhang Pang : Im from China.B. Amy: Pm from the USA.(C. Mike: Im from Canada.D. Sarah: Tm from the UK.(二、我来选)l.USA)l.USAA.美国B.英国C.中国)2. new)2. newA.好的B.新的C.旧的三.三.)3. student)4. he)5. UK选择(1)A.A.A.Im朋友英国fromB.学生B.她B.美国C.C.C.UK.教师男孩加拿大A.aA.aB. the(2)(2)Im fromChinaA. aA. aB./(3)(3)Im from theA. usaB. USA(4)Fm fromA. CanadaA. CanadaB. Canada四、
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