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中国某某某某学校学生毕业设计(论文)题 目: English Communication Ability and Language Output Strategy in the Employment Market 姓 名 : 000000000 班级、学号 : 0000000000000 系 (部) : 经济管理系 专 业 : 商务英语 指导教师: 000000000 开题时间: 2009-04-03 完成时间: 2009-11-12 2009 年 11 月 12 日1目 录毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-4正文5-18答辩委员会表决意见19答辩过程记录表20课 题: English Communication Ability and Language Output Strategy in the Employment Market 一、 课题(论文)提纲0 引言1 就业市场状况 1.1列举大学生具备良好的英语交际能力能更好找到工作 1.2英语交际能力的重要性2 英语交际能力 2.1 英语交际能力概括及定义 2.2 提高英语交际能力的方法3 老师和学生的良好配合4 语言输出策略 4.1学习外语困难的原因 4.2怎样在英语交际环境下提高语言输出策略5 结论二、内容摘要随着经济全球化进程的进一步加快以及我国经济建设的飞速发展,具备良好的英语能力,特别是交际能力的大学毕业生越来越受到就业市场的青睐。而近几年在金融危机爆发的环境下,越来越多的人面临失业。如何在不利的环境下找出自己的优势?大学生英语交际能力便是最有竞争力的强项。本文针对大学生英语交际能力普遍较低的现状,论述如何培养学生主动学习和老师有效的教学及有效的语言输出策略。三、 参考文献1 李海英.专业趋同趋热毕业生扎堆“滞销”N.沈阳日报,2008年6月26日第A10版2 河北日报记者:哪些文科专业就业更容易 EB. http:/hbrb. hebnews. cn/20080201/ ca839332.htm, 2008年5月28日3 戴炜栋.构建具有中国特色的英语教学“一条龙”体系研究J. 外语教学与研究.2001,054 Ellis,R. The Study of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford:Oxfod University Press,1994English Communication Ability and Language Output Strategy in the Employment Market00000000Abstract: With the acceleration of the process of economic globalization and the rapid development of Chinas economic construction, having good English skills, especially for the good communication skills university students are seizing more and more eyes in the job market and under the circumstance of the financial crisis burned out in recent years, more and more people are dismissed ,How can we do in this disadvantaged environment to find our superiority for surviving .The answer is to develop English communication ability. this paper, facing China college students communicative competence in English generally low status, discussing how to cultivate the ability of the students study by themselves and how the teachers teach more effectively, the effective language output strategies.Key Words: the job market;communicative competence;active use; language output strategy0 . IntroductionThe 21st century is a science and technology, rapid economic growth in the era of great change and the people of all walks of life have become increasingly demanding for the talent mere hold of expertise has been far from satisfying the requirements of social development. The new century, the more necessary to have a global concept of talent as well as proficient in and handle international affairs ability of which the first condition is that we must have foreign language capabilities. Time Magazine recently suggested that by the turn of the millennium, English will be the Lingua Franca for one quarter of the words population .Already today sixty percents of the word television and radio broadcasts are produced and delivered in English. Seventy percents of the worlds mail addressed in English .And it is the language of choice for almost every bite of computer data sent across the globe .so, learning English is very important for all of us .Since Chinas accession to WTO has been, and after the bid for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games , our countrys international status has obviously improved and establish business relations with other country frequent from all over the world. Thus the success of Chinas economy to further accelerate the pace of globalization and in various fields can not do without English language skills.1 . The job market situationThat is why, for many years, our English major graduates and other professionals with English proficiency of graduates in the employment rate has been high in the market. He bei Daily 2008 May 28 report: In Language class professional employmentforeign languages major is very easily to find a job; language has always been a relatively prosperous profession, employment and enrollment both are booming. At the same time, non-English major graduates, if have good English language skills will make job search, employment unleashed like icing on the cake. On the contrary, if does not speak English, or English proficiency is very low, will miss a lot of job opportunities and loss a lot of career development opportunities. For example, Sheng yang Daily News reporter in Liao ning Province in June this year, the graduates of colleges and universities have done a survey found that: in many areas and the employer will be in CET4 as the entry threshold ,in addition to professional requirements, the only hardware requirements is CET4,but a considerable number of graduates are difficult to meet this requirement, foreign language proficiency is generally not a high impact on employment and the financial crisis burn ou
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