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三年级英语教学案例及反思吴店镇清潭小学 赵锋Unit Four-We love animalsPartA-Lets talkAims and demands:1.知识目标:A)学生能掌握句型:Look!I have a(看! 我有一个) ; B)能听、说动物单词:rabbit/ panda /monkey /dog /duck /cat;C)能掌握感叹词 Cool! Super! Great! Wow! 的含义;2、能力目标:a)学生能联系生活实际灵活运用Look! I have a b)学生能用感叹词给予评价;3、情感目标:教育学生动物是人类的好朋友,要爱护小动物。Focal points:(1)句型 Look!I have a (2)单词:rabbit/panda /monkey /dog /duck /cat (3)感叹词:Cool! Super! Great! Wow!Difficulties:能联系生活实际运用以上句型和单词;Teaching aids:多媒体课件、单词图片、头饰、小玩具等;Teaching methods:全身反应法、情景-交际法、游戏教学法等;Procedure:Step1: Warming-up: Sing a song: Good morning, my little dog.Step2: Free-talk: Have a talk with some pupils:e.g. T: Good morning(Good afternoon) ! P: Good morning(Good afternoon)! T: Im Miss Liu. Whats your name? p: My names Amy. T: Hello, Amy. Nice to meet you. P: Nice to meet you, too. T:(老师拿出藏在身后的一种文具) Look! I have a pencil. Do you have a pencil? P: Yes. (老师引导学生举起自己的铅笔) Look! I have a pencil. (用同样的方法与其他2-3名学生进行对话)Step3: Leading: T: Oh, you have so many books, rulers, books. Now! Look, I have a picture.(课件出现一幅动物园的图片) Whats in the picture? Ps: Its a zoo. T: What can you see in the zoo?(老师引导学生回答)Ps: Animals. T:Do you like animals? Ps: Yes.T: Lets get into the zoo to see the animals.(课件出现六种隐藏在树林中的动物)Step4:New lesson: Presentation1. The pupils try to guess the animals hiding in the wood: rabbit/ dog/monkey/duck/ cat/panda;2. TPR(老师带领学生做动作读单词) rabbit/ dog/monkey/ duck/ cat/panda;1. T shows a toy rabbit (wearing a pair of sunglasses) and says: Look! I have a rabbit. Is it cool?(老师做一个”酷”的动作) T: Yes, cool!(学生模仿老师边说边做动作)Practice:1Pair work (Pass the toy rabbit): S1: Look! I have a rabbit. S2: Cool!(每个学生动作要做到位) (T checks Group A.)2.T helps the pupils to practice the structure: “Look! I have a panda. Super! /Look! I have a monkey. Great! “ in the same way. ( T checks Group B and Group C)1.T shows 3 baskets of toy animals and helps the pupils to practice the structure: “Look! I have a zoo. Wow!” These 3 groups should pass the basket while saying the structure quickly.2.Say a chant.( 老师将四个感叹词编成一段chant, 让学生跟着节奏边说边做动作)3.The pupils watch the slide of “ Lets talk”, listen and repeat after it.4.Group work: Act the dialogue of “Lets talk”in 5 roles.( Mike, Chen Jie, John, Bai Ling and Sarah.) T checks some groups.Consolidation: Play games: (1) Listen and guess: The pupils listen to the sounds of animals and guess what animal it is.(2) Say and act: T invites 1 pupil from each group, he or she should stand in front of the class. T stands behind the pupil and show the pictures to his or her group mates. The pupil should act out the animals following the sentences said by his or her group mates. e.g.T shows a picture of a dog, the pupils in each group say: Look! I have a dog. Then the pupil stand in front of the class should act as a dog or imitate the sound of a dog ” Woof, Woof!” T checks which group can say and act more animals in 20 seconds.Extension:Tdesignsa“collectionshow”activityforthepupilstousethestructureandwords learned today or before. T can also introduce some new words for them to make the activity more interesting.Step5. Exercise: Match and say.(略)Step6. Moral Education: Animals are our good friends.We love animals.Step7.SummaryStep8. Homework【教学反思】这节课我运用了多种教学法设计教学活动,如直观式教学法、情境式教学法、游戏教学法等。在教学设计中较好地体现了以下教学理念:1、以多媒体呈现新知,创设灵活多变的课堂教学模式。借助多媒体等现代电化教育手段,对教师开展教学活动有极大的帮助。尤其是在提高教学效率、激发学生学习兴趣方面有事半功倍之效。在本节课中,为了使新语言知识的呈现自然且有趣味,我设计了动画动物闪现,使多媒体技术设计出的课件在有限的空间和时间里创设出丰富的语言情境。2、提倡自主学习和合作学习,培养学生的语言运用能力。根据本课的教学内容,我设计了大量的肢体活动、动手活动和思维活动,让学生在玩中学,学中玩,为整个课堂营造了一个轻松和谐的学习氛围,激发了学生的学习兴趣。另外,本课为学生设计的活动体现了教学内容的开放性,也体现了学生在学习过程中的有选择性,这就为满足不同学生的需要和学生的自主学习创造了条件。我认为,这种教学思想是我们课堂教学改革发展的方向。3、为学生提供个性发展的舞台。英语首先是一们焦交际性的语言,在课堂上我不拘泥于学生对于课本上的句子的掌握,而是对学生提出了更进一步的要求:运用所学的句子,自己创设情境,创编对话。这样的活动不仅充分发挥了学生的主体性,还使目标语言在交际表演中得到练习。更让我高兴的是,学生在表演中,还自己用英语拓展了交际内容,在不知不觉中使新旧知识融会贯通,发展了灵活运用语言的能力。
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