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仁爱版精品英语资料(精校版)Section C. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第一话题的第三课时。主活动是1a。1a 通过介绍发明是什么来继续学习一般过去时的被动语态。学生通过完成1a的任务型阅读,知道发明创造并非遥不可及。1b让学生学习归纳中心句。1c把发明创造的步骤进行整合,让学生更加清楚怎样去发明创造。2是个开放性的讨论,让学生在讨论的过程中知道发明无论大小都对我们的生活产生了巨大的影响。3倡导学生自己去发明创造,并通过介绍自己的发明来巩固英语知识。学生学习了本课之后,对发明创造不再感到神秘莫测,从而萌发自己动手的愿望,有利于激发学生的创造精神。3这个写作任务,需要学生独立思考,并运用所介绍的写作小窍门。学生在短时间内难以很好地完成,故留作家庭作业。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,继续学习一般过去时的被动语态。2. Skill aims:通过1b学习归纳中心句。通过3学习写作介绍性的小短文。3. Emotional aims: (optional) 激发学生大胆思考、勇于创造的精神。4. Cultural awareness:(optional). The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: invention, crayon, thought, silly, balloon, gun, robot, keyboard, come about, laugh at, come to Sentences: Thats why now we have planes. This is the time to brainstorm for ideas and to evaluate them.Grammar: was/were + pp2. Difficult points: Inventions come about in many ways. None of these things was planted in fields. Remember that no idea is too silly. Learning strategies 能够通过1a的Pre-reading来预测文章的内容。 能够概括文段大意,提炼主题句。 学习3来拟定写作提纲。. Teaching aids 气球、蜡笔等实物/枪、机器人等图片/录音机/小黑板/PPT等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionPatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(2mins)Individual workLet the Ss speak out the inventions they collected.T: Lets check the inventions you have collected. Who will be the first one?Speak out the inventions they collected.S1: computerS2: InternetS3: X-ray S4: carS5: robotS6:老师把学生列举的发明一一板书出来备用。2Lead-in(10mins) Class activityGroup workStep1: Present real objects or pictures to learn the new words: balloon, crayon, gun, robot, keyboardT: Do you know what it is? T: Its a balloon. It was invented by Neil Tillson.T: How about this?T: Right. Its a crayon. Step2: Let the Ss discuss the inventions they collected and the inventions in 2. Choose the top 3 most important and the top 3 least important inventions. Finish 2.T: You have named so many inventions. Now, work in groups. Discuss the inventions listed on the Bb and in 2. Choose the top 3 most important and the top 3 least important inventions. You should explain why you choose them. When you finish, put up your hand.T: Which group is ready to report?T: You have very great ideas. Other groups?Learn the new words.Ss: ItsSs: Its a crayon.Discuss the inventions they collected and the inventions in 2. Choose the top 3 most important and the top 3 least important inventions. Finish 2.S1: We think computer, Internet and X-ray machine are the top 3 most important inventions. Because they have changed our life so much. They make our life easier and more interesting. And we think guns, televisions and cars are the top 3 least important inventions. Because guns make many people lose their lives, televisions make people spend less time reading and cars make the environment worse.S2: We think 3Pre-reading (6mins)Group workLet the Ss discuss the pre-reading questions in 1a.T: Now, lets move to the pre-reading questions in 1a. Discuss Question 1 and Question 3. Then report to your class. When you finish, raise your hand.T: Group 1, can we share your opinions?T: I hope his dream will come true. Another group, please!T: Yes. Inventions are not always impossible.Everyone can be an inventor as long as you have new ideas and try to carry them out.Discuss the pre-reading questions in 1a.S1: We think invention is to make something new. I dont think I can be an inventor, because I am not smart enough. But xxx says he wants to be an inventor, because he likes creating new things.S2: We think inventions are useful and helpful to our life. They can help us do things better and faster. I often watch “I Love Inventions” on TV. We think inventions are not always impossible, though there are many difficulties.S3:4While-reading (12mins)Individual workIndividual work Step1: Let the Ss read 1a and try to summarize the main idea of each step in the process of inventing things to finish 1b. T: Do you want to be an inventor? If you do, 1a can help you. Read 1a, please. Underline the new words and do 1b while reading.T: Now, lets check the answers. xxx, please!T: Which one is right?Step 2: Read 1a again and do 1c. Check the answers and finish 1c.T: Read 1a again and do 1c. When you finish, put up your hand.T: Now, lets check the answers. Come on, boys and girls! Read 1a and try to summarize the main idea of each step in the process of inventing things to finish 1b.S1: D-A-E-B-CS2: D-E-A-C-B Ss: S2.Read 1a again and do 1c. Check the answers and finish 1c.S1: Imagination.S2: Important.S3: Detailed.S4: Test.S5:.老师在这个环节要培养学生根据各段的内容概括段落大意的能力。5Post-reading(10mins)Class activ
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