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众兴中学高一年级第二次月考英语试题一 听力(满分20分,每题1分)第一节 听下面五段对话,每段对话只读一遍。1. What are they doing now?A Having a class. B Doing shopping. C Having a exam.2 Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?A Coach and player B Boss and secretary C Husband and wife3 What are the two speakers talking about?A A clothes store B A piece of clothes C Clothes pattern(模式)4. Whats the womans suggestion?A Buy a new watch B Get the watch repaired. C Ask the seller to change one.5. What will the man do next Friday?A Have an exam. B Go fishing C prepare for the exam.第二节 听第六段材料,回答6-8题。6 What is the father reading at the beginning?A A book B A magazine C A newspaper7 What kind of book does the girl want to read?A A book about animals B A book on friends C A book about candy and cookies.8 What does the girls teacher say about reading?A The girl should read all by herself. B The girl should read books every night.C The girl should read ten books a night.听第七段材料,回答9-11题。9 When does the woman arrive at school?A At 8:45 B At 8:30 C At 8:1510 How long does it take the woman to get home from school?A 30 minutes B 45 minutes C An hour11 Whats right with the woman?A She will not use computers any more.B She sometimes uses computers to enjoy herself.C She has been interested in computers since middle school.听第8段材料,回答12-14题12 What are the two speakers talking about?A A part-time job. B A computer lesson. C A summer holiday plan.13 Who can Jane be?A A student B A teacher C A professor14 What does the woman think of herself?A She knows little about computer.B She doest have much experience.C She has little interest in the Internet.听第9段材料,回答15-17题15 What is the boys problem?A He finds studying difficult.B He doest work hard at his lessons.C He doest have enough time for studying.16 When does he start to do his homework?A After school. B After supper. C Around midnight.17 What will he probably do?A Stop playing on the soccer team.B Giving up working at the supermarket.C Spend less time at Students Center.听第10段材料,回答18-20题18 What is the speaker talking about?A His enjoyment as an office builder.B His experience as a window washer.C His adventure as a high building climber.19 Why does speaker choose the job?A Difficult but quite interesting to him.B Fresher and greater than the other jobs.C Relaxing and high-paid, though dangerous.20 Is the speaker successful in his work now?A No,as not everyone can understand him.B Yes,as he has already run his own businss.C No, as he has given up because of difficulty. 二 单选题 (满分15分 每题1分) 21.I prefer Chinese tea to_ coffee.But now I think Id like to have _ cup of coffee.A a; a B a; / C / ; /- D / ;a 22. My dad said that he worked as a teacher after he _ the university.A graduated in B graduated from C suffered from D suffered 23.rather than _a boring movie., I prefer _at home.A seeing ;stay B see ; stay C see ;to stay D seeing ; staying 24. Jane was trying to sound _ even though she was very upset.A silent B peaceful C calm D quiet25. The organisation _ in the 1970s has done a lot for the disabled.A find B found C founding D founded26. The family felt very sad because their son would never _ his serious sickness.A pull off B pull out C pull through D pull in 27. I remembered _ the door before I left the office,but I forgot to turn off the light.A locking B to lock C to have locked D to locking28. In Zhongxing Middle School,the flag-rising _is held every Monday morning. A invitation B reception C celebration D ceremony29. Without a job,Tom feels that he _nothing to his family.A applies B complains C sends D contributes30. The moon is said _ its biggest and brightest.A is B to is C to being D to be 31. _ has won the best actor at the 82nd Oscar Awards on March7,2010?- Sandra Bullock.A Whom do you think B Who do you think C Do you think who D Who you think32 Daming was competing _ James _ the prize _ art.A with;against; of B with; for; of C against; for; in D against; on;of 33 In my opinion,all Li Lei does does _good to his students in his class at present. He is very strict _ their studies.A do; in B do ;with C does ;in D does ;with34. Lilis mother is telling about his sons _ progress at school in an _voice.A amazed exciting B amazing exciting C amazed excited D amazing excited35. How do you find the game between China and Thailand?-_. Powerful China lost the game A I dont know. B I watched it on TV. C Congratulations! D Its amazing.三 完形填空(满分10分,每题1分)Soon it would be the holidays, but before that, there were year exams. All the 36 _ had been working hard for some time, reviewing their lessons for the exams. If
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