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初中英语单词归类记忆一、人称 (主格) he,she,it,you,I,we,you,they,(宾格)him,her,it,you,me,us,you,them二、物主代词 his,her,its,your,my,our,your,their三、衣服 clothes, skirt, T-shirt, shirt, shoes, boot, running shoes, leather shoes, tie, slipper, cap, hat, pants, trousers, shorts, dress, jacket, coat, blouse, scarf, jeans, overcoat, sock, windbreaker, glove, uniform, costume, suit, plain clothes, uniform, raincoat, sweater, handbag, stocking, helmet(头盔)四、称呼 family, grandparents, grandfather, grandpa, grandmother, grandma, granny, grandson, granddaughter, parents, father, dad, mother, mom, mum, husband, wife, son, daughter, uncle, aunt, cousin, nephew(侄子),brother, sister五、颜色 red, white, brown, black, yellow, pink, blue, gray/grey, green, orange, purple, gold, light, dark, colored六、职业 captain, chairman, chairwoman, fisherman, postman, actor, doctor, educator, sailor, director, hunter, leader, teacher, worker, driver, farmer, cleaner, player, dancer, runner, singer, engineer, interpreter, speaker, reporter, explorer, server, gatekeeper, officer, headmaster, soldier, firefighter, manager, programmer(节目制作者), programmer(程序设计员), carver, gardener, painter, waiter, barber(理发师), photographer(摄影师), pilot, police, model, nurse, servant, athlete, official, boss, artist, dentist, journalist, scientist, host, coach, astronaut, clerk, secretary, volunteer, musician, cook, pupil, student, principal, president, peasant, assistant七、公共场所 school zoo park bedroom, living room, sitting room classroom, waiting room, lab, school, home, library, kitchen, playground, hill, mountain, desert, forest, plain, bookshop/bookstore, building, bus stop, railway/train station,cinema, hospital, market, museum, office, park, garden, post office, shop,store,toilet八、动作 play, look, cook , watch , see, listen , hear ,make , do , drink , eat ,have , buy, wear , lend, borrow ,choose, begin, catch ,cost ,take , cut ,dream ,drive, feed, find, get, give , keep ,learn , study, leave, meet , put, pay, say , send , shake , sing, sleep, smell , speak, spend , swim, tell ,think, throw ,understand ,wake, write,win 九、动物 sheep, bear, ant, wolf, lamb, horse, worm(蠕虫), cat, chicken, dog, elephant, lion, monkey, mouse, panda, pig, tiger, butterfly, cow, duck, fox, goose, snake, camel, fly, giraffe, hare,rabbit,tortoise, bird, hen, frog, bee, rabbit, dragon, fish, phoenix, scorpion, turkey, insect, whale十、科目 Chinese, math, English, politics, geography, history, biology, physics, chemistry, science, art, computer, P.E. music十一、天气 rain, rainy; snow, snowy; wind, windy; sun, sunny; ice, icy; fog, foggy; cloud, cloudy; hot; cold; warm; dry; wet, cool十二、疾病 cold, cough, backache, toothache, fever, flu, sore throat, sore throat十三、身体部位 hair, head, eye, ear, nose, mouth, tooth, neck, throat, face, shoulder, hand, arm, elbow, leg, foot, chest, finger, fingernail, stomach, back, knee, lap, heart, lung, blood, bone, skin, toe, thumb, tongue十四、交通工具 bus,train,boat,ship,jeep, motorbike, plane,car, train, truck, bicycle, bike十五、生活用品 bag, basket, bed, brush, chair, candle, clock, cup, desk, fireplace, fridge, glass, handbag, knife, ladder, key, light, line, mirror, pan, phone, plate, pot, table, teapot, bowl, TV十六、情绪、情感 happy sad excited tired bored unhappy angry十七、事物的名称 book pen computer desk door doorbell bell,十八、水果 apple, pear, banana, strawberry, tomato, watermelon, grape, orange,十九、学习用品 pencil-box, pen, pencil, eraser/rubber, schoolbag, ink, notebook, book, knife, dictionary, ruler二十、体育项目 basketball tennis surfing swimming skating table-tennisfootball skiing十九、不定代词 somebody anybody nobody everybody二十一、食物 honey, biscuit, pancake, flour, cheese, pie, cookie, curry, sushi, pizza, sausage, pork, ham, butter, potato, tofu, salad, coke, egg, honey, cocoa,sauce, sugar, salt, vinegar, chips, candy, ice cream, sandwich, bread, cake, chicken, fish, hamburger, noodle, dessert, chocolate, dumpling, beef, steak, Beijing Roast Duck.二十二、月份 January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, October, November, December.星期 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.四季 Spring, Summer, Fall/Autumn, Winter二十三、方位 east, south, west, north, northeast, northwest, southwest, southeast,up, down, upon, between, among, under, beside, near, above, by, behind, before, right, left, close to, across from, next to, in the middle of, in the center of, in the front of, in front of, at the back of, on, at, in二十四、序数词 first second third fourth二十五、蔬菜 carrot tomato potato onion cabbage eggplant二十六、国家, 首都 China, America, Australia, Britain, Canada, England, France, Germany,India, Japan, London, New York, New Zealand, Paris, PRC. Russia, Sydeny, Tokyo, Toronto, Washington, the United States, the United Nations, Macao, Mexico, Hongkong, Egypt, Korea, Italy, Asia, Africa二十七、 民族,语言 Chinese, American, Australian, Canadian, Englishman, Englishmen, English, French, Frenchman, Frenchmen, German, Indian, Japanese, Russian, Kore
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