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Module 3水平测试听力部分(20分) (省略)笔试部分(80分)基础训练 (25分)I. 词汇(每小题1分,共10分)A ) 根据句意和提示完成单词,使句子语法正确, 意义通顺。21. Keeping a d_ every day and then you will improve your writing a lot. 22. “S_ me your ticket, please,” the man said.23. He was waiting for me at the bus _ (站). 24. Im sure we all have _ (秘密). 25. I have sent some money to people in Yushu _(最近). B) 从方框中选择合适的词,并用其适当形式填空。real; two; month; late; model26. I have read the_ news. 27. Youve asked me the same question _ and I dont want to answer you. 28. Do you _ want to call her? 29. Children enjoy making _ of airplanes. 30. I have stayed there for three _. II. 单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)( )31. Do you know which planet is nearer to us, _ moon or _ Mars? Sorry, I dont know. A. a; theB. a; anC. the; /D. / ; the( )32. There are _ two thousand people died during the earthquake(地震) in Yushu.A. toB. beyondC. overD. in( )33. Whos the first in the competition? _ of us know. Youd better ask Tim.A. AnyB. Many C. EachD. None ( )34. _ you please look after my sister for a moment? Yes, of course.A. MayB. CouldC. Must D. Need( )35. What do you think of the _ in your hometown? Its bad. The water is not clean. A. universeB. environmentC. entrance D. planet( )36. The boy has no friends and he feels very _.A. alone B. lonely C. friendly D. comfortable ( )37. How much is the book? It _ me 25 yuan.A. costsB. takes C. asksD. spends( )38. I borrowed a poster from Mike _ I wanted to have a look at it.A. and B. butC. becauseD. so( )39. Keeping dogs or cats is _ peoples lives.A. a part of B. a number of C. a lot of D. a piece of( )40. Whats the news about? The scientists _ something new on the planet.A. watched B. discoveredC. preferred D. looked( )41. We didnt see Tim these days. He _ America. A. has gone toB. has been to C. is going to D. will go to ( )42. They spend _ dollars building hospitals for people.A. billion ofB. three billions ofC. billions ofD. three billion of ( )43. Chinese astronauts _ the space, but they will go there again. A. are visitingB. have visitedC. will visit D. visit( )44. It is right _ him at once and tell him the good news. A. to call B. call C. calls D. called( )45. Lets go and watch the football game. _A. It doesnt matter.B. Its not right.C. Its kind of you. D. Thats a good idea!提高发展(30分)III. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Do you miss your family after being away for a month or two? Do you feel lonely 46 being alone for a few weeks? If so, you may not 47 being an astronaut. In some ways, living in a space station is like staying 48 on a desert island. A group of two or three 49 have to live far from home for weeks or months at a time. However, astronauts can now send emails and talk to 50 families on video. They wont feel lonely if they send emails.If their mission is to be 51 , they have to learn to live and work together as a team. This is not 52 when they dont know each other very well. Astronauts in the ESA (European Space Agency) come from many different countries. They have to 53 with astronauts from the United States, Russia and Japan. All of these space travellers have different languages, different cultures and different ways of 54 things. But they have to 55 to work on jobs together. They also have to talk about problems and how they will overcome (克服) them. ( )46. A. afterB. whenC. becauseD. and ( )47. A. start B. enjoyC. continue D. remember( )48. A. asleep B. readyC. alone D. glad( )49. A. pilots B. astronauts C. scientists D. workers( )50. A. itsB. your C. hisD. their( )51. A. successful B. expensiveC. interestingD. free( )52. A. hard B. dull C. relaxingD. easy ( )53. A. flyB. lie C. studyD. take( )54. A. picking upB. putting on C. going through D. thinking about( )55. A. talk B. writeC. learn D. comeIV. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)A David: My favourite subject is chemistry, because the teacher is really nice and he makes the subject very interesting. I dont like maths, because its really boring and very difficult for me. James: I like science best because Im very interested in universe. I have read many books about the solar system, the aircrafts and the astronauts. I wish I could go to the universe and explore there one day. Sam: Art would be my favourite because we can make lots of art crafts (手工作品). I like making model planes best because my father is a pilot. I want to be a person like him in th
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