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unit5 Look at the monkeysA lets learn教学目标:1、 能够听说认读句子:look at the tiger! Its running! The rabbit is jumping.2、 能够听说读写动词短语的ing 形式:flying, walking, running, jumping, swimming.3、 能够完成task time 中的任务。教学重点:掌握五个动词的ing 形式,并用其现在进行时态进行句型练习。 教学难点;“running”和“swimming”的拼写。课前准备;课件、词卡、图片、教学过程;Step1 warm-up1、 歌曲引入:师有节奏拍手唱Hello歌,学生应和。谈话,T:Hello boys and girls,I am very happy to see you again. Are you happy? Ss:-T:Ok, lets start our class. Its time for class.(师生问好)T:Today I have some friends play with you, do you want to see? Ss:-T:Ok, lets look at the flash. Lets do.2、 教师播放三年级上册第四单元B部分Lets do的录音.3、 教师适时出示各种动物的词卡,学生边说边做相应的动作。T:Look, a bird. Please, fly like the bird,fly fly fly.(请学生跟读,师在四线格在板书 fly 后面接着出示elephant,rabbit,tiger,duke,方法同上。)激励措施:分成四组,you did a good job,give you one group a star, two group a star-4、T:Woo!They are so funny.Now, please felow me go to the zoo,look at the monkeys, and the other animals.在黑板上贴出提前画好的课题图案,学生读两遍。T: You did a good job. Now open your books, page58,look at “ A-lets learn”.Step2 presentation1、 教师出示Lets learn部分的教学课件。T:read after the tape, then answer my question.(师点击课件,让学生跟读。)2、 提问:What animals can you see in the picture?让学生回答。3、 教师点击课件,指着小鸟说:Look at the bird! What is it doing?Ss:Its flying! 教师板书:在四线格里fly后面用红粉笔加上ing,引导学生拼读单词。师再趁机板书:look at the -.Its -。拿出生字图卡,齐读、个别读、开火车读。随机送星星奖励给各组。4、 拓展:Yes, the bird is flying, and what the other are flying? Look .-师点课件,出示风筝、蝴蝶、超人等正在飞的图片,用句子look at the -.Its -来说。同样的方法学习walking。5、 分别指着一只鸟和小兔子,让学生模仿句子说出:Look at the bird! Its flying! The bird is flying. Look at the rabbit! Its jumping! The rabbit is jumping. 6、 say a chant. (T: Now, look at the chant, read and do together. 师示范,先拍手,再读并做动作。)Look at the bird! Its flying, flying,flying,flying.Look at the elephant! Its walking, walking,walking,walking.Look at the rabbit! Its jumping, jumping,jumping,jumping.学生跟读几遍,并跟老师一起边学边做动作。7、 根据chant ,看图片创编新chant。(T:you are super. Lets make a new chant.)Look at the -! Its flying, flying,flying,flying.Look at the -! Its walking, walking,walking,walking.Look at the -! Its jumping, jumping,jumping,jumping.8、 让学生看图回答:Look at the picture again. Why is the rabbit jumping? What animal is after the rabbit?引导学生回答:A tiger. 教师再问:What is the tiger doing? 引导学生回答:Its running. The tiger is running.教师板书:running。教师指着正在水里游的鱼,问:What is the fish doing?引导学生回答:Its swimming.教师板书:swimming.师手指swimming,问,how many”m” are there in it? 学生回答。强调双写。再看running. (T: Look at the running and swimming, they are double n and m.)点击课件展示WARMING,进行安全教育. T: Swimming is a good sport, but please be care for yourself. Understand?9、 教师播放课件中的对话,让学生重复句子。Step3 practise1、 “game” guess what is it doing?” 课件出示图片,指各生回答2、 Show time. (指到最后的刘星的图片T: Yes, Look at LiuXing ,he is showing. He is a superstar, right? All of you can be superstar. 做加油手势Come on. Lets do the action.)(1)、请生从箱中拿出动物,做相应动作,全班读句子。师先做示范。(T:Look at the box. Whats in it? Take out and do the action. You read the sentence.)(2) 、传递一个动物,做不同动作。(T:Now, lets do one by one. I take out a dog, do the action running, then pass the next one, do the other. Understand?)3 、小组交流。一组一张动物图片,小组内运用句子,look at the . Its 。再请两个小组表演。(T;Now, lets read in pare. 一边发放图片一边说:The tiger-to you, read and do in your group.)4、 课外延伸:2008北京奥运会T say:you know the 2008 olympic game hold in beijing , lets have a look .分别出示刘翔,姚明、beckham,罗雪娟和孔令辉照片,运用句子:look at .shehe is (同桌讨论,并说一说)5 、 Lets sing. 课件播放两只老虎伴奏,歌词:what are you doing,what are you doing,I am flying,I am flying,I am running,I am swimming,I am walking,I am walking.6、总结。T:today,we learn the words -, and the sentence-.you did a good job. Its time for over.Step4 homework1、 make a funny book强化句子。2、 完成练习册上的练习。3、 抄写本课所学的词汇。案例评析:为了让学生在有效的教学活动中参与和完成真实的语言学习在“用”中发展思维能力、创新意识和各种语言应用能力。并从中体验学习的快乐。我在这一课中体现了几大亮点:1、创设情境,以情激趣。小学英语教学的编排特点是活泼有趣。根据教材及学生的年龄特点,我创设一个参观动物园的情境贯穿这节课的始终。既营造了愉快和谐的课堂氛围,又调动了他们的学习热情,达到了“课未始,而趣已成”的效果。2、以旧带新打基础。我在进入新课前首先让学生say and do,如出示小鸟等动物吸引学生的目光,并用Fly like the bird.等句子有节奏地边做边读,复习五个已学过的动作单词,为后面学习这五个动词的ing形式打下很好的基础。3、新课呈现。英语是一门语言学科,语言的本质是言语。外语教学应当遵循听、说、读、写的原则。在小学英语教学中,听说有着重要的意义,但同时要兼顾理解和记忆。处在这一年龄段的学生,形象思维占优势,抽象思维处于初级发展阶段;因此在新课的呈现中我用动物玩具、动作猜测、学生表演等多种形式,每学一个单词,都要在句型中进行操练。做到词不离句,学生很好地理解和掌握了动词现在时态的用法。4、拓展延伸。语言是一种交际工具,小学阶段的英语教学又侧重于口语。为了帮助学生掌握和运用这些句子,我注重引导学生采用听说、朗读、讨论、操练等方法,培养学生敢于开口,积极实践的良好学习习惯。5、梯度操练层次分明。让接受能力不同的学生都能有话可说有口敢开,达到了人人参与的效果。
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