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四上-六下词汇句型:四上:四会:I like I dont like Do you like? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.(U1) I have Do you have? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. (U2) How many s do you have? I have What do you have?(U3) I can Can you ? Yes, I can./No, I cant.(U4) How are you? Wheres/Where are? Its/Theyre(U5) What would you like? Id like, please. Anything else?(U6) Can I help you? How much is it/are they? Well done.(U7) Hes/Shes His/Her is/are(U8)三会:四下:What subjects do you like? I like Welcome back to school. Nice to see you.(U1) I have He/She has We dont have What day is it today? Its What a pity! All right.(U2)When do you? I at(U3) What can you see? I can see Good idea! (U4) In spring, it is warm. We go boating.(U5) Whose is this/that? Whose are these/those? Its/Theyre my fathers. I think so. Whats the matter? (U6) Whats the matter? Im Can I have ? Here you are. Come and have I want to Good night. (U7) This is .speaking. May I speak to? Im sorry to hear that. How are you? Im fine, thank you. / Not so good. See you tomorrow. See you. (U8)四会:五上:There is There are Help! (U1) How many s are there ? Is/Are there ? Its on the first/second/third floor.(U2) I/We/They have He/She/It has(U3) I/We like doing He/She likes doing Look out! (U4) What does he/she do? Hes/Shes a teacher/writer/factory worker/(U5) Does he/she? Yes, he/she does. /No, he/she doesnt. Wait a minute. Dont worry. (U6) What do you do at weekends? I always/usually/often/sometimes (U7) First/Next/Then/Finally, Whats wrong with? Merry Christmas! (U8) 五下:Why are you so sad? Because I cant go to the party. (U1) How do you come to school? I come to school by bus. (U2) How do I get to? You can get on the metro/bus at Then, walk to/go along Excuse me.(U3) Whats wrong with you? I have a fever/headache/cold/toothache. You should/shouldnt(U4) What are you/they doing? I am/We are/They are sweeping the floor. What is he/she doing? He/She is cooking dinner.(U5) Are you cooking meat? No, Im not. Im washing some vegetable. Hows the meat/soup/.? Its yummy/nice. I cant wait! I love it! (U6) The Spring Festival is in January or February. People eat rice dumplings at this festival.(U7) Whens your birthday? Its on What do you do on your birthday? I usually(U8)六上:Long long ago, there was a king. The king was happy. He liked new clothes. Two men visited the king. (U1) It was sunny/cloudy/windy. I/We/He/She brought/saw/flew What happened? (U2) What did you /he do for the holiday? I/He Did you/he ? Yes, I/he did./No, I/he didnt.(U3) ago, he/she Now, he/she What day is it today? (U4) What does it mean? It means No littering/parking/smoking/ You can/cant(U5) What makes dirty/messy? makesdirty/messy. What can we do to? We can (U6) We use to We should We shouldnt(U7) What are you/they going to do? Im /Were/Theyre going to Whats he/she going to do? Hes/Shes going to (U8) The mouse said quietly. The lion laughed loudly.(U1) He gets up early in the morning. He never goes to bed late. He also does well at home.(U2) He has a lot of/some noodles/meat. She eats a few eggs/a little rice. (U3) You must You must not(U4) What are you going to bring to the party? Im going to bring some toys. Are you going to eat or play with the toys first?(U5) Ill ask my e-friend in Australia. What do you think?(U6) Will you ? Yes, I will./No, I wont. Where/When/How long/What will you ? I/We will(U7) What do you want to be in the future? I want to(be)(U8)四会:四上:like, dog, cat, panda, horse, tiger(U1) make, any, banana, some, our(U2) thirteen, can ,fifteen, sure, eighteen, play, many, do(U3) basketball, football, jump, skate, swim(U4) bedroom, living room, clock, table, bathroom(U5) at, coffee, tea, juice, rice, fish, big(U6) shoe, sock, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty(U7) eye, small, his, short, ear, thin, tall(U8) 四下:school, subject, see, Chinese, Maths, Art, Music, lesson, Monday(U1)
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