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Lesson O Can you fly?教 学 设 计通江县沙溪镇中心小学 李琇教材分析:Lesson O Can you fly?教学课题是选自四川教育出版社新路径英语2015年版三年级起点三年级下册话题教学,话题中所选语言简单,情景生动,活动符合童心、童趣、童言,能培养孩子们综合运用语言的能力,能激发孩子们学习英语的兴趣。学情分析:三年级孩子的英语水平还处在启蒙阶段,他们通过一学期时间的学习,能听懂简单的课堂用语,能在教学卡片、实物或手势的帮助下理解简单的单词和句子,能模仿简单的人物对话。教学目标:1. 让学生能听懂会说本课单词cook.climb.drive.act。2.让学生能运用Can you .?提问,并能掌握其回答方式Yes I can ./No,I cant.3.让学生掌握why和because的准确发音,并做到语调自然。4.通过对话的练习,培养学生与他人合作学习的能力,感受到学习的快乐。教学重点、难点:1. 本课词汇cook.climb.drive.act及正确发音;2. 句型“Can you .?”“ Yes I can ./No,I cant.”和“why.?because.”教学准备:1.教学卡片等;2.制作一套故事中人物角色的头套;3.一个flash动画;4.设计完整的教学PPT;5.一份完整的教学设计。教学步骤:I. Greeting: Say “hello” with each other. Warm up: Lets chant.II.Lead in:Play the flash and sing the song with the students,and ask the students “whats this?”.“I am a bird/butterfly.I can fly .Can you fly?”.show the title “Lesson O Can you fly?”on the blackboard. Step1:Review the verb words :swim/sing/dance.Review the sentence “I can ,I can .”,and ask the students “I can ,I can jump.Can you jump?”and display the answers “ Yes I can ./No,I cant.” Step2:Learn new words. My friend “monkey”,he can .“climb”,Show the ppt and card “climb”,teach the students to learn the new words“climb/cook/drive/act”.we can usesome games in this party. Step3: Look and match .(students activity) Step4:(students activity) Practice the sentences with the new words“Can you climb/cook/drive/act .?”“ Yes I can ./No,I cant.” Step5: (students activity) Ask and draw Students act time . Step6: Lets talkA:Can you fly?B: Yes, I can.A: Why?B: Because Im a bird. .Step7:Practice the dialogues in pairwork and act.(students activity)Step8:SummarySummarize the words and sentences that we have learned today.Step9:Home work1:Please read the words: climb/ drive /act /cook.2:please practice the dialogue of page38 with your classmates or your parents. Step10:Say goodbye to each other.
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