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本科毕业论文 中文题目: 浅析嘉莉妹妹中的消费文化 外文题目:A Study of the Consumer Culture in Sister Carrie院 系 英 语 学 院 专 业 英 语(翻译方向) 年 级 xxxx级 学 号 xxxxxxxxxxxx 学生姓名 xxxx 指导教师 xxxxxxxx 结稿日期 2014年5月7日 浅析嘉莉妹妹中的消费文化摘要:十九世纪末二十世纪初,美国社会经历着一场急剧变革,正在从以生产型为主的社会转变为一个以消费型为主的社会。西奥多德莱塞的处女作嘉莉妹妹真实地反映了这一时期美国兴起的消费热及由此带来的人们意识形态的转变。本文尝试研究消费文化在嘉莉妹妹中的体现以及它对个人与对美国社会的影响。论文引言部分介绍了作者西奥多德莱塞的生活背景,回顾了国内外对嘉莉妹妹的研究成果,同时介绍了国内外学者对消费文化的研究并在此基础上提出论文选题理由和意义。 论文主体共两章,第一章介绍消费文化的概念、美国现代消费文化的产生及其在嘉莉妹妹中的体现,另外还介绍了嘉莉妹妹中的社会需要如何激发消费欲望膨胀及消费带来的悲剧的幻灭感。第二章论述嘉莉妹妹中消费文化在物质消费、情感消费、身体消费三个方面的特征。受消费文化影响的女性打破了如嘉莉的姐姐明妮般的女性贤妻良母的传统身份定位,她们渴望用自己的方式成为消费者。同时作者也在消费文化的背景下关注嘉莉与德鲁埃的关系,嘉莉与赫斯特伍德的关系,赫斯特伍德的家庭关系以及嘉莉与姐姐姐夫的关系。由此更好地解释了消费文化对各种关系而言是冷漠与残酷的。同时还阐述了在男性掌控的消费社会中女性寻求自我发展所面临的困境,即她们想成为拥有较高社会地位的消费者,但同时又被男人消费着。论文结尾部分对中心思想做了概述,消费文化和消费意识形态在这部作品里表现得淋漓尽致,但文中的消费是一种炫耀式的消费,归根到底,是为了证明其社会地位和身份,以及这种地位所带来的声望和荣誉。嘉莉最终沦为消费的牺牲品,强烈的消费欲望指引着她的人生方向,并且在某种程度上决定了其最终命运.关键词:消费文化;物质消费;情感消费;身体消费;意识形态;i A Study of the Consumer Culture in Sister CarrieAbstract At the turn from the l9th century to the 20th century, American society was undergoing a radical social change, turning into a spendthrift and consumptive commercial society. Theodore Dreisers first novel, Sister Carrie, actually reflects the consumption craze prevalent in America during this era as well as the resultant change of peoples ideology. This thesis tries to make a research of the reflection of consumer culture in Sister Carrie and its influence for individual as well as the whole American society. The introductory part introduces the background of the author, Theodore Dreiser; a brief review of the research achievements on Sister Carrie and on consumer culture at home and abroad. And then ,it further illustrates the reason and significance for choosing this topic . The body of the thesis includes two chapters. Chapter One introduces consumer culture, followed by a review of the emergence of modern consumer culture in America as well as its reflections in Sister Carrie. Whats more, how is consumption desire stimulated by the needs of society at that time and the tragic result-disillusionment brought by consumption. Chapter Two discusses the The Features of Material Consumption, Emotion Consumption and Body Consumption in Sister Carrie. Influenced by consumer culture, women at that time are eager to be a consumer in their own ways,which breaks the traditional female identity as “mother and wife”as Carries sister MinnieIt also focuses on the relationship between Carrie and Drouet and Carrie and Mr. Hurstwoods , and the relationship between Mr. Hurstwood and his family as well as the relationship between Carrie and her sisters family under the context of consumer culture which further explains the indifference and cruelty of consumer culture to all kinds of relationships, while the same time explains womens dilemma during their pursuit of self-development in a male-dominated consumer societythey want to be consumers with relatively high social status whereas they are consumed by men at the same time.The Conclusion part summarizes the main idea. Consumer culture and consumption ideology are thoroughly showed in this novel. However, consumption in this novel is actually a kind of flamboyant consumption to prove ones social status and identity, as well as prestige and honor brought by status. Carrie ultimately becomes a victim of consumption. Her life direction is mainly drawn by the strong desire of consumption; and to some extent, this desire decides her ultimate fate. Key words:consumer culture; material consumption; emotional consumption; body consumption; ideologyvAcknowledgments My heartfelt gratitude is, first of all, delivered to my supervisor Professor Xu Tingting, for her unselfish and incisive guidance and professional advice in my study for Bachelor Degree, and for her elaborate reading and correcting of my earlier manuscript as well as her constant encouragement and guidance during the process of writing this thesis. I am also greatly indebted to all my teachers for their valuable teaching and guidance during the four years. Lastly, I would like to thank all my relatives and dear friends for their support and encouragement. To all those mentioned above and to any others who I may have failed to mention, I extend my sincere thanks.Contents中文摘要.iAbstract.iiAcknowledgments.ivIntroduction.1第一级编号I.A Brief Review of Consumer Culture in Sister Carrie.3 A. Introduction to Consumer Culture .3B. General Reflection of Consumer Culture in Sister Carrie .4 1. General review of Consumer Culture in
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