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TaskDockwin7任务栏图标居中显示软件和方法 不过这是手动的方法。今天给大家带来的这款小软件能自动让win7任务栏图标居中显示,已经手动设置过的可以飘过了。这个小软件使用十分简单,我就不说什么了,下面直接给出软件作者的原话,英语好的同学们可以看看;TaskDock gives the Windows 7 Superbar (Taskbar) a bit more of a dock like feel. It will center and re-adjust the Tasks area of the taskbar, centering it, expanding and contracting with new apps and old apps, as they are created and terminated.* Added in a manual Config Centering applet. from the tray icon menu Config Centering. Drag the arrow to wherever (only horizontal registers) and double-click on the green arrow to save and apply the centering. *TO EXIT THE APP : (read this, ok?) its icon is located in the system tray, a green orb with a circle around it. Right click. it has only one option, that is EXIT. Give it some time, and it will restore your taskbar to how it should be教你将win7系统下的任务栏图标放到中间第一步:在我的文档或者文档里新建一个文件夹, 文件夹名称随意,这里我命名为“沐歌”。第二部:解锁任务栏,即将“锁定任务栏”前面的勾去掉第三部:右击任务栏“工具栏”“新建工具栏(N)”第四步:在完成上面一步后,会有一个对话框跳出。 这时找到刚才命名为沐歌的文件夹,点击“选择文件夹”确定这时,你发现任务栏上变成了如下所示的样子:第五步:拖动沐歌文件夹到最左边,之前最好将语言栏隐藏, 因为这样容易拖一点。拖到最左边后,任务栏应该变成如下样式:第六步:调整图标的位置到中间,鼠标定位到沐歌文件夹并右击, 然后将“显示文本”、“显示标题”前面的勾去掉。最后锁定任务栏,这样任务栏的图标就移动到中间了。
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