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Unit3marry, v sb. married adj. marriage, n license marital status 婚姻状况 Mutual eg: Marriage means mutual trust, respect, careness and consideration etc. .Overlook: miss eg: When we get along with others for a ling time, we often overlook their advantage. sb. for sth. 对某人不予考虑:She has been ed for promotion.Overlooking from the top of the mountain, you can see very beautiful scenery.Over- 1. more than usual; too much 太,过于overload, overconfidence, overburden, overeat2. completely 完全地overjoyed3. upper, extra上面,额外 overcoat, overtime加班4. over, above上方,上空 overhang, overheadCounsel : vt. give advice and support to Eg: English experts will you how to improve your reading next week. n. (formal )eg: Some of us overlook teachers or parents . Counselor n. a health a marriage Counseling n professional advice about a problem咨询,辅导 A student service学生咨询服务 psychology servicesuggestion, proposal , advice, counsel Suggestion (普通用语) Eg: Who put forward the suggestion?Proposal (提出建议供对方考虑) Eg: I have a proposal for you. In your spare time, you can borrow and read some easy English reading so that you can improve your vocabulary as well your reading ability. Advice 忠告,劝告,(来自专业人士或有经验的人士的)有益建议Eg: You should act on the doctors advice.Counsel: (formal) advice , (优质年长者或专家的)劝告,忠告或建议Eg: Listening to the elders counsel is useful. Practice: suggestion, proposal , advice, counsel 1. His _ met with strong opposition. 2. He adopted my _ at once. 3. The experts put forward some _ on how to do research in the lecture. (1. proposal 2. suggestion 3. counsel ) Pa. 4. We want to avoid the mistake made by many couples of marrying for the wrong reasons许多夫妻因为错误的理由结了婚,我们想避免重蹈覆辙,V. + V-ing Suggest, finish , avoid, stop, cant help , mind, admit, enjoy, deny, escape etc.+ V-ingL15 That point was emphasized by the fact that -the point was made particularly true that Apposition Clause:Idea, fact, news, hope, belief, thought, doubt, message, proof+ that I have no idea that you are here. Have you got the message that we will have the Reading Campaign in this month?Appositional structuren. This is Mr. Zhang, dean of our department. We students must take care of our life and learning. Adv. LiHua, normally a quite boy, argued heatedly with them about it. There is a multi-meeting-room, filled with modern equipment and new chairs. Find sb. V-ing /V-ed / prep S. + V. + O. + C. 1. We found our classmates reading English in the morning. 2. They found themselves surrounded by pedlers(商贩). 3.When he came to, he found himself in the ward of a hospital. Match the sentences with the appropriate definitions of the phrasal verb “go through” .a. to be officially accepted b. use something and have none leftc. practice something, e.g. for a performanced. read a document from beginning to ende. experiencef. look at or for something carefully1. Going through his list or customers is a massive job. 2. Shed gone through the briefcase, and the letter wasnt there.3.The company has been going through considerable changes for the past three years. 4.When I had the cold I went through several large boxes of hankies(手帕).5.The director wants us to go through the third act before we go home. 6.A council spokesman said that the proposals for the shopping center were unlikely to go through. 1.d 2.f 3.e 4.b 5.c 6.aUnit4Without fail: with complete certaintyBe here at 8 oclock sharp, without fail.Ill bring you that book next time, without fail. 我下次肯定把那那本书带给你。Pa.2.Identical: exactly the sameYour fingerprint cant be identical to mine.This is the identical book I returned to the library last week.While: conj. Although While he is poor, he is honest.While respected, he is not liked.Write back: She wrote me back from time to time, telling me how she lives in Russia.He wrote back accepting our offer.Be free to v sth: You are totally free to choose your own course. 你有完全的自由选择自己的道路。During the holiday we are free to do what we like.Pa.8. sport: wear sth or have hair in particular style He sported a collarless jacket.He was heavily-built and sported a red moustache.Pa.10. more than: veryI am more than a little interested in translation. 我对翻译非常感兴趣。Pa.11 longing: a strong feeling of wanting sth , strong wishThe young writer has a strong longing for fame.Pa.12 Brandford resisted the urge to follow the younger woman, though it was not -Brandford managed to keep himself from following the younger woman, although it was difficult to do so.Be thankful for: be grateful for I am very thankful to my parents for what they have done for me these years.Unit5weep cry: 普通用语, 大声哭 We heard the little boy cry last night. She cried her heart out.sob, 哽咽,抽泣 out哭诉 He was astound to see his mother sob in the sofa.wail 恸哭,嚎啕大哭 After waking up, the baby wailed for his mom. 风在林中呼啸。wee
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