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中考复习之选词填空Book 4 (初中外研版)Aplay month make worry five usually we person report collect1. Nigels hobby is collecting old books. He has a _of 5,000 books.2. I often listen to him _ the violin.3. I want to be a _ when I grow up.4. My visit here is all about _ friends.5. Im going to ask you some _ question.6. Our last public concert will be here on Starsearch in a couple of _.7. Keep studying, and maybe one day you can join _.8. I think its _ for you to wear the warm coat in such a hot day.9. Mothers are always _ about their childrens safety.10. Mary lived in the _ floor.B someone gentleman honest finally two act wake punish believe terrible1. Im _ sorry to trouble you so much.2. _ is here. No one is absent.3. Ladies and _, please welcome our star musician -Sally Maxwell.4. I dont like the film with lots of _.5. Johnny, a popular film star, acts very well in this film and makes his character _.6. The baby isnt sleeping. He is _.7. If you break the rules, you will be _.8. Our coach will choose the best players after the _ practice.9. The Yellow River is the _ longest river in China.10. He always tells lies. He is _.CI write take brave million something fly medicine operate busy1. Im thirsty and please give _ something to drink.2. -Do you do _ special on holiday? -Yes, we go camping or have a picnic somewhere outside.3. The old man suggested _ a taxi to the airport.4. Once, Dr Bethune performed _ for 69 hours without stopping.5. Da Ming wants to be a doctor, so he goes to a _ university to study.6. Betty didnt like the story and she wanted to _ it.7. Tell me your _ number and I will meet you at the airport.8. For me , June is the _ season of the year.9. During the Second World War, _ of people died.10. The boy jumped into the cold river _ and saved the old man.Dsoldier fun me rain with write win stop twenty-one make advise1. There are many important inventions in the _ century.2. As a student, I should learn to do something on _ own.3. Have you ever _ a letter in English?4. Try your best and you are sure to be the _ of the game.5. The short play was very _. I laughed from beginning to end.6. We all know that fish cant live _ water.7. My mother often advises my father _ smoking.8. The brave _ in the war (战争) are the heroes in our hearts.9. We should avoid _ the same mistake again.10. If it _ tomorrow, we can stay at home and play games.Epress nine successful play good tell live something person she1. My parents have already warned me not to use the computer for games.2. I asked him _ the truth.3. If you want to record, _ the red button.4. I have a collection of fans. Do you collect ?5. My grandmother is ill. I am worried about health.6. The teacher asked me some _ questions, such as my name and my family.7. She is very _ and likes to make friends with others.8. I want Kylie to play the solo because she plays really .9. December the _ is my friend Mikes birthday.10. Failure (失败) is the mother of _.1
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