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CET4淘金词汇第十五课lesson15Efficient service can be achieved through modern technology. ;高效率的效劳可以通过现代技术得到. affect v.影响;感动 Does the weather affect your mood? ;天气会影响你的心情吗?We were deeply affected by the news of Sang Lan”s serious injury. ;桑兰严峻受伤的消息使我们深感难受. incline v.(使)倾斜; (使)倾向于,赞同 n.斜面,斜坡 People are inclined to sleep more in spring. ;春天里人们简单犯困. see v.观察;领悟,理解; 会见;把看作; 考虑 See to it that all the windows and doors are closed before you leave the office. ;离开办公室前请留意关好门窗. purchase vt.买,购置 n.购置的物品 Inflation reduces the purchasing power of people living on fixed incomes. ;通货膨胀降低了靠固定收入的人们的购置力. get v.获得,得到;收到; 使得;变得;到达; 抓住 It”s a common case in a family ;家庭中常有that the mother-in-law and the daughter-in- law don”t get along with each other. ;婆媳不能融洽相处的事情 surprise n.惊异;令人惊异的或 意想不到的事物 vt.使惊诧,使惊异; 突然攻击,撞见 General Patton once said,“Never tell people how to do things. ;巴顿将军说过,“永久不要告知人们怎样去做 事.Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.“ ;告知他们去干什么, 他们的足智多谋将会令您惊异.The cost of traveling to Japan is surprisingly high. ;到日本的旅游费用高得惊人. particularly ad.特殊,尤其 “Everyone has a moment in history which belongs particularly to him.“(John Knowles) ;“每个人在历都有只属于他自己的一刻.“ (约翰.诺里斯) retain vt.保持,保存 As women age,many like to wear make up in order to retain their youthful appearance. ;为了保有年轻的外貌, 很多女人一上年纪就喜爱化装. endure vt.忍受,容忍 vi.忍耐;持续 Is it true that women”s ability to endure pain is better than men”s? ;女人忍受苦痛的力量比男人强,这是真的吗? survive vt.比活得长; 幸免于 vi.活下来,连续存在, 幸存 Some centenarians survived their grandchildren. ;有些百岁老人比他们的孙子还活得长.Few survived the plane crash. ;幸免于空难的人极少. (飞机失事后生还者 极少) distant a.在远处的,长远的; 冷淡的,疏远的 The distant flash from the lighthouse gives hope to boats floating on the sea. ;远处来自灯塔的闪光给漂浮在海上的船带来了盼望.Few young people would plan for their old age because it seems so distant to them. ;极少年轻人会为自己的晚年作打算,这在他们看来是很遥远的事情. distance n.距离,远方;疏远 In most Asian countries distance is measured in kilometers not miles. ;在大多数亚洲国家测量距离以公里为单位, 而不是英里.Boys soon make it up after fistfights, ;男孩子之间打完架很快就会和好but there will be a great distance between girls after a quarrel. ;但女孩子争吵以后就会疏远了. stock n.备料,库存,现货;股票 公债;血统,总家畜 v.储藏 a.常用的,常备的 He dose not cook and stock up on canned foods. ;他不做饭,贮存了许多罐头食品.The New York stock exchange crashed in 1929. ;纽约股票交易所于1929 年大崩溃. practice n.练习,实习;实践, 实际;业务 v.练习,训练; 从事(职业);执行;开业 Practice makes perfect. ;熟能生巧.Practicing law is challenging. ;从事律师业是布满挑战性的.
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