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经不起推敲的类推(false analogy)This argument relies on what might be a false analogy between A and B C.(开头)In order for BC to serve as models that A should emulate, the arguer must assume that all relevant circumstances involved are essentially the same.(环境、背景不同)However, this assumption is unwarranted.(过渡)For example, the argument overlooks the possibility thatPerhaps (列举各种可能性)The arguer simply assumes thatbut he does not provide any evidence thatare indeed comparable.As we know, the . and . differ conspicuously.It is true that bothbut even here exist fundamental differences:.(两种东西本身不同)Therefore, even though the. .proved effective in, there is no guarantee that it will work just as well for(结尾)二 将因果关系与单纯的关联关系或时间关系混淆起来(confuse causal relationship with correlation)The argument concluded based on a known correlation between A and B.Yet the correlation alone is only a scant evidence of the claimed “cause-and -effect” relationship.Perhaps.Moreover, the argument overlooks the fact that.The arguer has not accounted for the possibility that. If this is the case , than the conclusion would lack any merit whatsoever.三. 认为一个群体的特征适用于该群体的所有成员四. 认为某条件是某结果的必要 和/或充足条件1. 要想取得理想的结果就必须按照这种(推荐的)行为去做2. 按照这种(推荐的)行为去捉就足以去的理想的结果a)The recommendation depends on the assumption that no alternative means of .are available. Yet no evidence is offered to substantiate this assumption. Admitittedly, .However, it is entirely possible that means other than this would also achieve the desired result. (指出替代选项的 存在)Perhaps the desired improvement could be achieved if.(列举替代选项)Without considering and ruling out these and other alternative means of., the arguer cannot confidently conclude thatmust do. in order to achieve the goal.(收尾)b)The recommendation depends on the additional unsubstantiated assumption thatwould by itself improve(指出不一定能达到目标)Absent evidence that this is the case, it is equally possible thatThus, without better evidence that, the argument remains unconvincing.(列举可能性一)Even assuming that., the arguer provides no clear evidence thatThe mere fact that . .hardly suffices toprove, at least not without more information about.(让步,歹U举可能性二)Even if,perhaps additional measures一such as一would also be required in order to achieve. .objectives.(歹U举可能附加的条件)五. 基于可能不具代表性的统计数据One problem with the argument involves the sited statistics about.It is unreasonable to draw any conclusions about. .based on statistics about.(指出数据不可依赖)The arguer fails to make clear the exact number of.If only small portions of the whole population arethen the case might be that .(数据太小)Even if the sample size chosen from. .is large enough, the statistics might also be incredible.Depending on the total number of, it is entirely possible thatare not representative of.For example, perhaps are particularly .Without considering and ruling out these and other alternative means of., the arguer cannot confidently conclude that.(数据没有代表性)六. 基于不准确的调查或民意测验结果。The survey methodology might be problematic in two respects.(开头)First, we are not informed whether the survey required that respondents choose. .between alternatives: if did, then the results might distort the preferences of the respondents, who might very well prefer . .choice not provided for in the survey.Secondly, we are not informed whether survey responses were anonymous, or even confidential.If they were not, then respondents might have provided responses that they believed their superiors would approve of, regardless of whether the responses were truthful.In either event, the survey results would be unreliable for the purpose of drawing any conclusions about, let aloneabout.七认为一切事情是永恒不变的a)使用以前的数据证明当下This claim unfairly infers from . .in the past thatthis year must also be.Absent evidence to support this inference, it is just likely that thehas improved recently, or that . .has diminishedrecently.For that matter, perhaps . .is no better or perhaps even worse thanAny of these scenarios, if true, would serve to undermine the claim that .b)用现在的数据逆料以后(类似)c)数据形成的时间不确定The arguer fails to indicate when the statistics showing .were collected.The longer time period between the collection of these statistics and the, the greater the possibility that thehaschanged over this time span, and the less justifiable the arguers reliance on the statistics to support the claim that攻击假设可以说The arguer simply assumes that . but he does not provide any evidence that.The recommendation depends on the assumption that . Yet no evidence is offered to substantiate this assumption.In order forthe arguer must assume thatHowever, this assumption is unwarranted.举例子时可以说For example, the argument overlooks the possibility thatPerhapsHowever, it is entirely possible thatAbsent evidence that this is the case, it is equally possible that举完例子之后可以
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