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八 年级 英语 学科主备人 审核人 执教人 使用时间 学生姓名 班级 课题Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? Period3(Grammar focus-3c)课型新授课教师复备栏或学生笔记栏1学习目标1) 学会单词:sugar,cheese,popcorn corn, machine dig hole2) 学会句型:How do you make a banana milk shake? How many bananas do we need? How much yogurt do we need? 3) 学会运用first,next,then,finally描述制作食物的过程。学习重难点学会制作苞米花并描述其过程。会运用first,next,then,finally描述制作食物的过程。学法指导Reading,writing.pairwork.导学流程【一】预习效果检查。I、预习交流:I.翻译官1、植树_ 2、做牛肉面_ 3、洗衣服_ 4、从书店拿出一本书_ 你知道怎样做爆米花吗?_ 6、挖一个洞_ 7、打开搅拌机_ 8、半杯_ II展示交流: How to make a banana milk shake. First,_ Next_ Then_ Finally_【二】导学过程一、 导入(启发探究) How to make a banana milk shake.二、 合作探究 1. Activity 3a Circle the correct word in each question 2. Activity 3b Writing How to make popcorn First_ Next_ Then _ Finally_ Activity 4 3c Writing Write how to do one of the following things .Then tell your partner how to do it . _ _ 三、总结:重点句子四、自我检测,课后作业I 用所给的词的适当形式填空1. How many _ (dictionary) do you have? 2. I have three _( watch ). 3. There are some _( orange) on the table. 4. I like _(tomato) and _ ( chicken). 5. How much _( honey ) do we need? 6. Tina, lets _(make) fruit salad. 7. Oh, it _(rain) last night, so the ground is wet now. 8. Tom is a little _ ( strong) than Mike. 9. I think English is _(important) than any other subject. 10. My mother _( take) the bus to work every day. II.据所给汉语提示完成下列英语句子11. 请把酸奶倒进杯子里。Please _ the yogurt _ the glass. 12. 然后放入两汤匙柠檬和一杯酸奶。_ put in _ _ _ lemon and _ _ _ yogurt. 13. 我不知道怎么玩这个游戏。I dont know _ _ play the game.14. 请放些鸡肉片在这个三明治上。 Please _ some chicken slices _ the sandwich. 15. 我们需要多少食盐?How _ _ do we need? III汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1.首先把苹果皮削掉,然后切成碎块。 _ the apples _ and then _ _ _. 2.你如何制作爆米花? _ _ you _ _? 3.下一步将酸奶倒入果汁机。 Next _ the yogurt _ the blender. 4.最后在上面放些水果。 _, put some fruit _ _ _. 5.喝杯牛奶怎么样? What about _ _ _ _ _? 六Homework完成Section A 课时练。Write down 3c. 教(学)后反思知识问题化、练习化,能力过程化、渐近化;相信自己,只要努力一定能行!第1页(共3页)
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