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6B Unit 8 Review and checkThe third period南京市建邺区莫愁湖小学 刘小雁 王蓉蓉备注:红色文字为课件内容,蓝色文字为同步录音内容。一 教学内容义务教育课程标准实验教科书牛津小学英语6B第八单元第三教时(B Look, read and write)二 教学目标1 通过复习,要求学生掌握四会单词、词组和句型。2 通过本课的复习操练,要求学生能综合运用所学的日常交际用语谈论天气、季节。3 进一步加深对书信格式的了解。三 教学重难点1 通过复习,要求学生掌握四会单词、词组和句型。2 能熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。四 课前准备1 教具准备:与教材B部分相关的图片或相应的多媒体课件。2 学生准备:事先布置学生预习本单元的单词。3 板书准备:预先写好课题Unit 8 Review and check。五 教学过程A Greeting & Free TalkT: Where are you from?Do you like living in Nanjing?Which season do you like best?What do you usually do in the afternoon?Do you swim in winter?Do you have a penfriend?Ss: (Answer)B Presentation1 T: I have a penfriend.(课件出示头像)Do you want to ask some questions about her?Ss: (Ask)(老师引导学生提问题用第三人称来说。) e.g. Whats her name?How old is she?Does she live in Nanjing?Which season does she like?What does she usually do at the weekends? 2 T用课件出示导游证卡片T: Look. Heres a letter from her.(出示课件一封信的画面) Perhaps you can find the answer from the letter. OK?Dear Alice,Thank you for your letter. Im Jane. Now, Im twenty-two. Im a guide. Ive been traveling to many cities. I like those places very much. Let me tell you some about them.(本段录音也可由老师口述)3 T: Do you want to know the weather about England?Ss: Yes.T: Here are some pictures about England.T出示英国春天景色的图片或动画描述。(加上带伞啊,特殊的气候特点等。例如:下雨。)T同步播放录音:In England, spring comes in March. The whether gets warmer and the days get longer. The trees are green. But it often fogs and it rains all the time. People often take umbrellas with them. If its sunny, people usually go rowing in the park. Sometimes they have a picnic with their families.(本段录音也可由老师口述)T: What do people in England usually do in spring?S: They usually go rowing in the park and sometimes they have a picnic with their families.T: What do we usually do in spring in Nanjing? (引导学生四人一小组讨论,联想到植树节、吃草莓、春游踏青等活动)4 T: Now , lets go to Chongqin. Listen to the description of the weather there.(引导学生边看图片,边听Jane对“火炉”重庆夏天的描述。)Chongqin is called“Hot Stove”in China. Summer comes in June. The days are long and the nights are short. Its always very hot. Cicadas sing during the hot days. People usually go swimming and have ice-creams.T出示对错判断题。( ) 1 Summer comes in May.( ) 2 Its so hot in Chongqin.( ) 3 People usually go fishing in summer there.T引导学生说说南京的夏天。(端午节,赛龙舟,吃粽子等)5 T: (课件出示图片)Lets have a look at the weather in autumn in France. Its nice, isnt it?同步播放录音内容:In France, autumn is so beautiful. When the leaves start to fall, September is coming. The days get shorter and the nights get longer. Its cool but sunny. Sometimes people go for a walk in the street and play football or basketball in the park. T出相应填空题,请学生口头填空。然后请学生谈谈南京的秋天。T: What holidays do we have in autumn?谈论有关教师节、重阳节、中秋节(登高、赏月、吃月饼、为老师准备节日贺卡等等节日和活动),T引导Ss说In autumn we often Sometimes weC Sing a songT: Lets have a rest. Listen to a song.播放Weather song,引出冬天。T引导Ss说说南京的冬天,谈论能想到的东西和活动(圣诞节,新年等)(老师可根据实际情况进行选择性教学)D Task & ExerciseT: Now, can you tell my penfriend Jane about the weather in Nanjing? You can write a letter to her. Tell her something about the weather here. First, finish the exercise in the book.请Ss思考书上的练习,填写核对。E Homework请学生参考书上的填空练习,写一封信件给Jane,重点介绍一下所在城市的季节特点。六 板书设计Unit 8 Review and check七 教学后记 本课在前两课时的基础上,对有关季节、天气的词汇、句型和交际用语进行了进一步的学习巩固。在练习的过程中,充分挖掘教材资源,利用教材提供的图片、歌曲,引导学生开展各种练习活动,达到良好的教学效果。指导学生学习写信可用的素材内容,较好地培养学生活学活用英语的能力。
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