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2022年cet6语法大全:指示代词单数复数限定词:This girl is Mary.Those men are my teachers.代词:This is Mary. Those are my teachers.2) 指示代词的句法功能;a. 作主语This is the way to do it.这事儿就该这样做。b. 作宾语I like this better than that.我喜爱这个甚至那个。c. 作主语补语My point is this.我的观点就是如此。d. 作介词宾语I don”t say no to that.我并未拒绝那个。There is no fear of that.那并不行怕。说明1:采集者退散指示代词在作主语时可指物也可指人,但作其他句子成分时只能指物,不能指人,例如:(对)That is my teacher.那是我的教师。( that作主语,指人)(对)He is going to marry this girl.他要和这个姑娘结婚。(this作限定词)(错)He is going to marry this.(this作宾语时不能指人)(对)I bought this.我买这个。(this指物,可作宾语)说明2:That和those可作定语从句的先行词,但this和 these不能,同时,在作先行词时,只有those可指人,试比拟:(对) He admired that which looked beautiful.他欣赏外表美丽的东西。(对) He admired those who looked beautiful. 他欣赏那些外表美丽的人。(those指人)(错) He admired that who danced well.(that作宾语时不能指人)(对) He admired those who danced well.他欣赏跳舞好的人。(those指人)(对) He admired those which looked beautiful. 他欣赏那些外表美丽的东西。(those指物)
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