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Topic 2 What sweet music!Section CThe main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:at last, set up, member, continue, birth, director, weight, kg, height2. Learn to describe your favorite singer or band:(1) U2 is the name of a band from Dublin, Ireland.(2) It is one of the most famous rock bands in the world.(3) People all over the world still enjoy their music very much.3. Talk about and write ones personal file. Teaching aids 教具音乐磁带/明星或乐队图片/录音机/小黑板/多媒体课件. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟)师生对话,复习音乐类型,引导学生谈论自己喜欢的歌手、歌曲等,引出新课。1. (教师播放事先准备好的音乐磁带,其中包括钢琴曲,摇滚乐,流行乐,民歌等音乐片断。每种播放一小段,让学生判断属于哪一类音乐。)T:We all like music. Now Ill play some music. Please tell me what kind of music it is.(播放音乐。)Ss:Classical music.T:What about this one?Ss:2. (就学生喜欢的音乐种类、歌手和歌曲,进行师生对话,引出有关乐队的话题。)T:How clever! What kind of music do you like? Which singer do you like best?S1:I like pop music. I like Jay Chou best.S2:(在学生的回答中,可能会出现一些演唱组合,如飞儿乐队、S.H.E等。如不出现,可用Do you like any music groups like S.H.E? 来引导学生回答。通过师生对话,引出关于乐队的话题。)T:How many singers are there in S.H.E?(或其他乐队。)Ss:Three.T:And Twins?(或其他乐队。)Ss:Two.T:Yes. You are right. They are music groups. We often call this kind of music group a band.(板书领读,并让学生猜测词义,只需了解。)bandT:Can you tell me something about other music bands?Ss: (学生可以用汉语说出花儿乐队,信乐团,女子十二乐坊等。)T:Good! In this lesson, lets talk about some bands. Please follow me.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:13分钟)利用图片、音乐或录像片断等,引导学生谈论有关乐队的话题,引出并学习1a生词、短语及其他目标语言。1. (教师出示羽泉组合的一张图片或演出录像的片断。)T:Look! Who are they?Ss:Theyre Yu Quan Band.T:Can you say something about them?S1:Yes. Theyre Chen Yufan and Hu Haiquan.S2:(学生用英语说的信息可能有限,教师要及时总结。)T:You are right. Yu Quan is a band. It is one of the most famous bands in China. There are two members in it.(板书并让学生猜测词义,要求学生掌握。)member T:When did they form the band and who is the main singer? Do you know?Ss:Sorry, we dont know.T:Chen Yufan is the main singer and Hu Haiquan is both a singer and a guitar player. They are both musicians. The two boys formed the band in 1998. We can also say they set up the band in 1998.(板书并让学生猜测词义,要求掌握set up。)set up T: They are famous for their pop songs. They continue to make music and young people all over the country enjoy their songs very much.(板书并领读,并要求学生掌握。)continue (教师播放一首羽泉的成名曲片段,让学生感受优美旋律。)2. (教师手举羽泉的图片,通过师生问答来复习重点句型和单词。)T:Do you like Yu Quan Band?Ss:Yes.T:What do you think of it? S3, please.S3:It is one of the most famous bands in China.T:How many members are there in it?S4:Two.T:When did they form the band?S5:In 1998.T:What do they continue to do?S6:They continue to make music.T:Who enjoy their songs?S7:Young people all over the country enjoy their songs.T:Great! Now well learn another band from Ireland. Its name is U2.(板书解释词义,要求学生理解。)Ireland (教师展示U2图片。过渡到下一步。)3. (让学生听1a录音,并跟读。然后让学生齐声朗读1a课文。) T:Now, please listen to 1a and read after the tape. Then read the text together.4. (让学生快读1a,并找出关键词,教师板书,要求学生掌握at last,了解Grammy。) T: Well done. Next please read 1a quickly and try to find the key words.(1) U2 name Ireland famous world(2) 1976 a 14-year-old musicians at last set up(3) traveling concerts people love songs popular Grammies(4) four still continue to people enjoyStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:7分钟)指导学生完成1b,然后根据关键词复述1a,强化学生对1a的理解。1. (让学生再读1a,独立完成1b。)T:Read 1a quickly and mark True (T) or False (F) in 1b according to 1a.(2分钟后核对答案。)T:OK, now lets check the answers. S1, please. Is U2 a music group?S1:Yes. Thats true.T: Good. Three boys formed the band in 1976. Is that true or false? S2, please.S2:False.T:Right. Are the members of the band all from England? S3, please.S3:No, theyre from Dublin, Ireland.T:Very good. S4, please. Do people all over the world still enjoy U2s music very much?S4:Yes.T:Thats right. Now listen to the tape and repeat. Then read it together.2. (让学生根据关键词,复述课文。)T:Now please retell the story together. One, two, three, go!Ss:U2 is a band from Ireland, T:Boys together, go!Ss:T:Girls together, go!Ss:T:Volunteers?S5:U2 is T:Great! Is U2 your favorite band?Ss:Yes. / No.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:12分钟)通过师生交流,了解更多的歌星及乐队,学习制作个人信息表。1. (教师提问几位学生。练习1c。)T:Is U2 your favorite band?S1:No, it isnt.T:Which band is your favorite?S2:Yu Quan./S.H.E./Flowers Band./T:Whos your favorite singer?S3:Jay Chou./Li Yuchun./T:Whats your favorite song?S4:Qi Li Xiang./T:Which band do you think is the most popular in China?S5:Flowers Band./T:Who do you think is the most popular singer on the Internet?S6:Tang Lei./(学生两人一组进行问答,完成1c。)2. (教师出示一张U2乐队歌手Mullen的图片。)T:Do you know him?Ss:Yes, he is Larry Mullen.T
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