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Unit 3 Body parts and feelings Lesson 18 We all look different 同步练习 根据提示填空1. The cute boy is e_ years old. 2. Whats the m_?My ear hurts. 3. Im very tired. I need to have a good r_. 4. Chinese people look_ (不同的) from Americans. 5. The doctor tells the boy to take the_ (药) every day. 单选1. How do you feel?I feel very _. I feel sick. A. coolB. cold C. warm D. good2. Wang Mei is a girl. _ is ten. _ hair is long. A. Her; Her B. She; SheC. Her; SheD. She; Her3. Tom has four _. A. red short hair B. short red hairC. short red hairs D. red short hairs4. Mary _ a new red blouse. A. dont has B. doesnt haveC. not has D. doesnt has5. Whats wrong _ you, Li Lei?I have a backache. A. to B. at C. with D. for 句型转换1. Jenny is from Canada. (对画线部分提问)Where _ Jenny _?2. Tom looks cool. (对画线部分提问)_ does Tom _ _?3. I have a headache. (对画线部分提问) Whats the _ _ you?4. Danny feels cold. (对画线部分提问)_ does Danny _?5. My son feels sick. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ son _ sick? 补全对话A. You have a cold. B. You are welcome. C. Stay home and have a good rest. D. I have a headache. E. Yes. Im very cold. D: Hi, Jack! Whats the matter with you?J: I feel sick. 1 D: Do you feel cold?J: 2 Aachoo!D: Well, let me see. 3 Take this medicine. 4 J: OK. Thank you!D: 5 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 阅读 Jack is an English boy. He is a new student. He is 13 years old. Now he is in Class 4, Grade 1. His teacher is Ms Green. He has a brother. His name is Mike. They are twins. They look the same. But they are in different schools. Jack is on duty(值日) today. At school, he helps his teacher put the map, the ruler and the picture on her desk. He tells his teacher everyone is here. But he is wrong(错误的). Jim is not at school. Jim may be at home. 1. Jack is_. A. an English girlB. a Chinese boyC. Chinese D. English2. Mike is _ years old. A. 12 B. 13 C. 14 D. I dont know3. Mike is in _. A. Class 4, Grade 1 B. Ms Greens classC. Jacks class D. England4. _ is on duty today. A. Jack B. MikeC. Jim D. Ms Green5. Which of the following is RIGHT? (下面哪句话正确?)A. Mike is an American boy. B. Jack is not at school today. C. Mike and Jack look the same. D. Jack and Mike look different. 答案和解析 根据提示填空1. eleven 2. matter 3. rest 4. different 5. medicine 单选15. BDCBC 句型转换1. is; from 2. What; look like 3. matter with4. How; feel 5. Does your; feel 补全对话15 DEACB 阅读15. DBDAC
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