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初升高英语衔接测试卷 试卷总分:100分 考试时间:9分钟 姓名: 单选 30分( ).They _the o s farA didn fns B. dotfiC.aent finih .ilo fiish ( ) 2.t sonds _ ! A. bautiful .beatfully C .o be btifl D. beautif( )3. We should hlp_.A. poor beg po C. the por D. be oo( ). _ i o bliv.A. i B ee C. See .Tosee( )5. China i a _ countr.A .deelope B. developin C. deos D to dvelop( )6. o yo understand _ ?A. ht sai BhadoI ay C .Whatdid I say D. o I sai( )7The fir lesn _ I lan is the asiest ths bokA. which .ha ho . wo ( )8. dot;knwheron _secae lat.A .wh .th . what D.whch( ) 9. eut e up ey_hecan atchth firt busA for .o that C.becue D .wen ( ) 10. Teeacher ol us t we _ free enext day.Aill be B. re C.would D are gon to( ) 1.Hrry up,_ youwll b lae.A.adB .bu C .for . or ( ).Thre is oint b oleybl ath net wee,_?A. s it .snt tC.is hr nt thee( )13.Yo hadly knoweach othr ,_?. B.ont yo C. hav u D .did yo( )1. _ nice girl sh i !. Howa B What a C. .Hw DWhat( ) 15.The fmil _wthig T o.A. s B s . were re( )1. The ubr of te stdnt in tis cass _ smll .are B. is . hs D. ave( )1. Alice,teteih twooy,_ fr bg lae gain.A. waspunisd B .punihed C.ere punihd D.o be punishd( )8._s nogo _ witout doiganythi A. hs , talkig .B.t,to tak C. It; talkig DTha;to tlk ( )1 Peasegive e _.A.o piee oaper . two pieofpaes two piees opape D .woices f paper( )20. Thi bik s neiter_nor _A. ur; my B. hi ; er C e; min D. his; er. 完形填空 0 分Mr. Hg as o home. 1_ had ben outo work for wo weeks aoldnt fd _2_ ob. Tday h idnt av _3_ to eat an hd_4_ moneyin hisocke.“Dont moveor shut. uhnds o ou head,”a voc cme fro bend im Hg didt ov, Then in mname uwih a unin his nd.“Gie me yo money .” Bu Iaent got _ .”Hogg sd. Wth ee wods, he ule ou hspckets, and _6_reelyepty. Th mndidneliev _7_ So Hogg ld him _8_ Ater earing his stor, teman ut hsgun ay and ookut five dollar,sng,” Wr in the meboat. ke_9_ ” After heput the moy into ogs hand, e went awayikl. No knoingwhat o say and _0_ to , Hog wced the man diapearig i hedns(黑暗) .( ).A. He .She Hise D Heref( )2A other others C h oter D. nthe( )3. A. omething B.anthing . othng D. erything( )4. som B. muh C. n a ittle( )5.thng B. one . some D. a( )6 A ey B.the C. their D. ther( )7. . his B.him C. e D. islf( )8 . ingB. nything C.nhin . vrthing( )9.Aths B. that C. s D. hose( )10 A.wh B wht C which D. w.阅读理解:根据短文内容,篇判断句子的正(A)误(B)。 AM. Brn was oing to anhe ciy n buines for a week. efore he t , h sai o hi sn,“If none wans to visitme,yo an el hihat yurfeiay,anwill beback inaek, the bee ask him to st downfora cupof tea.” “OK, ad,” i the son. Bu e s afraiat s s cou1dnt rmmbethis, he wrte these words o a iece o paper an gave t tim.The son putt tohis small pocket, t t outnd red it o nd then。Fou days passe, no oname t e his faher. Thby thgh that ther was noman tocome andhat ice of paper wasnt useful n longe, sohebn it htevening.Te netaternoon, oung mncametosee hi fater and nock at door.The by answeedtad theyoun man asked,“Whr is our father?”Th boyu hs had int his pocket a oe an ookd for ta peceo per lf by hi ather He could n find it. H sdenly remeb he had burnt. sohe si,“Nmore.” Th an was vey surprisd Heasked, “N mo ?But I me ourfather1a wek. Whe did it happen?”“unt last nght,”said he bo.( ) 31. Mr.Brow was ng to spend his hyfora eek. (
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