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2016-17年度公民教育活動資助計劃申請表格Application Form for Community Participation Scheme 2016-17(請遞交正副本各一份To be submitted in duplicate)甲部 活動計劃概要 Section A Project Overview1. 申請團體所屬機構(中文Chinese)慈善團體Charitable OrganisationApplicant Organisation(英文English)是Yes單位Unit(中文Chinese) (英文English)否No(請附上團體的註冊文件副本。如屬慈善團體,請同時遞交根據稅務條例第88條獲豁免繳稅的證明文件副本。Please attach a copy of the organisations registration document. For charitable organisations, please also submit a copy of supporting document certifying that the applicant qualifies for tax exemption under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.)簡介Brief description2.活動計劃名稱Project name3.活動計劃主題 核心價值Project theme(s)/ Core Values 愛自己愛家人愛香港愛國家 Cherish yourself and your family, Love Hong Kong and your country 尊重與包容Respect and Inclusiveness 負責Responsibility 關愛Love 尊重法治精神、包容不同聲音Respect the Rule of Law, Embrace Different Voices 維護法治精神Upholding the Rule of Law 推廣基本法Promotion of the Basic Law (可選擇多於1項 推廣一帶一路Promotion of “Belt and Road” You may choose more 國民教育National Educationthan 1 item) 人權教育Human Rights Education 道德教育Moral Education 維護社會公義Upholding Social Justice 投入義工服務Participating in Voluntary Services 弘揚中國傳統文化與價值Upholding the Chinese Traditional Culture and Values 其他Others (請註明 Please specify)4.活動計劃理念Project rationale5.活動對象Target group(s)(可選擇多於1項 You may choose more than 1 item)兒童Children青少年Young people長者The elderly學生Students婦女Women新來港人士New arrivals少數族裔人士Ethnic minorities弱勢社羣Disadvantaged groups殘疾人士People with disabilities在職人士Working population家庭Families公眾General public6.活動地區District港島HK Island九龍Kln新界NT(請刪去不適用者Delete as appropriate)十八區18 Districts(請註明Please specify)7.支出總額Total expenditure$ 元8.申請資助額Funding sought$ 元(請填妥以下資料以供回郵使用Please complete the mailing address below for future correspondence) 負責人姓名Name of the Person-in-charge _負責人姓名Name of the Person-in-charge_團體Organisation_團體Organisation_團體地址Address of the Organisation_團體地址 Address of the Organisation_ 乙部 活動計劃詳情 Section B Project Details(I)擬申請資助的各項活動詳情Details of activities seeking funding(請按照本申請表格之格式,在本部分提供每項活動的資料。如活動多於一項,請複印此頁填寫。Please provide details of each activity according to the format provided in this Section. If there is more than one activity under the project, please make a copy of this page to provide the relevant details.)活動名稱 Name of Activity1.活動目標及內容Aims and Description2.舉行日期Date(s)3.地點Venue義工參加者Volunteers/Participants服務對象Service recipients觀眾Audience4.活動對象Target groups5.預計人數Estimated no. of people活動預算支出Estimated Expenditure支出項目Expenditure item單價(元)Unit price ($)數量No. of units數額(元)Amount ($)擬向委員會申請的資助額(元)Proposed amount of funding to be sought from the Committee ($)總額Total:其他收入Other Income收入項目Items of income數額(元) Amount ($)向參加者收取的費用Fees to be collected from participants($_元 x _)申請團體自行承擔的開支Provision from the applicant其他贊助Other sponsorship總額Total:(II)其他資料Other information1.宣傳計劃Publicity plan2.活動的工作人員數目及工作分配Number of workers involved in the project and distribution of duties3.活動成效評估方法Method of performance assessment 4.過去三年舉辦同類活動的經驗Experience in organising similar activities in the past three years (請註明這些活動是否曾獲本委員會贊助Please state whether these activities were supported by this Committee)5. 知悉公民教育活動資助計劃的途徑(可選擇多於1項)How did you learn of the Community Participation Scheme (You may choose more than 1 item)網頁 Website 報章廣告News Advertisement委員會的函件Committees letter 宣傳單張 Leaflet海報Poster 社交網絡Internet Social Network 其他Others (請註明please specify:_)6.其他相關資料Other relevant information(III)聲明Declaration1. 所有申請資助的活動均屬非牟利性質,且並非為個人或團體作政治、宗教或商業宣傳,或作為團體的籌款活動。All activities seeking funding support are non-profit-making and will not be used for political, religious or commercial purposes for any individuals or organisations, or raising funds for the organisation concerned.2.所有申請資助的活動將於2016年4月至2017年3月期間舉行。All activities seeking funding support will be held between April 2016 and March 2017.3.本團體明白並同意遵守本資助計劃章程內所列的條款。如獲委員會資助,本團體會遵守資助計劃使用撥款守則內訂明的各項規定。本團體同意本申請表格所載的資料及其後提交的資料(包括所有的附錄、附件、補充資料和修訂)可供使用或披露,以作公布及宣傳用途。We understand and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this Community Participation Scheme. We will comply with all the requirements laid down in the “Guidelines on t
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