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四年级下册Unit 4 My room -The action story 介休市义棠小学 冀彦琼 教学目标知识目标:1. 学习单词:bee,climb,land on,hear .2. 结合图片会朗读句型:You are reading a book. You can hear a bee.It lands on your book.You jump up.Where is the bee?You look under the bed.You climb on the wardrobe.You look behind the curtains.Its on your nose.能力目标:1. 能够借助图片捕捉关键信息理解故事。2. 能够在图片、图像和手势的帮助下,听懂故事内容。3. 能够听音模仿故事内容。情感目标:1. 乐于感知图片,并尝试用英语表达。2. 在小组活动中能与其他同学积极配合和合作。3. 感受生活中的乐趣,快乐度过每一天!教学重点1.能够借助图片、图像简单表达故事的意思。2.能够在图片、图像和手势的帮助下,听懂故事内容。3.能够在图片的帮助下,给图片排顺序。4.能够听音模仿故事内容。教学难点1.在图片的帮助下,给图片排顺序。2.听音模仿故事内容。教学方法 TPR 情境创设法 教学用具: cards PPT 教学过程Step one:Warming up1. Greetings.2. Say the chant.3. Look and guess: It is nice . It is little. It can sing . It can fly. It is in the flower. What is it ?【设计意图:亲切的问候,愉快的谈话,可以创设愉悦、和谐的学习氛围;有节奏的chant,以及谜语的设计,可以激发学生的学习兴趣,极大地调动学生的学习积极性。】Step two:Before reading1. PPT show Tobys room.2.PPT show a sound of “bee”.T:listen!What can you hear?(板书hear)T:Yeah! You can hear a bee.(板书此句)T:Now, where is the bee?(板书)3.PPT show a bee.T:Now, where is the bee? Oh ,It lands on the Tobys book.(板书land on ) (引导学生用手指模仿bee,理解和模仿land。)T:Now ,what happened?【设计意图:创设情境,找准“故事眼”,也就是故事的切入点,这样会成功地激发学生的学习情趣,学生也会自然地走进故事。】Step three:While reading1.Learn the story .(PPT)A. look at the pictures and listen to the story.(播放录音,结合图片,整体感知故事。)Thinking: Toby is _.B. Show text with pictures 、read and try to mime.(自主跟读,初步理解故事)Thinking:What happened?C. Listen and mime .(听两次,第一次教师示范模仿,第二遍师生听音共同做。)Thinking:1.The bee lands on Tobys book. Toby _. A. jumps up B. runs2. Toby looks for (寻找)the bee: Look under the_. climb on the _. Look behind the _. Its not there.3.Where is the bee? Its on Tobys _.D. Answer the question.Step four:After reading.1. Read and mime the action story in your groups.2.Listen and fill in the numbers on page 83.3.Try to retell the action story.Step five:Homework:1. Listen and read the action story 3 times and try to act with your partners.2. Make a new dialogue with your friends.
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