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6A Unit 7 At Christmas 课案(Teaching & Studying Plan)课 题 ( Title) 6A Unit 7 At Christmas课型( Style)New 课时( Period)The third period理论支持(Supporting theories)叶澜教授是我国现代教育理论的开创者和奠基人,其“让课堂充满生命活力”的课堂理论,开创了新基础教育的先河,为当前基础教育课程改革奠定了坚实的理论基础和舆论基础。她说,课堂教学的目标应全面体现培养目标,促进学生的全面发展,而不是只限于认识的方面的发展。只有把课堂教学改革的实践目标定在探索、充满生命活力的教学上,学生才能获得多方面的满足和发展,教师的劳动才会显现出创造的光辉和人性的魅力。在本节课中我将PartE部分进行了改编教学,先完整地呈现PartE,让学生看图,自读短文,接着让学生进行发散性思维训练,提出一些与语篇相关的问题,通过“读一读”“贴一贴”“演一演”“说一说”“找一找”“做一做”等方式学习短文,然后引导学生概括段落大意,帮学生理清了思路,为复述短文,打下良好的基础。最后,通过呈现 Funny diaries,让学生体验到学习的快乐。整节课中,教师由知识的传授者、灌输者转变成为学生建构知识的帮助者、促进者,学生学习的合作者,整个课堂焕发出生命的活力。教学内容(Contents)6A Unit 7 At Christmas Part E H 教学目标(Aims & Demands) 语言知识(Knowledge)1. 初步掌握名词性物主代词的表达:mine, yours, his 和hers。2. 在文章中体会过去式的用法,感知并朗读文中出现的动词过去式。3. 在理解文章的基础上,运用名词性物主供词完成书上填空。4. 学生能了解中英文日记的差异,并掌握英文日记的写法。语言技能(Language skill)理解E部分日记的内容,并尝试简单概括每段大意。 情感态度 (Feeling)1. 以任务型的教学贯穿始终,通过对话及小组合作,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生合作,参与的精神。2. 让学生明白诚实比聪明更重要的道理。教学重、难点(Key points & Difficulties)1. 掌握并运用名词性物主代词。2. 理解E部分日记的内容,并尝试简单概括段意和复述课文。教学方法(Teaching methods)1. Entirety Method.2. finding method3. compare and analysis method4. Task-based teaching method.课前准备(Aids)CAI, cards, projector 教 学 设 计课前延伸 英语课程标准中提出:基础教育阶段英语课程的任务之一是让学生养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略所以,我在本课教学实践中尝试运用有效预习策略。我把预习作业设计成不同梯度,并以填空的形式打印出来,发给学生作为家庭作业,让他们提前完成,老师课前及早检查批改。Unit 7 At ChristmasLets learn Part E H Name Class Number Try to do:1. Listen to the tape Part H three times. Try to sing after it.2. Preview Part E. Try to say something about the pictures.Try to Make: Can you make a song like Part H? Have a try. Try to read: 圣诞邮件Christmas mail圣诞舞会Christmas dance花环wreath圣诞布丁Christmas pudding红丝带red ribbon圣诞袜Christmas stocking烤火鸡roast turkey番瓜饼pumpkin pie干果布丁plum pudding银色圣诞White Christmas天使:angel烟囱:chimney糖果:candy A.进步大( ) B. 进步一般( )C. 没进步( )您对孩子今天的表现:A.满意( ) B.基本满意( )C.不满意( )家长签名 教师寄语: 课内探究 教 师 活 动( Teaching plan)学 生 活 动( Studying plan)设 计 意 图( Aims)一、 复习交流,新知导入(一) Before class课前播放My shirts black1. Greetings(1) Greetings(2) Free talk2. Show a present. This is for you. Try your best to get this present.(二)Prepare-reading1. Revision “mine, yours, his, hers”(1) Play a game “Whose book is it?”(2) Say a chant.2. Lead in: Jims diary(1) Show the diary(2) Is this a book?(3) Do you like keeping diaries? (4) Jim also likes keeping diaries.3. 看图,围绕主题提问。Show Jims diarySee, theres something special Do you see Whats that.点击红笔圈出CD Walkman.Do you know CD Walkman. What can we do with it?What do you want to know about this CD Walkman.生根据实际情况回答一些问题。1. Play the game in pairs. Use the words.2. Answer the teachers questions.3. The students try to ask some questions.How much is it?What colour is it?Where is it?Whose CD walkman is it?课前播放的音乐,能够调节气氛,同时为教授歌曲打下良好的基础。用礼物吸引孩子的眼球,给孩子提出要求,增强孩子学习的外在兴趣。通过玩游戏不仅复习了名词性的物主代词,而且调动了学生学习的积极性。同时,chant 让每一个孩子都有说的机会。由a book 引出diary同时对孩子坚持写日记提出表扬。阅读短文前,让学生根据图片进行预测,让学生帮助小主人公提出问题,这样能检查学生的预习状况,同时拓展了学生的思维。二、合作探究,自主学习While-reading(一)Skim the whole diary1. 简单介绍过去时2. Reading task自己读Jim的日记,回答下列问题(1) Where was Jim and where did he go?(2) Is it Jims CD Walkman?(师播放轻音乐)(二)分段呈现,分层突破1. Paragraph 1(1) Show the first paragraph (2) Can you find where is Jim and where is the CD Walkman? Who can put them in the right places.(3) Teach: at the back of get off in front of .(4). Read the first paragraph again and find out these information.Who 人物What 事件Where 地点When 时间(5). Generalize the first paragraph. 2. Paragraph 2&3(1) Show the Paragraph 2&3 and the question.Q: Has he found the owner of the CD Walkman?T: Jim asked the man in front of him, and the woman beside the man.(2) Teach: beside讲解体会mine, yours, his 等在文本中的意思及用法。(3) Role readShow the reading task.(4) Generalize these two paragraphs讲解their CD Walkman- theirs. 4. Paragraph 4(1). 导入第四段。Teach: Nobody answered.(2). 读最后一段,用横线划出关于以下问题的关键句:What did Jim do at last (最后)?Teach: take to (3). Generalize the last paragraph.Post-reading1. Listen to the recorder. Try to read it by yourself.2. Please read it loudly3. Please generize the whole diary4. Fill in the blanket.(一)1. Ss:Listen and try to understand. 2. Ss 自由读,找出答案。(1) Read the first paragraph by
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