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2022年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Great Scientists达标巩固练(含解析)新人教版必修5一、阅读理解。Animals use many tricks to hide from predators(捕食性动物)While different,they are all visual animals.Now scientists have uncovered a fish species that uses both visual and chemical disguise(伪装)Rohan Brooker, one of the researchers who made the discovery said that he first thought of the idea after reading about a species which takes on the smell of the plant that it eats.Thus,its predators,ants walk right over it.Since Harlequin Filefish are picky eaters that feed totally off the Acroporaa beautiful species of blue/purple coral,Brooker theorized that they too may be using a similar trick to fool their predators.To test his theory,Brookers team acquired some filefish from the Great Barrier Reef and divided them into two groups.For the next four weeks,one group fed on their normal diet of the Acropora coral,while the other fed on the Pocillopora coral.In order to test if there was any difference in the way they smelled,the researchers did another experiment.They found the smells from the two groups were different.But there was still a question of whether the smell was strong enough to protect the fish from their natural predators.To test that,Brookers team added a predatory species of cod(鳕鱼)to the mix.Sure enough,the cod that were placed in the tank containing the fish fed on the Pocillopora coral were immediately able to sense them.In contrast,the cod in the tank where the fish had been fed on their natural dietthe Acropora coral,appeared oblivious to their existence and instead spent much of their time inside the tanks caves.This confirmed the teams suspicion that the filefish have figured out how to give off the smell of the Acropora coral to avoid being detected by predators.While the smellbased disguise had been previously observed in some species of fresh water,this study was the first to prove that the fishs diet was the source of this disguise.Though the theory has only been tested on Harlequin Filefish,Brooker suspects that this kind of chemical disguise is fairly mon among sea animals.Sure it gives a whole new meaning to the saying“You are what you eat!”1The underlined word “oblivious” in Paragraph 3 may mean “_”Aignorant BsensitiveCallergic Dcautious2What statement may Brooker agree to?AFreshwater fish all know the role of smell.BSea animals use smell to cheat their enemies.CThe smellbased disguise may work occasionally.DHumans are really what kind of fish they eat.3What is the passage mainly about?AA way to fight against predators.BA smell trick of all sea animals.CA fish smells like the coral.DFilefish in the Great Barrier Reef.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了一项关于Harlequin Filefish如何通过自身的伪装来抵御捕食性动物的研究。【难句分析】Though the theory has only been tested on Harlequin Filefish,Brooker suspects that this kind of chemical disguise is fairly mon among sea animals.分析:本句包含Though引导的让步状语从句;that引导宾语从句。译文:尽管这个理论只在Harlequin Filefish身上得到验证,但Brooker猜想这种类型的化学伪装在海洋动物身上是相当普遍的。1A考查词义猜测。根据该词前面的描述及后面的“and instead spent much of their time inside the tanks caves”可知,此处为这些鳕鱼对于以the Acropora coral为食的鱼的存在看起来是不知道的。ignorant“不知道的,愚昧的”;sensitive“敏感的”;allergic“过敏的”;cautious“谨慎的”。2B考查推理判断。根据最后一段第二句“Though the theory has only been tested on Harlequin Filefish,Brooker suspects that this kind of chemical disguise is fairly mon among sea animals”可知,Brooker赞同的是海洋动物通过气味来欺骗它们的敌人。根据最后一段第一句中的“While the smellbased.in some species of fresh water”可排除A;根据最后一段第二句中的“Brooker suspects that this kind of chemical disguise is fairly mon among sea animals”可排除C;根据最后一段第三句“Sure it gives a whole new meaning to the sayingYou are what you eat!”可知,该句中的“You”指的不是人类,故排除D。3A考查主旨大意。根据第一段中的“Animals use many tricks to hide from predators(捕食性动物)”和“Brooker theorized that they too may be using a similar trick to fool their predators”可知,本文主要介绍了抵御捕食性动物的一种方法,故A项符合题意。二、语法填空。China will allow all couples to have two children,_1_ (give) up its decadeslong onechild policy, the munist Party of China (CPC) _2_ (announce) after a key meeting on Thursday.The change of policy is intended to balance population development and meet the challenge of an aging population, according to a muniqu (公报)_3_ (issue) after the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th munist Party of China (CPC) Central mittee held from Monday to Thursday.The proposal must be approved by the top legislature (立法机关) _4_ it es into force.Chinas family planning policy was first introduced in the late 1970s _5_ (control) the rapid _6_ (grow) of the population by limiting most urban couples _7_ one child, and as to rural couples, they can have two children on condition that their firstborn child was a girl. The policy was later relaxed. Parents _8_ were both only children in their family could have _9_ second child.The onechild policy was _10_ (far) loosened in November 2013 after the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central mittee, and couple
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