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沈梦蓓SHENMENGBEI国贸NOV.23GJ11O710058International Marketing: An IntroductionThe Case Study of PK ElectricsChapter One The Structure of a Thesis21.1 Introduction22.1 Reasons for PK to Enter International Market22.1.1 Market saturation 2.1.2 Production-related factors 2.1.3 .Cost-related factors 2.1.4 Human resources 2.1.5 Personal-related factors 2.1.6 Risk-related factors 2.1.7 More competitive 3.1 Two Sources for PK to Collect Information4.1 Key opportunities and Threats associated with entry into international market 4.1.1Political factor4.1.2 Economic factor5.1 The Process to Collect Information 6.1 Available Entry Modes to Choose6.1.1Exporting 6.1.2 Licensing 6.1.3 Joint Venture 6.1.4 Foreign Direct Investment7.1 the Most Suitable Mode to Enter8.1 conclusion (optional but recommended) BibliographyThe Case Study of PK Electrics1.1 IntroductionPK electric is a Chinese company which supplies some low technical products. The report will describe the PK Electrics and this company was established in 1987 in Ningbo Zhejiang province China . As the globalization, the last two years the rate of growth to decrease with sales and PK is now considering entering international market. In this report, it will talk about the reasons why PK choose to enter international market, the sources, the way to collect, the analysis process of the information, and some alternative entry modes could be selected by PK.2.1 Reasons for PK to Enter into International Market2.1.1 Market saturationThe company wants to enter international market because of the saturation in home market . the growth in the domestic market is slow at recently, In the paragraph, The more and more firm enter electrical make the market saturation .so the PK electrical sales began to decline. Last two years, the rate of growth has decreased with sales rising 5% and profit by 2% last year. Comparing with home market ,foreign market have more attractive. 2.1.2 Production-related factorsAvailability of resources and advanced technology attracted PK electric to invest abroad.2.1.3 .Cost-related factorsIt is cheaper to manufacture goods in a foreign country than to export them to it . Major factors, such as the cost of labour , or raw materials, capital and transport, lead PK electric to enter into international market. In foreign countries, the transport is better than domestic and attract PK electrics. 2.1.4 Human resourcesA countrys human resources are the most important influence on its economic wealth .PK electrics may have thought of factors such as: size and growth of the population; immigration trends; age distribution; urbanization; capabilities 2.1.5 Personal-related factorsHigh unemployment rates and weak trade unions in the target areas can be a good reason for FDI. 2.1.6 Risk-related factorsInvesting in more countries can help PK electrics reduce risks by avoiding the danger of putting all your eggs in one basket .It shows Chinas rapid growth in grain exports has caused the domestic grain price to rise continually2.1.7 More competitiveThe export make the company become more competitive in all areas of business. PK electrics are aware of big changes of big changes in international trading that occurred over the last 10-15 years with the Chinese economy becoming more market-based and the more recent impact of china joining WTO.3.1 Two Sources for PK to Collect InformationThere are two sources of information that PK electrics should access before deciding which international markets to enter. The primary information is collected first hand .It can be collected by representatives of the organization in person or commissioning research to be undertaken on behalf of the organization.The secondary sources of information can help to a organization wishing to investigate international markets .In china this is the Ministry of commerce of the People republic can help PK electric to find information .The price of the information is not expensive. This information should be checked first as it is readily accessible and saves time and effort .Another sources of information is overseas embassies of the national government.4.1 Key opportunities and Threats associated with entry into international market4.1.1Political factorFor the political factor, the government could give some opportunities to the company to entry into international market. The policies government make will influence the decision of the PK Electrics. In recent years, the development of PE Electrics is also increasingly subject to various levels of government attention. The government wi
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