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Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences -一、本单元重点单词1scarevt. 恐吓 vi.受惊吓 n.惊吓,恐慌Dont let the noise scare you; its only the wind.别让那声音把你哧住,那只不过是风声罢了。(scare sb. vt相当于frighten)He is a man who doesnt scare easily.他是一个不易受惊的人。(vi.)He got a gun and scared off the thief.他拿了一支枪把小偷哧跑了。(scare off/away把哧跑)What a scare you gave me , appearing suddenly in the dark!看你,突然在黑暗中出现,把我哧得半死!(n.)Why wont you come on the trip? Are you scared? What are you scared of?你怎么不参加旅行?你害怕吗?你怕什么呢?be scared of(害怕)相当于be afraid ofIm scared to fly in a planescared that it might crash.我怕坐飞机因为怕它坠毁。(be scared to do sth.害怕做某事;be scared that 从句)2finally adv .最后地;终于;决定性地,彻底地finally 常用作状语。例如:The speaker finally managed to get the attention of his audience.讲话人终于设法吸引住了观众。(终于)They talked about it for hours. Finally, they decided not to go.他们谈论了几个小时,最后决定不去。(最后)Its not finally settled yet.那事尚未决定性地解决。(决定性地)注意:finally可用来表示顺序,引出列举各项的最后一项。此时,不可用 at last 与 in the end 替换。不可用作感叹语。例如:At last! Where the hell have you been?总算找着你了!你到底上哪儿去了?(不可用作finally)3advance (1)v.前进;进展(move forward or develop)例如:The soldiers advanced on the enemy. 士兵们向敌人进发。A month has passed and the work has no advanced. 一个月过去了,可是工作却没有进展。(2)n. 前进;进展(forward movement or development)例如:You can not stop the advance of old age. 你不能阻止年龄老化的步伐。相关短语:in advance提前in advance of在前面;比进步;超过拓展:(1)advanced adj.高级的;先进的 如:advanced education高等教育 advanced English 高级英语 advance worker 先进工人(2)advancement n. 前进,进展4seize vt. 抓住;逮住;夺取The weapons found in the house were seized by the police.在这所房子发现的武器被警察没收了。(依法没收,扣押,查封)The enemy army seized the city soon.敌军不久就攻占了这座城堡。(强占)He seized my hands, shook it, and said how glad he was to see me.他紧握着我的手,摇了几下,并且说他真高兴见到我。(抓紧,握紧;take hold of)He was seized with sudden chest pains.他胸部突然作痛。(常用被动,侵袭attack)注意:seize后常接by短语,后接表示抓的具体部位。例如:He seized me by the hand.他抓住我的手。(seize sb.+ by+ the+部位,the不可改为ones或被省略掉)相当于:He seized my hand.5struggle vi. 努力;挣扎;奋斗 n. 竞争;努力;奋斗He struggled to the surface as the water dragged him down.水把他往下卷,他奋力挣扎到水面上来。(挣扎)They struggled against poverty.他们与贫困搏斗。(struggle against与搏斗/作斗争)They struggled for national independence.他们为民族独立而斗争。(struggle for为而奋斗/斗争)We should struggle to overcome our shortcomings.我们应该努力克服自己的缺点。(struggle to do sth.)A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life.外国语是人生斗争的一种武器。(n.)相关词组:struggle to ones feet挣扎着站起来拓展:struggle可与不同的介词连用,构成不同的词组。例如:They struggled through the snowstorm.他们冒着暴风雪前进。(struggle through)The sick baby cried and struggled in its mothers arms.病孩哭闹着,在母亲怀里挣扎着。(struggle in)The lamplight struggled out through the fog.灯光勉强透过迷雾照过来。(struggle out through)派生词:strugglingadj.奋斗的6flowvi.& n. 流动The stream flowed along rapidly.溪水畅流。Blood was flowing from his wound.血从他的伤口流出。The cars flowed in a steady stream along the main road.汽车在干道上不停的驶过。As the ladies drank their tea, conversation began to flow.女士们在喝茶,话题也滔滔不绝起来。Thats a rich city; money flows like water there.那是一个富裕的城市,金钱有如流水,到处都是。(充满)Her thick wavy hair flowed over her shoulders.她浓密的波浪式头发垂在肩上。(头发,布)飘拂The flow of the River Nile is at its fastest in the late summer.在夏季末,尼罗河的流速最快。(n .流速)注意:flow 是一个规则动词,它的过去式、过去分词分别为:flowed; flowed.而fly(v.)的过去式、过去分词则分别为:flew, flown,不可混淆。即:flowflowedflowedflowing (现在分词)flyflewflownflying (现在分词)7strike vt. & vi. (struck, struck/stricken) 击打;打动n .击打;打动用法:strike用法较多,主要掌握以下用法:He was so angry that he struck him on the nose.他是那么的生气,以至打了他的鼻子。(struck sb. on the+身体部位,打在某人某个部位)They were struck silent.他们愣住了。(突然/意外的成为)A bullet struck him dead.一颗子弹把他击毙了。(击中)I struck a match and held it to his cigarette.我擦了根火柴递过去给他点烟。(strike a match 擦火柴)The clock is striking four.钟在敲四点。(钟)敲响报(时)He was struck (down) by illness.他病倒了。(疾病)侵袭,harm suddenlyMy friend was struck by a snake.我的朋友被蛇咬伤了。(咬伤,抓伤)What struck me most was the beauty of the West Lake.给我印象最深的是西湖的美景。(给以印象;打动,感动)It struck me that we ought to make a new plan.我突然想到我们应当重新作出安排。(突然想起,come suddenly to the mind of sth.strike sb.某人突然想起某事)The workers struck for improving the working conditions.(罢工)工人们为了改善工作环境而举行罢工。相当于:The workers went on strike for improving the working conditions.注意:go on strike 进行罢工(指动作) be on strike 在罢工(指状态)比较:beat, hit, strike 和knock(1)beat指用力地打,痛打,跳动,还可以表示“打败”,如:The landlord beat the farmhand heavily. 地主毒打长工。The Iraq army was beaten. 伊拉克军队被打败了。(2)hit打击,袭击,打中,如:An earthquake hit the district. 这地区受到地震的袭击。One of the stones hit the wi
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