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小学英语五年级知识能力竞赛卷一、选出划线部分发音与所给单词划线部分相同的单词,将字母标号填入括号中。( ) 1. school A. cook B. noodle C. look( ) 2. summer A. use B. ruler C. uncle( ) 3. nearA. earB. chair C. they( ) 4. bread A. clean B. pen C. tea( ) 5. parkA. March B. work C. May( ) 6. fifth A. that B. think C. brother ( ) 7.under A. eraser B. nurse C. ruler( ) 8. short A. fork B. homework C. house( ) 9. try A. why B. play C. today二、选择合适的选项补全句子,将其字母标号填入题前括号内。( ) 1. - When is your birthday? - Its on _.A. JuneB. June 1thC. June 1st( ) 2. The elephants can _ water with _ trunks.A. drink, theirB. drinking, theirC. drinking, its( ) 3. - _ a story book? - Yes, I am. A. Can you read B. Are you reading C. Do you have( ) 4. - _ do you usually get up? - At about 6:30 on weekdays.A. Where B. When C. Which( ) 5. _ her birthday in spring?A. Is B. Does C. Do( ) 6._. The soup is very hot. A. Be careful B. Excuse me C. Here you are( ) 7. John and I _ students, and _ parents are teachers. A. are/we B. are/our C. am/my D. is/her( ) 8. There _ some milk and some bananas on the table. A. is B. are C. have D. has( ) 9.Is that _ dogs ? No, its_. A. your; her B. yours; hers C. your; hers ( ) 10.We usually have _ school trip in autumn. A. an B.our C.some 三、读句子,排列成对话,将阿拉伯数字填入括号中。( ) He is in the woods.( 1 ) Where is Zhang Peng?( ) Yes, he is. They are playing together.( ) Is he taking pictures?( ) No, he isnt. He is playing chess.( ) Is John playing chess, too?四、读句子,圈出合适的单词。1. (When/What)do you go to bed ?2. My sister has (a/an) big orange.3. I like (sheep/cows) . The milk is from them.4.I often (wash/washing) my clothes on the weekend.5. Look at the rabbit.(Its/Theyre) jumping.五、左右配对,将字母标号填入题前括号内。( )1.He is talking in the library. A. Keep to the right.( ) 2.We are playing a game. B. Talk quietly. ( ) 3.She is colouring at her desk. C. Take turns.( ) 4.They are writing in class. D. Keep your desk clean.( ) 5.They are walking on a bridge. E. Work quietly.六、根据句意,猜一单词。 1. .Im a colourful bridge in the sky. What am I ? You are the r_.2. I can fly, but I have no wings. Sometimes Ill cry, but I have no eyes.What am I ? You are the c_.3. I am green in spring and yellow in autumn. Birds like me and people like me. What am I ? You are the t_.4. Im red in the morning. Im white at the noon. Im orange in the afternoon. You cant see me in the evening . What am I ? You are the s_.5. Im white. Im cold. I can fly in the sky. You can call me a flower, but you cant see me when its warm. What am I ? You are the s_. 七根据句意,填空或选择相应的选项。1. There is an English book, a storybook and a comic book. Three students want to read them. Tom says” I have got the storybook. Mike says” I havent got the English book. So John has got the _. 2. In 2016, Lily is eight years old. Her brother Leo is four years younger than her. Their aunt is fifteen years older than Leo. So Leo is _ years old. Their aunt is _ years old.3. If you put a yellow balloon inside hot water and a red balloon inside cold water. The water in which cup will go higher ? ( A / B)4.Three boys goes fishing. Tom gets seven fish, three big ones and four small ones. Jim gets eleven fish, nine big ones and two small. Toney gets nine fish, all big. But a cat takes five big fish and two small fish away. Now how many fish do the children have ? ( )5.One fourth is 1/4. One sixth is 1/6 Three sevenths 3/7So what is seventeen twentieths ? ( / )八、阅读短文,选择正确答案。Joe is a student in Red Tree School. He is twelve years old. He often goes to school at 7:20 a.m. This morning, his family is very busy. Its 7:05 now. Look! Grandpa is answering the phone. It is from Mike. He says he wants to go to school with Joe. But wheres Joe and whats he doing now? Oh, he is eating breakfast at the table. Under the table, Mum is putting on his shoes. In the kitchen, Grandma is washing the fruit for him. Sister is looking for his books and putting them in his schoolbag. Wheres Dad? My God! Dad is in the car and shouting, ”Come on, Joe. Mike is in the car now!” What a boy!( ) 1. How old is Joe?A. 10B. 20C. 12( ) 2. Who wants to go to school with Joe.A. GrandpaB. FatherC. Mike( ) 3. Joe is
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