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不问收获,但问耕耘,最好的资料给最好的自己!公允价值通俗解释_浅析澳大利亚公允价值及应用时间:20XX年X月X日公允价值通俗解释_浅析澳大利亚公允价值及应用时间:2021-07-12 摘要:本文阐述了公允价值在为经济决策提供有用信息中所扮演的角色,以及公允价值的五个缺陷,并分析了澳大利亚两家不同行业的企业对公允价值的应用。 关键词:公允价值 澳大利亚企业 应用 Abstract:This essay stated the role of fair value accounting in providing useful information for making economic decisions. And then it discussed the limitations of fair value accounting. Finally, the essay analyzed the applications for fair value in two Australia companies which were in different industries. Keywords: Fair value accounting Australia companies Applications In the year of 2021, a series of financial institutions was on the verge of bankruptcy, even suffered acquisition. This made financial community give strongly oppugns in the application to fair value accounting. American Bankers Association even required stopping using fair value as a measurement instrument. Therefore, fair value accounting faces an acid test after American financial crisis. Some people think fair value accounting is the root cause and has aggravated for financial crisis. They strongly recommend modifying or stopping using fair value. Relatively, some are against that fair value accounting just represents the market fluctuation information it captures. Fair value only has the amplified action for financial crisis. Although it is stopped in use, it cannot solve the problems of financial crisis itself. Thus it can be seen the application of fair value accounting has become the focus for the whole world. Fair value has two authoritative definitions. Financial Accounting Standards Board thinks that fair value is the amount that the two willing parties purchase or sell one asset or liability in the current transaction (FASB, 2021). International Accounting Standards Board regards fair value as the amount that parties who are familiar with situation are willing to exchange assets or liabilities in true and fair transaction (IASB, 1998). Fair value accounting provides more transparency than historical cost based measurements. The western experts deem it has stronger relevance and information transparency. It also can provide more useful information for investors to make economic decisions. Thus, fair value accounting is gradually accepted by people and is application for financial instruments, long-term assets and liabilities measurement. In the year of 2021, FASB statement 157 Fair value measurements put forward the general framework with the measurement and disclosure of assets and liabilities fair value, and the model for measuring the assets and liabilities by fair value (Ge Jiashu, 2021).致自己的励志语录:读万卷书,行万里路!把握现在、就是创造未来,不问收获,但问耕耘!所谓的成功,就是把别人喝咖啡的功夫都用在工作上了。浪花,从不伴随躲在避风港的小表演,而始终追赶着拼搏向前的巨轮。天道酬勤,加油,加油,再加油!
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