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课 前 热 身一、词汇运用 1. You can read many_(杂志) in the reading room.2. It is a very useful book for_(语言) learners to improve their writing skills.3. The more careful you are, the _(少的) mistakes(错误) you will make.4.What is your_(理想的) school like?5. Most of the schools in our country are_ (混合的).6. I want to d_ something strange about Millie with you.7. Tom likes to o_ some help to anyone in need.8. English is one of the most important l_ in the world.9. You should cook and eat h_.10. This is a d_ newspaper. I buy one every day.答案:1-5 magazines language fewer ideal mixed 6-10 discuss offer languages healthily daily 二、短语默写1. 看电影 2. 更多地了解 3. 在一周快结束的时候 4. 在课堂上 5. 进行一次英语测试 6. 最多 7. 浏览、快速查看 8. 在午饭时间 9. 帮助某人做某事 10. 完成做某事 答案:1. see a film 2. learn more about 3.near the end of the week 4. in class 5.at most6. have an English test 7.look through 8.at lunchtime 9.help sb.with sth 10.finish doing sth Unit2重要语言点(一)1. biscuit n. 饼干【考点聚焦】 British EnglishAmerican Englishbiscuitcookieautumnfalllorrytruckfilmmoviefootballsoccerholidayvacationgardenyardrubbererasershopstore词汇运用1. Autumn, a British English word, is called f_ in American English.2. The Greens are now in Canada on v_(假期).3. In the USA, people go to cinemas when they want to see m_.4. Rubber is another way of saying e_.答案:(1)fall (2) vacation (3)movies (4)eraser2. mixed adj. 男女混合的 ; 混合的 【经典例句】Catherine was filled with mixed feelings of sadness and pleasure. 凯瑟琳悲喜交集。【知识拓展】vt. mix 使混合 mix sth with sth 把和混合在一起eg:The workers mixed the sand with and gravel together.人们把沙子和石块混合在一起。 词汇运用1. It is a school. Boys and girls have lessons together.2. For example, red apples, green pears, purple grapes and oranges together will make the salad look very colorful.3. In his works, the past and the present, common objects and musical instruments, traditional Chinese music and modern Western music all together to make a new type-music without boundaries.翻译句子她把糖放进咖啡,用勺子把它们搅拌在一起。 答案:(1)mixed (2) mixing (3)were mixed She put the sugar into the coffee and mixed them up with a spoon.3. discuss vt. 讨论;辩论【考点聚焦】(1) discuss sth. with sb.和某人讨论某事 eg:We discuss the books with our classmates in class. 我们和同学们在课堂上讨论书籍。(2) discussion n.讨论 a discussion with sb about/on sth eg:We had a discussion with them about the difference between Britain and the US.我们和他们讨论英国和美国的不同之处。词汇运用1. The wise girl often (讨论)the problems with her classmates after class.2. The programme started with a (discuss) about a survey. 单项选择( ) They were _ busy _ the project _ the time.A. too; to discuss; to forget B. too; discussing; to forgetC. so; to discuss; that they forgot D. so; discussing; that they forgot答案:(1)discusses (2) discussion (1)D4. offer【考点聚焦】v. 主动提出,自愿给予(1) offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. 向某人提供某物eg:He often listens carefully to my problems and offers me help.他经常认真地听我的问题,给我提供帮助。(2) offer to do sth.主动提出做某事eg:The kids offer to do the dishes. 孩子们主动要求洗盘子。【知识拓展】offer 作为名词(1) 主动提议,建议 (an offer of sth / to do sth )eg:Thanks for your kind offer of help. 谢谢你的好心帮助。 I took him up on the offer of the work. 我接受他工作的提议。(2) 出价,报价eg:I had an offer of $2500 for the car. 有人向我出价2500美元买这辆车。(3) 减价,特价eg: They have an offer on beer at the moment. 他们正在打折卖啤酒。单项选择 ( ) 1.ShallIclosethedoor?No.Just_itopen.A. offer B. try C. push D. leave( ) 2.Imgoingtothesupermarket.Letmegetyousomefruit.OK.Thanksforyour_.A. offer B.information C.message D.order( ) 3. Wedidntgototheconcertbecausewecouldnt tobuytheticketstoit.A.chooseB.expectC.offer D.afford 答案:(1)D (2)B (3)D 5. end 【考点聚焦】(1) vt. & vi.结束,终止 eg: On Friday afternoon, our school ends earlier than usual. (end=be over)在周五的下午,我们学校会比往常结束地早。 (2) n. 结束 in the end/ at the end of/ by the end of【知识拓展】(1) adj. endless 没完没了的;无尽的,无边的 eg: I have had enough of their arguing . 我听够了他们无休止的争吵。(2) n. ending 结束;结局;终结;最后部份 v. end的现在分词eg: His stories usually have a happy ending. 他的故事通常有一个美满的结局。 词汇运用1. Our
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