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2022大学英语六级读故事记单词(十三)a.1.小的,琐碎的,不重要的2.气量小的,心胸狭窄的pharmacyn.1.药房,药店2.药剂学,配药physiologicala.生理的,生理学的picketn.1.(罢工时的)纠察队,纠察队员2.戒备队,戒备哨vt.1.在设置纠察线2.派担当纠察,布置(警卫)戒备vi.担当纠察(或戒备哨)picturesquea.1.漂亮如画的2.(语言)生动的,绘声绘色的piern.(伸入水域的)码头,突堤pietyn.虔诚,虔敬pilgrimn.1.朝圣者2.(在国外的)旅行者,漫游者pineapplen.凤梨,菠萝pinpointvt.1.精确描述,确定,确认2.准确地确定的位置n.针尖,尖端a.非常准确的piraten.1.非法盗印(或复制)者,侵害版权者2.海盗vt.1.以海盗的方式抢劫,抢掠2.盗用,非法盗印(或复制)pistoln.手枪pistonn.活塞pitfalln.1.隐患,易犯的错误2.陷阱,圈套pizzan.意大利馅饼,比萨饼plaguen.1.瘟疫,鼠疫2.灾难,祸害vt.使苦痛(或难过),给造成困难(或麻烦)plankn.1.厚木板(条)2.政纲条目,政策要点plastern.1.灰浆,灰泥2.石膏3.橡皮膏,膏药vt.1.在上抹灰泥,厚厚地涂抹2.粘贴于,张贴于,贴满plateaun.1.高原2.(上升后的)稳定时期(或状态)plausiblea.似有道理的,好像正确的,貌似可信的plean.1.请求,恳求2.抗辩,辩论,辩护3.借口,托辞 False Piety It was another day on the picket line. Today we were in front of a pharmacy that supposedly sold drugs tested on animals to increase peoples physiological tolerance for pain. Well that was plausible, but no one ever heard our pleas, they just went from one petty picket line to another unable to pinpoint an overall theme to our actions. I was at a plateau on the whole picket line thing when we met a man who said that we could have a greater impact by pirating ships, using pistols, and doing something more drastic. This would get more attention as well as our faces plastered all over the TV screen and newspapers. We decided to give it a try. He never mentioned any pitfalls.Our first and only action was on a picturesque pier in Southern California. After eating our fill of pizza and pineapples we headed to the fishing boat that we were sure caught fish and also killed dolphins in the process. Our plan was to wreck the pistons of the boat engine and then make the captain symbolically walk the plank. But we were pilgrims in this new country of activism and the police fell upon us like the plague before we had done any damage at all.It also turned out that the man who told us to do this was an undercover policeman. All of his false piety was simply a trap to get us to do something crazy so that he could arrest us. And we had fallen for it all. 假装虔诚 纠察线进入了新的一天。今日我们是在一家药店前面,据说这家药店买的药在动物身上做过试验,是用来增加人们忍受痛苦的生理力量的。这听起来好像有些道理,但没有人听我们恳求,他们只是从一条小的纠察线走到另外一条小的纠察线,不能对我们行动的主题作出精确推断。在整个纠察线里面,我处于一种稳定状态,这时我们遇到了一个人,他说通过以海盗方式抢劫船只、使用手枪、做一些更加极端的事情我们就可以有更大的影响,这样会吸引更多的人留意,还会使我们的面部消失在电视屏幕上和报纸上。我们打算尝试一下。他只字未提简单犯的错误。我们的首次同时也是的一次行动是在南加利弗尼亚一个风景如画的码头。吃饱比萨饼和菠萝之后,我们向一条渔船走去,我们信任它能抓到鱼并且还能在捕鱼的过程中杀死海豚。我们的打算是破坏船上发动机的活塞,然后让船长象征性地在原木板上行走。但是在这个新的激进主义国家我们是朝圣者,我们还没来得及搞任何破坏活动,警察就像瘟疫一样对我们进展了攻击。原来那个要我们做这种事的人是个警察密探。他装得那么虔诚完全是个圈套,他让我们做一些疯狂的事,这样就可以把我们抓起来。我们还真上了他的当。
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