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六级考前模考试卷(二)1. 灾难随时都有可能发生,带来巨大伤害2. 因此,知道如何应对灾难十分重要3. 为了让学生更好地应对灾难,学校应当A Look That Conveys a MessageTo tour an assembly plant in Canada, Sergio Marchionne, the chief executive of Chrysler, wore a black sweater and a checked oxford shirt.At the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Mr. Marchionne wore a black sweater and a checked oxford shirt. And at a Saturday night gala honoring Lee A. Iacocca in Los Angeles, he wore a black sweater and a checked oxford shirt. Mr. Marchionne, who last year earned more than 5 million euros ($6.9 million) and owns luxury houses in three countries, has donned a monochromatic (单色的) wardrobe similar to that worn by other top-flight executives. He has discovered the power of dressing down, and not just on Fridays.“The message he wanted to pass is not wearing a tie, not wearing a suit, means we are more flexible and what really matters is not the uniform but something else,” said Cristiano Carlutti, the former head of used cars at Fiat, which Mr. Marchionne also heads.Today, corporate executives have a wider choice of what to wear than ever before. Stylists and personal shoppers reserve exclusive clothes, Hong Kong tailors make office visits and silk ties from France can be delivered overnight.Yet the simple personal uniform is being seen in some corner offices as the ultimate power suit. “I always used to feel sorry for them,” David Wolfe, creative director of the trend-forecasting company the Doneger Group, said of the single-outfit executives. “Now I think theyre smart.” He added, “How do you stand out if everybodys trendy? The only way is to be beyond the trend.” Mark Zuckerberg, chief executive of Facebook, wears hoodies and sneakers. Andrea Jung, chief executive of Avon Products, sticks with sleeveless close-fitting dresses often red and pearls. The television personality Simon Cowell and the fashion designer Roberto Cavalli wear jeans, T-shirts and black jackets.Joe Scarborough, the host of MSNBCs “Morning Joe”, takes regular ribbings (笑话) about his day-in, day-out fleece (羊毛的) jacket and jeans. A Facebook group is campaigning for Michael Kors, a designer and judge on the show “Project Runway”, to change his ensemble (also jeans, T-shirt and black jacket), which he has worn for nearly all eight seasons of the show.Steven P. Jobs, the chief executive of Apple, wears New Balance sneakers, Levis and black mock turtlenecks (高翻领衣), while Lawrence J. Ellison, the chief of Oracle, dons black mock turtlenecks, usually topped with a blazer. The motivations vary, but every uniform sends a message. Mr. Scarborough, a Republican who is the host of a program on a left-leaning cable network, may be signaling that he is a “mellow (温和的), fleece-wearing Republican that Democrats love to like,” wrote New York magazine. Mr. Jobs, by most accounts, prefers the ordinary clothe as a way to de-emphasize individuality in favor of promoting a collective approach at Apple. And Thierry Rautureau, a Seattle chef who tops every outfit with a hat, wears the distinctive style for branding purposes. Mr. Wolfe, the fashion forecaster, switched to a single outfit last summer as a protest against how accessible trends had become. “It is fashion snobbery (盲从) or elitism that made me think, I want to make sure people know Im not just a player in a game that too many people are playing, ” he said. While he used to go to work in “Tibetan Indian clothes, cowboy outfits, a baseball uniform one season, often street-cleaner jumpsuits and things like that,” he said, he has altered his look in the last several months to wearing white L. L. Bean oxford shirts and Levis 501s every day. “People are really coming to grips with the fact that the recession is the new normal. Were not going to get over it and go back to a wild and crazy extravagant time right away. I think thats starting to affect the way people are presenting themselves to the world at large, with a very conservative fashion approach,” he said.Some executives land on a statement piece that broadcasts their brand, as Mr. Rautureau did when he wore a soft hat to one of his restaurants.“A great customer of mine was sitting at the first table, and looked at me, and went, Oh, the chef in the hat, ” he said. “I snapped my finger and went, Marketing, marketing, marketing. ” Mr. Rautureau trademarked the chef-in-the-hat name, and has collected about 20 hats straw, cowboy and felt that he wears whenever he leaves his house. “It has been very successful in terms of, obviously, recognition and branding I can tell you, everywhere I go, they know the guy in the hat, the chef in the hat,” he said. “So its easy to be catchy.” Still, Mr. Rautureau concedes that he may have gotten too attached to his signature hat. After a fund-raiser in Cincinnati, he was mugged while walking back to his hotel, and a group of teenagers ran off with his hat. “Now, most normal people would have run
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