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(一)动词分类日常作息:wake upget upget dressedwash the facebrush the teethhave breakfastgo to schoolgo to workhave lessonshave lunchtake a restplay sportstake exercisesgo (back) homehave dinnerdo homeworkhave a bathgo to bedsleepeatdrinkcook娱乐休闲:have a partyhave a picnicdo some readingdo shoppinggo shoppinggo boatinggo swimminggo sightseeing go fishinggo travelinggo on a river cruisego to the circusgo to the flower showgo to the cinemago to a football matchwatch a football match on TVcome to teasee a filmwatch the birdslisten to music / the radiowatch TVclimb the mountainplay cardse-mail a friendwrite a lettervisit a friend / Beijingmeet a friend爱好与特长:singdrawpaintplay the piano / the guitardo well in make a ship modelplay cardsplay chess体育运动: runswimskip ropeswimplay basketballplay footballplay table tennisplay tennisplay badmintondo weight-lifting家务:water the flowersdo gardeningplant trees / flowersclean the housesweep the floorwash the dishescookwash the carwash clothesfeed the pet学习:readlistenspeakwritestudylearnpracticehand in the homeworkborrow a bookreturn a bookcatch up withteachmark the homeworkprepare the lessonstell a story心理和情感活动:wantloveenjoylikedislikelovepreferhopewishagree withthinkdreamfeel sad /happy /excited /boredworry身体健康:take exercisesee a doctortake the medicinego on a diethave a cold / fever / toothache / headachefeel tired /hot /cold /ill /sickeatdrink感官动词:listen tohearlook atseewatchfeel hot / cold /tiredsound interesting / different / greatlook young / tall / beautiful /fresh /good种植活动:grow / plant a treegrow / plant flowerswater the flowersdig a holefill in the earthpick up the fruitappear位置移动:leaveleave forstart formovebringtakeclimbrunwalkswimjumpflysit downstand upthrow at travelgocomeget toget out ofget downfallfall over与职业有关的动词:workput out firesclean up everythingdeliver letterscatch criminalsserve food and drinkshelp in a shopdrive a taxi / an ambulancecheck your teethhelp us to learnhelp sick people与“说”有关的动词:sayspeaktalktell与“看”有关的动作:looklook atlook forwatchsee其它动词: lastbeginstartendfinishbiteblowblow outbuycallcarrycatchchangecheckcloseopencountcostcovercrashcutdecoratefreechangegivegrow / grow uphelpinviteget wetkillkeeplook formakeneedput onput outshowturnwait forrun intocrash intoweighhavehave a resthave a bathhave a coldhave a good timehave been to have a lookhave funhave totaketake a messagetake a resttake medicinetake exercisetake photostake a bustake me to the flower showtake the third leftIll take it.playplay computer gamesplay cardsplay basketballplay musical instrumentsplay the piano
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