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专题07 读后续写之各种心理活动描写一、关键词(一)Hesitate (犹豫) Then she asked, hesitating, filled with anxious doubt.(二)Nervous/Frightened(紧张、害怕)1. I said nervously, my voice trembling a bit.2. I was seized by a sudden impulse (冲动)to run.3. Fear took hold of me. / Panic seized us. 4. My body tensed as I heard.5. I chewed my lip.6. I tossed and turned all night.彻夜难眠7. . I replied, feeling a lump(块状物) rise in my throat.8. I felt that the blood in my body cooledfroze rapidly because of the terrible sight9. With a pounding heart and cold, moist palms, I felt faint. 10.I froze with terror, too scared to move an inch.(三)Ashamed(羞愧)1. My throat was dry and my face was burning up.2. So ashamed was I that I could feel my face burning/the blood rush to my face.3. I dropped my eyes.(四)Sad/depressed (悲伤、抑郁)1. Jack is overcome with grief. 2. Grief comes in waves. 悲伤如潮水一般涌来。3. The last word went like a bullet(子弹) to my heart. -伤心、扎心4. A ripple of sadness welled up inside him 涌起阵阵悲伤5. The gloom(忧郁)deepened as the result came in. 更加难过6. My heart seemed to be torn.(心都要撕碎了) 7. Her eyes are flooded with tears.8. Tears are rolling down from her eyes. 9. Eyes begin to water. 10. I sobbed bitterly, tasting the salt from the tears that streamed down my face.11. I felt so sad that I found myself crying unconsciously, unable to hold back my tears. 12. There was clearly nothing left to do but drop herself onto the shabby little couch and weep.13. An air of sorrow and depression settled over the crowd.14. Her tears seemed to grieve (使伤心)the kindhearted others, for they immediately took out their handkerchiefs and began to weep also. (五)Angry生气1. Charlie glowered(怒视) when I asked him to come forward. 2. The boss is up in arms about the companys poor sales record in the past few months. (举起双臂,抖动两个拳头, 表示愤怒)3. be red with anger/rage(愤怒); boil with rage; be filled with fury(愤怒)4. He clenched his fists. 他紧握拳头. / She shook her fist at him (i.e. as an angry threatening gesture). 她向他挥动拳头.5. My voice sounds like a growling(咆哮), angry bear.6. The reply of the man again fueled the foolish officers anger(火上浇油、更加愤怒). 7. His friend, whose patience had worn thin(耐心被消磨光了), phoned to complain. 8. My teachers eyes were shining with anger.9. Anger engulfed吞噬 him like a wild beast.10. She could feel the anger growing, bubbling up inside her.如起泡一般变大11. I had an undercurrent resentment (对.心怀不满)towards the new proposal. 12. She threw the invitation on the table with annoyance, murmuring.13. Stamp ones foot in anger 气得直跺脚14. Run out of the room in a burst of anger怒气冲冲15. He was sweating and burning with rage. (六)Lonely(孤单)1. I feel abandoned by the world 被全世界抛弃。2. New fathers often feel left out when baby arrives.3. He felt a strong sense of loss after his divorce.4. I ended up feeling completely lost and abandoned.5. We all have moments of desperation.我们都有沮丧的时候。 6. Ever since I lost him, I have been faced with a deep sense of loss(失落感)-a feeling which is difficult for me to describe in words(难以用语言描述). (七)happy/ecstatic/radiant/warm开心、温暖1. Bathed in sunshine, we all cheered and jumped with joy. 2. The crowd became restless(骚动), excitement filling the room.3. Tears of happiness poured down Susans cheeks. 4. I felt the warmth surging through me.5. I think hed mighty(及其) happy that .6. His eyes twinkle with pleasure every time he remembers last winter. 每当他想起去年冬天,就喜上眉梢。7. Smiles are dancing in his eyes./Her eyes danced with joy and happiness.8. I laughed out loud/laughed heartily (哈哈大笑) when I saw that funny video. 当我在看有趣的录像的时候我大声笑了。16. Eyes light up. 精神振奋、高兴17. I beamed at(对.微笑) him, “Welcome back,.” 18. Her smile hit the deepest of my heart. 她的微笑触动了我内心深处。19. Hearing this, everybody was wild with joy(欣喜若狂)20. Ones eyes brim over with warm excited tears热泪盈眶21. One evening, standing under a jeweled sky, I found myself thankful for all the hardships. (八)Shocked/startled/stunned/surprised震惊1. Mother fainted away, with the shock of the bad news. 坏消息带来的震惊让妈妈昏过去了。2. Hearing the bad news, Mary froze with shock, as if rooted on the ground. (僵住了,像扎根在地上一样)3. The car was gone in seconds, leaving Alice shaking her head in disbelief. 难以置信地摇头4. I sensed a flash of surprise in his eyes. 我感觉到他眼里的一丝惊讶。A flicker of a gust of (九)Disappointed/frustrated 沮丧1. Overcome with/by my bitter disappointment, I refused to be comforted. 2. When I saw the pile of dirty dishes, my heart sank. 我看到那一堆肮脏的餐具时,感到很扫兴. 3. in low spirits in an unpleasant mood 情绪低落;沮丧 4. Feel nauseated 觉得恶心5. I feel like all my insides have been drained out and I feel empty and let down. 6. I feel sad, frustrated, angry, confused, hopeless and hurt all at the same time.(十)Jealous 嫉妒1. This sense gives me a headache and makes me jump from envy to severe hate(从嫉妒发展到极度憎恨).2. I feel like I am a big, green, grouchy (不高兴的;
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