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北师大版六年级英语下学期填空题专项调研班级:_ 姓名:_1. 读句子,选出正确的选项写在横线上。1_(How often/How many) minutes a day do you exercise? About fifty minutes.2Li Ming gets up_(at/in) 6:30 in the morning.3I like to eat_(tomatoes/tomatos). I often eat them with eggs.4_(Talking/Running) is exercise. Its good for our body.5Danny_(thought/bought) he could hit the ball. But he hit his hand.2. 选词填空。(1) I have fifteen _. I like drawing with them.(2) How _ books do you see?(3) My school is big and _ .(4) _ in your hand?(5) Do you _ any toy cars?3. 用下列单词的适当形式补全句子。1He_(cross) the road and went into a bank.2Please run_(quick), Sam.3There are some traffic_(light) on this road.4Must Nancy_(wash) clothes now?5_(Would/Must) you like a glass of juice?6Mr. Smith_(take) me to the classroom last Monday.7There_(be)any juice in the bottle just now.8Shall we_(visit) our teacher?9Vegetables are_(health) for us.10That sign_(mean) you can eat here.4. 填写恰当的疑问词,完成对话。1._did Mike do?He played basketball.2._are you eating?Because Im hungry.3._is she?She is Helen Keller.4._are you going to get up?At seven oclock.5._did you go?I went to the cinema.5. 填空题。1Its taller than both of_(we).2My sister has a lot of_(knife).3Whose bike is this? Its_(Zhang Peng).4They often_together on Sundays.5I often_with my mother.6. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Liu Tao_(look) for his schoolbag now.2My mother_(buy) some fruit and vegetables this afternoon.3Lets_(eat) some fruit.4What_Su Hai and Su Yang_(do) next Saturday?Theyll watch a film.5My father wants_(tell) a story.6Tomorrow is_(child) Day.7There are some_(child) in the house.8She is going to_(sing) an English song.7. 填空题。1We visited the Great Walllastweek, and we will visit Hainanweek.2You are a wonderful friend. I will come back to(Chinese) sometime.3Will there(be) a big study in your new home, David?Yes, there will. I(read) books there.4Where are they going?5She is going to take photos.8. 填空题。1Li Ming fell off his bike and_his_.2Sarah_(buy) a film magazine last Saturday.3Daming_(take) a photo of his father yesterday.4I_(have a cold) yesterday, so I didnt go to school.5WuYifan_(stay) at home last night.9. 根据句意,首字母,汉语或所给词提示填入所缺单词。1I am going to visit the Art Museum,_Museum(科学博物馆),_Museum(历史博物馆),_Museum(机器人博物馆), and_Museum(汽车博物馆)this summer holiday.2Is Qiqi_the box?Yes.3There is a sofa, a_(桌子), a_(电视), and a_(台灯)in the sitting room.4Its not a desk. Its a t_5Now Danny is_(put) on his winter coat.6What_(happen) to you? I_(lose) my keys.7Everyone wants to be_(health) and strong.10. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1My brother should_(do) more sports. He is too fat.2Liu Tao didnt_(sleep) very well last night. So he feels_(sleep) now.3Whose dress is this? Its my_(sister).4My grandpa_(listen) to the radio many years ago.5Lets_(go) to the zoo this afternoon.11. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Fiveyearsago,he_(write)letterstohisfriend.Nowhe_(send)emailsontheInternet.2Tenyearsago,they_(live)inasmallhouse.Nowthey_(live)inabighouse.3There_(is)anoldbuildingbefore.Nowthere_(is)anewpark.12. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1What_(do) you often do on the weekend?2I_(am) ill last weekend.3Mike_(see) a film tomorrow.4I_(wash) my clothes last weekend.5_(do) you go for a walk yesterday?6Sarah_(clean) her room every weekend.7I_(drink) tea this morning. It was nice.8I_(stay)at home and slept yesterday.13. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1We_(visit) my grandparents tomorrow.2Mike is from_, so he is an_(Australia) boy.3London and Sydney are interesting_(country).4We cant wait_(read) the story.5Ill_(send) an email to my friend.6They are_(sport-lover).7Please send me some_(photo).8How many_(season) are there in a year?14. 看图完成下列句子。1I_and_yesterday.2Whatdid yourgrandpadolastweekend?He_.3Howdidyougetthere?I got there_
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