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北京语言大学21春英语语音离线作业一辅导答案1. I dont think I will ever feel _ spreading rumors.A. consistentB. commonC. comforI dont think I will ever feel _ spreading rumors.A. consistentB. commonC. comfortableD. comparable答案:C2. What the organizer of Miss Digital World wants to do next is_.Ato sell pictures of bWhat the organizer of Miss Digital World wants to do next is_.Ato sell pictures of beauties for calendarsBto hold another contestCto put the digital beauties into practical useDto start an advertising company正确答案:C由文章最后一段可知,Cerami现在的梦想是成立一个虚拟美女公司,将她们推销给挂历、游戏、广告和电影等产业。据报道,已经有一位美女登上了花花公子的头版,由此可概括为使虚拟美女产生实际效益,故应选C。3. 【C10】AprofessionsBprofessionersCprofessionalsDprofessionist【C10】AprofessionsBprofessionersCprofessionalsDprofessionist正确答案:C由信息词amateurs(业余运动员)可知,此处要填的应是amateurs的反义词professionals(职业运动员),professioners和professionist均系构词错误。4. She needs to return the book by next Friday.She needs to return the book by next Friday.参考答案她得在下周五之前把书还回去。5. 梳理头发可以刺激皮肤和皮下组织,促进血液循环,这样可以为大脑供应更多的氧气。(stimulate)梳理头发可以刺激皮肤和皮下组织,促进血液循环,这样可以为大脑供应更多的氧气。(stimulate)参考答案:Brushing stimulates the skin and the tissues underneath so blood can nflow more easily and more oxygen can reach the brain.6. 按照你以前信中的要求,我们缮制第300号售货确认书一式两份,如蒙会签后及时寄回一份我们将不胜感激。按照你以前信中的要求,我们缮制第300号售货确认书一式两份,如蒙会签后及时寄回一份我们将不胜感激。As requested in your previous letter, we have made out our Sales Confirmation No 300 in duplicate and shall thank you for sending back one copy duly countersigned7. Can you tell me which place you _ ?A. think overB. have out of mindC. have in the miCan you tell me which place you _ ?A. think overB. have out of mindC. have in the mindD. have in mind参考答案:D8. 18在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.w/i/ndB.k/i/ndC.f/i/ndD.m/i/nd参考答案:A9. No sooner _ than she realized that she should have kept silent. A) had the words been spokenNo sooner _ than she realized that she should have kept silent.A) had the words been spokenB) had the words spokenC) the words had spokenD) the words had been spokenA当No sooner放在句首时,主谓要进行倒装。同时,语言是被说出来的,要用speak的被动语态。10. In a grammartranslation method classroom, reading and writing are the major focus; lIn a grammar-translation method classroom, reading and writing are the major focus; little or no systematic attention is paid to speaking or listening, because literary language is considered superior to spoken language and is therefore the language students should study.( )正确答案:对11. How do English people use( )?A.a knife and forkB.knife and forkC.the knife and forkD.kniHow do English people use( )?A.a knife and forkB.knife and forkC.the knife and forkD.knife and forks答案:A12. Reading Selectively or Extensively? 写作要点: 1有人认为读书要有选择。 2有人认为应当博Reading Selectively or Extensively? 写作要点: 1有人认为读书要有选择。 2有人认为应当博览群书。 3我的看法。正确答案:Some think that when we read we should read selectively. That is to say we should select some books we are interested in and ignore others. Reading selectively can help us concentrate our limited time and attention on those selected books.rn Some others think when we read we should read extensively. That is to say no matter what kind of book it is we should look it over. Reading extensively can help us enlarge our view and grasp the general knowledge from different fields.rn In my opinion the two reading methods have their roles respectively in our reading. However their own disadvantages are easy to see. If we only read selectively the framework of our knowledge may not be complete; if we read extensively we may not have so much time and energy and be specialized in one particular field. Therefore the combination of the two methods is more reasonable.Somethinkthatwhenwereadweshouldreadselectively.Thatistosay,weshouldselectsomebooksweareinterestedinandignoreothers.Readingselectivelycanhelpusconcentrateourlimitedtimeandattentiononthoseselectedbooks.Someothersthinkwhenwereadweshouldreadextensively.Thatistosay,nomatterwhatkindofbookitis,weshouldlookitover.Readingextensivelycanhelpusenlargeourviewandgraspthegeneralknowledgefromdifferentfields.Inmyopinion,thetworeadingmethodshavetheirrolesrespectivelyinourreading.However,theirowndisadvantagesareeasytosee.Ifweonlyreadselectively,theframeworkofourknowledgemaynotbecomplete;ifwereadextensively,wemaynothavesomuchtimeandenergyandbespecializedinoneparticularfield.Therefore,thecombinationofthetwomethodsismorereasonable.13. What will the author probably talk about after the last paragraph?AThe Seven Wonders of tWhat will the author probably talk about after the last paragraph?AThe Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.BPeoples comments about the results.COther four new wonders of the world.DHow to visit the wonders of the world.正确答案:C本题为推理判断题。根据第三段的最后一句“Hereisthenewlistofworldwonders
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