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情态动词练习题用can, could,may, must, need, should, will填空:1. _ you play the piano?2.You _ borrow my dictionary.3.The moon _ (not) always be full.4. _ I use your pen?5. _ Can i sit beside you?6. You _ take care of your parents.7. We _ save water.8. You _go to see a doctor.9.I _ do my best to help you.10.You _ to show your school cards.【巩固练习】一、用can, may, must, need, have to, had better的适当形式填空:1. You _ return the library book on time.2. I _ (not) find the way to the hospital. _ you show me the way?3. _ I finish the work right now? No, you _ (not). You _ do it later.4. He said he _ (not) come tonight.5. Her mother was ill. She _ stay at home and look after her.6. Its time for class. You _ stop playing football or you _ be late for class.7. We _ start right now, or they would get there first.8. The cloud is lifting, so it _ (not) be a rainy day tomorrow.二、选择填空:1.Excuse me. Will you please tell me the way to the railway station? Oh, sorry, but I dont know. You _ go and ask that policeman. A. mayB. must C. would D. should2. John _ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet. A. mayB. can C. has to D. must3.This book _ Lucys. Look! Her name is on the books cover.A. cant beB. may be C. mustnt be D. must be4. _ I finish the work today? No, you _.A. Must, cantB. Must, neednt C. May, needntD. Can, mustnt5. _ we ask you some questions? Sure, go ahead! A. Will B. Shall C. Must D. Need6.You must come back every month. Yes, I _. A. mustB. shouldC. will D. can7.Where is Tom? He hasnt come to school today. I think he _ be ill.A. has to B. had better C. can D. must8. Whats the time now? Its still early. You _ worry about the time.A. may not B. dont have to C. cant D. dont need9. _ I visit Lucy on Sunday, Mum? Yes, you _.A. Must, can B. May, may C. Need, need D. May, need10.Computers _ process difficult problems very quickly. A. can B. must C. should D. need情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. can C. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book out?-No, you_.A. cant B. may not C. neednt D. arent(B) 4 You_ go and see a doctor at once because youre got a fever.A. can B. must C. dare D. would(B) 5 -Can you speak Japanese?-No, I_.A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. may not2(C) 1 -He_ be in the classroom, I think.-No, he _ be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago. A. can; may not B. must; may not C. may; cant D. may; mustnt(D) 2 -Shall I get one more cake for you, Dad?-Thanks, but you_, Ive had enough.A. may not B. must not C. cant D. neednt(B 3 Even the top students in our class cant work out this problem, so it_ be very difficult.A. may B. must C. can D. need( ) 4 He isnt at school. I think he _ be ill.o A. can B. shall C. must D. has to( ) 5 _ I take this one?A. May B. Will C. Are D. Do3( ) 1 The children_ play football on the road.A. cant B. can C. mustnt D. must( ) 2 You _ be late for school again next time.A. mustnt B. neednt C. dont have to D. dont need to( ) 3 -Must I do my homework at once?-No, you_. A. neednt B. mustnt C. cant D. may not4( ) 1 His arm is all right. He_ go and see the doctor.A. has not to B. dont have toC. havent to D. doesnt have to( ) 2 He had to give up the plan, _ he?A. did B. didnt C. does D. doesnt( ) 3 They had to walk here, _ they?A. mustnt B. did C. didnt D. hadnt5( ) 1 He had better stay here, _ he?A. didnt B. dont C. hadnt D. isnt( ) 2 Youd better_late next time.A. not to be B. not be C. wont be D. dont be( ) 3 Youd better _ your hair _ once a month.A. had; cut B. had; cuttedC. have; cut D. have; cutted( ) 4 You_ ask that man over there. Maybe he knows the way. A. had better not to B. had not better C. had better D. had better not6( ) 1 -Shall we go and visit the History Museum next Sunday?A. Here you are B. Sorry, I cant C. Yes, please D. Let me try( ) 2 -Why dont you ask Mike to go with us?-Thanks, _.A. I will B. I wont C. lean D. I may( ) 3 -_ I take the newspaper away?-No, you mustnt. You_read it only here.A. Must; can B. May; can C. Need; must D. Must; must7( ) 1 Excuse me. _ you please pass me that cup?A. Do B. Should C. Would D. Must( ) 2 _ you like to have another try?A. Could B. Will C. Would D. Do( ) 3 -Would you like to go boating with us?-Yes, _.A. Id like B. I want C. Id like to D.
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